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fresh words
for an old ache
another pang
on the same ol' stake.
how many more pangs
is this **** gonna take.

i want to break through
you're screen door
i want to scream
until my lungs can't anymore
& i wanna show you
that my heart was a *****

i loved everyone
who looked my way
i loved everyone
who had something to say
it wasn't worth
the price i had to pay
to let you pull my hair
and kiss my lips 'til they fray

to let you slip me notes
and lip my back
but at being subtle-
those skills we both lack
& thus our worlds
quickly started to crack
and so i grabbed the Camels
from my brown rucksack

to hell with dignity
to hell with what's true
i wanted one thing
i wanted you
so easily you caved
YOU asked if i wanted to
then i started to see your soul
in a different, darker hue

a selfish lying *******
that's all you are
so naturally this thing
couldn't go very far
but my expectations
were to the same par
i couldn't destroy the sight
of your body in my car

i don't like the face in the mirror
what you've made out of me
but it was always inside
something i ******* see
at least now i can let go
something's been set free
& if this happened over
i'd still give you the key
There was once man.
He awoke one day and found that he could no longer stand, but he had a plan.
With a well placed hand he stood once more.
Looking, looking he never founds the source of his confusion.
But a bright light blinded him with a woman's illusion.
With his eyes on hers, he opened his mouth to speak.
Nothing came out, so he dropped to his knees.
Her had on his shoulder, she started to weep.
This man could not stand, could not stand his defeat. JMThere was once man.
He awoke one day and found that he could no longer stand, but he had a plan.
With a well placed hand he stood once more.
Looking, looking he never founds the source of his confusion.
But a bright light blinded him with a woman's illusion.
With his eyes on hers, he opened his mouth to speak.
Nothing came out, so he dropped to his knees.
Her had on his shoulder, she started to weep.
This man could not stand, could not stand his defeat. JM
Happy in love
I knew we would be
living in a dream
it's easy to see.
We've had some hard times
and there will be more
but being with you
is never a bore.
You've touched my heart
and changed my life
you make me so happy
I love being your wife!
I'm so excited to start our family
Our dreams are starting to come true
We've gotta stick together,
I couldn't do it without you!
You are my partner
my best friend and love
I prayed for you so long
I believe you were sent from above.
We have so many blessings
I can't wait to see what the future may hold
fun with friends and family
and a porch swing for two when we're old...
***** pills and that naughty no no known as drugs
hell if you do anything your addict ever see the sobber ******
down at the local mall?

Kids screaming wife *******   you catch the eyes of  the so called
happy *******  who looks like one more scream laced cry
is gonna make him flip and   create some  drama for the evening news .

Yeah happiness sure smells like misery to me.
Id rather  drink and **** till I fall out dead than
live the dream that looks more like a nightmare.

Taking pills not to strangle some misreble ***** to death.
Meanwhile she's greezing your brakes trying to to talk ya in to going to see the grand cannyon.

Ever been there?
Yeah a big *** ditch with a bunch of  annoying picture taking ******
yeah i'll snap a pic of ya okay step back ,back okay like a few more steps  well ya fell of the ledge  ya silly *******.
Guess it's cool to keep the camera.  

Ive been to scores seems the sights were more dam grand and
the drinks a hell of alot better.

Ever wake up to the dam TV blaring some early morning
horse ****?
Some dam annoying tiny voiced ******* talkin to the kids.
Look they got the net they get knocked up and make a show about it
something tells me you can cut the ******* act.

16 and pregnant wow  what genius  more like when
horney *******  attack  hey heres a brainstorm
birth control  not that some over emotional half wit
doesnt need a kid   hell   cant wait to see thoose offsprings
hey mom wanna go on a double date to the prom?

Happiness it cost to dam much and love will give ya
heart burn.
Im in a good mood today.
Well cept for being misreble *******.
Keep it between the ditches

The Captain
She is

sitting by the window

sipping a cup of black coffee

at a corner of a coffee house




disconnected from

any potential

influences and

biasness that

may alter

her singularity

of mind and senses.
July 27, 2009 · 9:15 am
My heart is full of emotions,
not all of them so bad.
Joy, love, remorse;
and hate I never knew I had.

Everything you put me through,
I put it in the past.
Every wrong that you now deny,
the pain comes back so fast.

I hate how you ignore them;
those scars you left on me.
Maybe it's easy for the invisible,
but what of the scars that you can see?

I will not pretend to love you
like my siblings do.
I will not cower in your presence,

Not dislike and not disgust.
I now recognize this state.
Of all the gifts you gave me,
I'll gladly return the hate.
Wading into a stream,
Letting my fingertips skim the surface
Compelling them to inhale
The words the water speak
I am grasping
To hold onto the waves
That seem to be rushing
Faster, the more frenzied my attempts become
Until my movements become sloppy
And the river becomes angry
Not just passing though my fingers,
But slicing them, like a punishment
That I deserve

I try to push my own words
Back down my fingertips
Anticipating that the line goes both ways
And maybe this will make you hear me
I hope you want to hear me
And that you can understand

But you’ve passed by me so fast
That I don’t even know if its you
Who I’m reaching for anymore
And my reckless attempts turn
To pathetic cries
Filled with sorry, and judgment
And shame
And regret
That I couldn’t hold on,
When you were right in front of me.


Never ruin an apology with an excuse.
I wanted to see your body’s
Curling limbs,
And a tangled body.

I wanted to feel your soft skin,
The warmth.
How you tingled when we made contact.

I wanted to feel your heart beating
Under my hand,
I know your life was stronger.

I wanted to twirl your hair,
Which frizzed in the morning,
The hair that was covering my face that night.

I used to want you,
Yearning so badly,
Feeling it pulsing threw me and making my mind throb.

And you moved first.

I saw you watching me,
I felt you rubbing up my arm.
I watched as you moved up to my chest,
I sensed you kissing my ear.

I've giving in
On what you wanted,
Before I could give in for myself.
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