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Leon Hart Oct 2013
This journey started with a morning pancake
and your special coffee with chocolate
that all tasted so real as if i was awake

Five years we sat on a table,
with you across from me,
and I across from you,
we spent years building something true

Come rain, sleet, or snow
no matter which road I take,
You were always the way to go

As I held your hand,
And You held mine,
We walked through every weather
and still your hand would be engulfed around mine

Just as the sun rises in the morning
   you have always had my heart,
   And just as the sun sets in the evening
   you took what we built
   and tore it apart.

You were all that I had
and all that I ever hoped for,
Now I'm laying here
on this cold October floor.
Leon Hart Apr 2013

I've spent hours contemplating
the words to say to you
but no combination
of twenty six letters
could ever capture
a sliver of what this feeling is
Leon Hart Apr 2013
It's amazing what one person can do
they could come in and leave a mark
as big as the the sun,
And at a moments notice
they leave you completely undone

And when they return
it's immensely magical
that a second chance is given,
when all along you were a fool
for thinking love has risen,
and it strikes you like lightning
that everything is just so cruel
Leon Hart Apr 2013
I know of no other catharsis
other than this...poetry
it's my escape from the world
I have a million words to say
even the most repetitive never gets old

I breath in words
and, breathe out an image
I take in pain
and create a colorful painting

Oh poetry, take my experience
and, create  life with purpose
an entity with existence
Leon Hart Apr 2013
As with most men, it is easier for me to give hugs than to accept them,
Let the truth be known that men are nothing more than emotional skyscrapers,
built with glass infrastructures, spray painted the color of steel and nicknamed "Strength"

Strange, isn't it?

What walking contradictions are we called men...

Men are taught to colonize at the age of 5 through games like cops and robbers,
cowboys and indians
At the age of 8 we are given helmets and told to hit each other on the head with it,
Bleed but do not bleed,
Cut but do not cry,
Be a man, join the military,
Die for your country, and if death comes to you,
Look it in the eye and say:
Bring it on, mother-******, I fear nothing but intimacy.

When it comes to intimacy men quiver like fault lines, crumble like cities

What walking contradictions are we called men...

Men sign peace accords while abusing their wives,
Accept the Nobel Peace prizes while reducing health care,
Pledge to rid the world of terrorism while simultaneously denying government aid to any country that defends a woman's right to choose

During the 1970's the US government forcebly sterilized an estimated fifty percent
of the indigenous population of America's Mid-West telling them the process was reversible

Can you say biological terrorism?

In a global war against terror, maybe testosterone is the real terrorist
And if so, how many of these Star Spangled singing, flag waving citizens would
continue to do so If terror was not racialized, but gendered?

Would the US military turn its guns on itself for a *** trap across Southeast
Asia, Africa and the Americas?
Would MTV be firebombed for its subjectification, hyper-sexualization of our women of colored bodies?
Would we stop looking towards the muslim world for misogyny and instead
turn our sights to Madrid, Montreal, New York, Los Angeles?

And I understand my sisters when they say every woman has a story that's been told a maxim of one soul, maybe less
And that is why you'll never hear me call a woman ****, ***** or a ****,
No matter what she does, because I do not blame her
I blame the men who have emotionally and physically ***** her,
I blame these corporations whose images tell them they hate her,
And I put my arms on her shoulder and tell her how great to life and
to God that SHE created her

Men, take note, this is how you give love,
This is how you receive hugs.
Press flesh to flesh till breast crumple,
Like emotional origamy.

                                   -Mark Gonzales
Leon Hart Apr 2013
We are trapped by our predisposed characteristics
Seemingly inescapable,
but little did you know it is nothing more than a facade,
Like an arrow that tells you where to go,
But your instincts tell you not to follow
the choice is always yours,
now choose the right course.
Leon Hart Apr 2013
Whatever happened to following your dreams?
Performing magic for sheer entertainment,
Or making it to the big league and playing for your team

At what point did it all come crashing down?
when did you say "***** my dreams"
just because it was a profession that seems to be run-down

I once dreamed of performing as a wrestler in the squared circle,
then i realized that in life it isn't a straight narrow road
a plethora of ups and downs, and gigantic sacrifices here and there

Now I am only a quarter of my dream
holding on to it, hoping that the actual things did not matter
everyday I'm afraid of falling off, like I'm walking on a beam

In the not so distant future--what happened?
Will turn into It Happened!
And when it does you will see it actually happen.
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