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Jan 2014 · 2.4k
The cure (her)
LennieLynn Jan 2014
Hot tempered
An unborn member
Fearful of joy
She is her own toy
Caged by society
Confused with bisexuality
Locked up in her own thoughts
She could of cried but her throat is clogged
All corners of her mind
Seem not to be kind
The monster haunting her
Is the sadness of a young girl who died in a massacre
May she be set on fire
She should of yelled louder
Her walls are getting tighter


No more struggle
The pain is over
She wakes up to see her own daughter
Quiet and still
She remembers her strong will
Beautiful she lays
Small and perfect
With eyes like her own
The creation worth living for
Her daughter so tiny
Asleep next to her
She knows there is no hiding
Only to face and deal with the struggles
For her delicate little child
The constant reminder of why she is alive

They're always the same problems
And they may get worse
But she takes a deep breath in
Because she knows how much she's worth.
How much she means to someone
To know what it's like to be alone.
Well that is a feeling she will not let her baby girl know.
Jan 2014 · 776
The miles
LennieLynn Jan 2014
My head lays on the same pillow
I rest my body under the same sheet
I look up onto my ceiling
And i can feel the coldness of my room with my feet
My head is heavy with thoughts
My heart filled with emotion
My body empty from not being touched
I think of you
Your smile with mine
The way you hold my eyes
The beauty of madness we create with our lives
I miss your hands all over me in every possible way
I crave your lips pressed on every inch of me
I close my eyes as I picture you
I picture us
Skin on skin
Opened completely
Naked and vulnerable
I cry and open my eyes
I am yours.
My thoughts, my dreams, my desires, my emotions,
You know me like no one has ever
Everything I hid and kept inside
You know because I knew you were the one.
Love has took me and you have taken my all
And I am sad that we are far apart
But I know we are fighting the same battle
Doubt, fear, and loneliness shall not prevail
For these few miles that's may seem like forever
Will be worth it.
The waiting will end.
And it will be worth it.
May 2013 · 545
Love is in a Person
LennieLynn May 2013
Always belived and so easily said
the word rolls of the tounge of those who use it
and abuse it
used for many reasons
misused in multiple situations
the words meanings change in the seasons
yes, it is love.

Love which lifts us all up from the darkness we onced lived in
but not the kind that family can give you
the one only a person with the right intentions
wants to smother you with kisses
hold you while you cry
without them being the reason why
the one who makes you laugh with a silly joke
or with a poke
and thinks your the perfect you.

Love that fills you with hope
the kind that helps you cope
that person that cares for your safety
and doesnt want to take it to far until your ready
the one who replaces the hate from your brain
and the black from your soul
the one who accepts you for everything you are
as a complete whole.

Love that doesnt hurt you
and gives you patience for time
the person who will wait for you
and stays truthful,
wont lie.

Love knows no color or shape
*** or race
it is what's within  
our rights to love whom we want
who our hearts desire.

Love is a person.
A person who you want to find
the one you want to share a life with
the one you want to see a future
a forever
and and always.
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
Cheat, Cheater, Cheated
LennieLynn Apr 2013
You talk to me as if nothing is wrong
acting as if your the one
the victum
whos not getting along
but your ****** up and done
your venom leaking from your teeth
i swear i can almost smell your heat
you went and did the deed
and came back to me
calling me
begging saying sorry.

Waiting for my response
i couldn't move
i stayed still
feeling the breath inside me increase
with guilt
i stare at nothing but the white i see before me
you touch my hand
i start to cry
i pull away wanting to hide
how could you do it
i thought you loved me
a simple mistake that you know would hurt me
imposible to believe anything you say anymore
hearing her laugh at me
calling me names
was that ***** worth it
you cant even let me leave you
the image of me walking away
cuts you wide open
do you really think you deserve it?
my forgivness for a sin
a sin that you knew all too good
was my limit.

My heart aching with regret
how could this be
i took you back half heartedly
you hate when i bring it up
but you never seem to notice
the hole you left inside of me
you can barely even focuse

Yes i forgave you
yes i took you back
yes i put it behind me
but the pain does not lack
the hurt will stay with me forever
the memory will never change
the moment when you didnt think
you'd throw my trust away.
Apr 2013 · 777
LennieLynn Apr 2013
You feel like ****,
She doesnt care,
You feel empty and alone,
Cause it feels shes never there,
"Its not fair!", she exclaimes,
While you weep in despair,
How can it ever be in a world where nothing is,
Dragging yourself like a slave to your emotions,
The feelings inside so locked up going through erosion,
Your heart says one thing,
Your head is yelling another,
Wanting to escape from your body for just one moment.
"No", I reply,
"What do you expect from a broken person you've turned me".

— The End —