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Aug 2018 · 133
What I Lost
Kassie Aug 2018
Poison. A person. Life. All these things are deadly. But the deadliest of them all? Easy, it’s love. You easily lose yourself and become someone you said you’d never become. Then, your lover leaves and you get ****** into this black hole called heartbreak. I told you so’s are said. Hope is lost along with yourself. You’re not the same person anymore. Your world comes crashing down. Darkness takes over you. You’re left with yourself and now you’re sitting on the couch in the middle of the night wondering where you went wrong. Life as you know it has changed. Now you’re left with poison and will be forever bound to a never-awakening slumber.
Aug 2018 · 106
Cold and Hollow
Kassie Aug 2018
All I see is black.
I’m falling agonising slow.
Loud opera is playing around me.
A tall and slender man catches me.
The music softens.
I still can’t see a thing.
Then, my head starts spinning,
heart is racing,
the music gets more and more intense.
Fire bursts everywhere.
Everything is bright.
I’m dropped and continue falling down into an ocean.
I’m alone and in the dark once again.
I’m taken over by this empty and hollow feeling.
It’s cold,
But for now,
I see a truely beautiful horror.
The lights tangle on the dead trees,
A table and two chairs placed in the middle of the patch of dead grass,
My ex is standing in front of the table.
It all looks perfect in this horrifying place, but it all fades away and I’m only left with the monster in my head.

— The End —