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5.3k · Jun 2014
Leks Jun 2014
I am a sunflower**
I am not a rose -- the bloom of the rose does not need to proclaim itself loudly to the world -- its very perfume is the witness of its own sweetness.  

I was a psychiatric patient for awhile. This long period of enforced inactivity induced in me a love of reading which stood me in good stead.

It made the inner life of thought and imagination intensely real to me at a very early stage.

This used to absorb my attention so much, when a book was in my hand, that I became almost oblivious to what was going on around me.

During these early days of rapid mental growth, a glorious treasure-trove suddenly opened up to me  (like a flower) a whole new world of fantasy and gave me its right of entrance into fresh realms of thought. My heart feel victim to my past lovers like the drug you were supposed to leave alone for awhile cigarettes became my only companions ; Lielanie too she helped with a sunflower like conversations I was enlightened and now I must grow again for my roots are starting to rot once again - my twitter followers and friends are the reason why I'm alive for I could vent and you; subliminally listen                                            Thank You.
Ps. Leks

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