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Leks Jan 2014
alas my long lost friend

(Deep breath)

I have not forgotten our conversations that streched in the darkness of our room and grabbed dreams as hot as the sun and as bright as the nebula of dying stars

I have not forgotten your comfort/advice within my addiction
I spent 365 days with you and gained insight every single second spent in your Presence

(Chuckles subtely)

Your parlance was weak but mine wasn't so we balanced out perfectly
Your profanity was like honey to my ears and mine, well, mine was incrypted silently within my laughters with you

I remember the day we spoke freely about our ambitions and hopes in life it was so beautiful that today my friend those words vaguely linger on my tongue as we were also young so our minds were like young hungry wolves out for their first hunt.
I loved it

We spoke until our sleep was in sync it intertwined so well that we sleept at the exact same time I was grateful that we were both silent/light sleepers as every sound through the window you valiantly probed me to open was of nature and the moon illuminated our room like our own star we rarely left our curtains open but when we did -- it was beautiful
I sometimes stayed awake to see the clock hit mid night just to soak it -- as my mind roamed free after mid night

Oh my friend..

How I miss our immature scenerios of how the world would end and the lustful rants about the girls/women we wish to devour on this god forsaken planet we call earth
The way we spoke about music as if we were there in the studios of the vast array of artists that we spoke about
Frank ocean
The Script
Flying Lotus
Red Hot Chili Peppers
And many others...
We talked and talked and talked and talked until the duty prefects grew slim of our horiddly loud rants you would take the blame, that way we both knew we wouldn't be punished as you were considered a fragment of gold for the school and I merely silver and silver is not nearly better then gold

(Chuckles wholely)

Our laughs coexisted like a melody only mozart could compose our inside jokes made people sick of our ability to laugh in complete silence by merely communicating through eye contact it was delightful/enlightening

Oh and your mind
You underestimated it to be honest. You were top twenty in the grade but your mind did not reflect this. For some reason I was the only one who could unlock the intellectual matter out of your vanity case (brain)
It made me feel special as at the time I was a minority and your companionship had me placed on a golden pedestal
I probed you about the effects of marijuana that you seemed so eager to explore but in my mind a dark shadow over my words grew as I knew the effect of marijuana on the first timer I knew I had to be in the prescence and high enough to not be consumed by it as marijuana was embedded in my vescular codes
There were times when I was high for a whole week and you didn't notice.
My eyes were blood shot but I'd usually use the excuse of being tired and you'd accept it quite humbly
Your friends became my friends
My friends became your friends
I feel like we started a revolution
You and I
As our peers did not coexist the way we made them to at the time
I did not tell you this as you would've probably thought I was high again

Oh my friend

You left nothing but nostalgia in my mind and lingering words/phrases you fervenly adored/abused, some even of my own
I embraced them.
I remember the hate I had for the smell of chlorine you brought into the room
I surpased that by remembering how bad you were at arguing as you walked in with a subtle smile and complete exhaustion in your eyes

I cowered into my books during study afraid to ask you for help as your focus could have intimidated einstein. I kept my doses of silence, lucky for me I had the privledge of listening to music so therefore my sanity was restored each 45 minute spent being confused

After study you became an animal probing me to join your adventures of havoc in the house I sometimes questioned how you were in the top 20 for academics but this was answered by remembering the greatest Philosophers that weren't sane at all not even in the little.

I was proud to call you my friend. Your pronounication of my nickname was incredible -- part of the reason to how it was infected into everyones vocabulary

Oh my friend whos name I shall not mention

I miss our vague chants of songs we merely heard in movies. Chants that made people feel vulnerible as your voice was completely horrid and mine exceptionaly melodic, the blend created a fine dose of old whisky
It was beautiful

(Sighs heavily)

But now my friend you are merely a fragment of nostalgia, a poem, a memory -- a lost memory
We are 365 days distant now and your reclusive persona makes me fear that our paths might not intertwine again.

Alas my old friend
Alas my lost friend


This is a poem to the universe
From a lost friend
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Letters to A. Part 4.
Leks Jan 2014
Sublime wildflower

As I lay here awake from juxtaposed sleepless nights of thoughts of you as my own again

I wait..

I wait for a breakthrough through your pearl shaped, intricately carved paths and pink marble stone cover you call a brain
But my love..
I am using a chisel made from cotton candy and dead stars made of designer drugs and fragments of my pale fragile heart

As the chistel works its way through marinating the surface of your "brain" I wait attentively in amusement -
The type of amusement a child wakes up early to on christmas morning anxious to open the largest anonymous present under the tree
But unfortunetly he has not eaten yet, he has not brushed his teeth yet, he has not kissed his mother goodmorning yet or fetched dads newspaper under the mistletoe..

I write dispite of the chapters I have left unwritten to write your chapter (4)
I wait despite of the uncertainty my heart feels - I don't listen to him anymore by the way.

Waiting for you is like waiting for Winter again. I love Winter so I wait but in the process I fall in love with the shades of other seasons and that is the issue
My heart paves way to anything close to the words you spoke, the scriptures you wrote, the spaces you poked

I wait..

in lights of my fragile soul - I don't know if you haven't come to realize this already but it feeds of you, you are its daily grace as the bible is to a nun you are its *bible
and my soul, the nun

I await to love you again and I love that because you love me too and the love I have for you mutliplys by a thousand with each of the four letter word (love) mentioned in this here stanza including the one in brackets

I still really really love you

I won't pretend that I intend to stop living but I do intend to stay faithful to the love that you have given me.
As the constellations you have built inside my dark matter still shine/burn bright as our future together


I was listening to frank ocean // sierra leone in the process of writing this
Leks Jan 2014
Calls her

What do you want?

(I want to love you the way you're father should've
I want to love you as much as my ashtray endures the company of marlboro buds

I want to touch you the way you described the way you want it in your tweets about an imaginary lover that makes so much sense to you

I want to dissolve myself in your virginity, take it from you, eat your inoccence out,quench my lust for the taste of the pigment of your pink matter, confirm your place in the realm of the vanity case locked with ****** deviance

I want to confess to your holy alter that I will sin and that you are the sin and speak in tongues down your alter till it confess too
I want to humble myself with my hands together as you feel my genitals with your sacred crimson lips

I want to grab your hips tightly and have conversations with you, using nothing but my eyes,my tongue and my ten fingers
I want to fervently follow this routine like your my own beautiful ten commandments
And the 1. Clearly states in italics --  *thy shall quench thirst

I want to show you that...)
Hangs up

*Commits suicide
Its a bad religion to be in love with someone who could never love you
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Leks Jan 2014
Imagine the dialogue between a bird and the cage,
the conversation between a wound and time.
Imagine the letters a desert writes to the rain.
Dec 2013 · 743
Leks Dec 2013
You have to find the right distance
between people.
Too close,
and they overwhelm you,
too far
and they abandon you.
Dec 2013 · 891
Letters to A. Part 3.
Leks Dec 2013
Sublime wildflower*
Why do you find a way to make my heart bleed like this?
Tears purple from the nebula of dying stars fall down my face as I try find reasons to carry on.
With thoughts over thought,
you appear as one.

I pour myself into you not because the feeling of vulnerability entices my mind/soul but because I am angry and tired,
Furious and exhausted to be exact.

Under the water I scream so loud but the silence surrounds me
But you hear it loud and clear so you fall in the deep and you always find me.

Its raining outside as I write this to you.
Stop. Just stop.
Dec 2013 · 796
Letters to A. Part 2
Leks Dec 2013
Sublime wildflower.*
My Soul.
Each time my voice box stretches.
Each time my stomach decides to make sounds like it’s angry.
Each time my heart beats twice as fast
Each time my blood moves at a rapid rate.
Each time my body body shakes, causing a tremor to my mind
Each time my soul screams
Each time the sounds passing through my ear,can’t be heard.
Is all the times I think about you.
How the sands of time fell each time I felt closer to you. Losing myself in, in someone who just was never there. My mind likes the thought of you, while my heart turns black at from hearing your name. My soul hates you since it has some of you in it.

Can I just have all the pieces of my soul back already?
You can have them back as soon as my heart heals for you.
My heart/soul devotes itself to you
Leks Dec 2013
I love how all the constellations are named after Greek heros. It reminds me that, even though mortals, they have vices too. I love around 5am when all the lights dim, after the **** ones have become middle aged, in their 12hour life spans. When the glitter fades and rests, more like sad stars and gold leaf.

I love naked white sheets, how they work like paint thinner to remove last nights fresco, how they dry you off after soaking in a tub of room temperature lovers. I love the cab rides you take back into yourself, away from the still beautiful people who are all elsewhere doing impossibly beautiful things. When you arrive home, you will greet the mirror like a criminal in a line up, with premeditated sins armed with brass knuckles and all the good intentions buried far beneath the rap sheet.

I plan to be a sinner tonight. Could’ve been something else but looked way too good in my red dress to be anything Christian. I was talking to three different men in five different languages. I was twisting a blunt straw into page forty-seven of the coma sutra. I was dancing in an attempt to melt the belts off every man in the room, but I heard the truth that night. A Turk speaking Spanish, didn’t know me from Adam said;

“Tú creas en Dios pero tu haces malas cosas” You believe in God but you do bad things.

Suddenly I realized that I was in a place where all they play is house music, but can’t really say I felt at home in the barely audible, barely recognizable zone between having a good time and simply wasting it. I was a glutton with a grin, drinking warm gin, knowing no ones name but somehow I was everyones friend. I was standing in stilettos that made me 6ft tall but still felt small. I was messing up the shoes I paid too much for and still hurt to walk in and talk about conviction.

Truth is nobody believes me when I say I’m a ******. Truth is, the Bible didn’t see the inside of my face for a week while I was on vacation. Truth is, I’m not innocent, I’m just an abstinent fireplace that doesn’t wanna feel the fire kindle between her legs anymore. So don’t mind the ashes they’re just evidence of how brightly I can glow and I wanna glow hard like one dim star on an otherwise starless night that shines just to prove its fidelity and I know what you must think of me. “What hypocrisy!” but I don’t wanna enter prayer reeking of my addictions. Stinking of cologne. I don’t want God to smell another man on me, mistaking ménage á trois for the trinity.

So, so thank God! Thank God the stars don’t judge us for what we do beneath them. Thank God the stars don’t see the evil we commit under their names. Thank God for the silence, for the dimness, for nights spent alone. Thank God for friends who know more than just your bra strap. Thank god for cab rides home, cause tonight I’m gonna strip the spotlight. Tonight I’m gonna turn off Frank Ocean. Tonight I’m gonna take off the stilettos. I’m gonna take off the turquoise rings. I’m gonna take off the lipgloss and I’m gonna sleep naked, not trying to be ****, just trying to be me. A girl with a shaved head and with eyes deep enough to stand in, with convictions strong enough to stand on.

I’m finding the mercy of God right where I’m standing and its binding, it’s blinding, it’s forgiveness, most of all it’s mine. So, so tonight I’m gonna sit out on the fire escape eating an apple and I’m gonna nickname the view Eden and I’m gonna look up at those tragic stars and their pagan hearts full of mourning and I’m gonna say; What a fall, but what light, what impossible light.
By Alysia Harris
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Letters to A.
Leks Dec 2013
Sublime wildflower.*
I cut deep into my soul to derive words to describe the constellations you built inside my dark matter,
Inside the cave I bulit with insecurities and lustful thoughts of nights I thought would never exist

You delved into places I never knew existed, places I never knew my existence could ever fathom, you entered with nothing but subtle words and
your story

My life will forever drown in gratitide until my body finally lowers to the beautiful dark ocean floor you created within me.
(I will forever cherish the day you said you hate me/love me)
Dec 2013 · 994
Leks Dec 2013
I crave doses of my past lifestyle/life
even though I'm content with the lessons I learnt from it; the cravings still linger.

The way we smoked cigarettes till the brim of the fliter on the roof
and spoke as much ******* as the number of cigarettes in the box allowed us to.

Star gazing as though the night would never end,
Creating dumb scenerios of how the world would end.
Or we'd simply listen to the silence of the night as though it had a deep cryptic secret for us hidden in each sound of nature.

It was as if life beyond my childhood days had not existed till that time with
My heart lusts for a hollow feeling like that again but in a humble way as though it knows that such love only exists in a dream
Kinda like a dream you'd wake up from and instantly forget because your mind/heart cannot fathom such for the consious mind.

I remember that Summer like it was yesterday
I had bad religion by frank ocean on repeat subconsiously for weeks and when I realized that,
I knew I had to get my **** together for my own sanity.

Then orange Autumn arrived...
And there's something about the transition from
that makes everything seem better than before.

As I watched the leaves fall from their roots a piece of my torn heart healed each time & the hue of the sun marinated its therapeutic rays on my frozen soul

One thing I learnt from that Summer was that I had to know what's worth chasing & what's worth forgetting forever
about an old friend of mine that i isolated myself from when my life took a complete turn
Dec 2013 · 2.2k
blue whale
Leks Dec 2013
Tropical vibe, coconut milk and shaved ice
My so glow with the low cut
No jheri curl, jerry rice
Boogie board on the rip tide
Parasail and deep dive, don’t think twice.

Sands white on my tan feet
Coliseum in the back seat
Straw hut where the beach be
Like screen saver when your mac sleep
I ain’t racing no ******’ rats
I'm relaxing.
An extract from blue whale by frank ocean. Pure bliss
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
The Art of Lust.
Leks Dec 2013
As I wake to a subtle glimse of streaks of your crimson long hair & golden skin umongst the forrest essembled thick white sheets
I crave you..

I crave you as though you weren't mine at all as though I had meet you drunk the night before
in a hunt for nothing but the thrill of one night,
and have just realized how beautiful you actually are in the light of the pale morning.

I crave you in silent doses of visions of you naked/vulnerable,
my mind withdraws from
such thoughts, such cravings..
as though I had come to a sudden realization that this foreign drug that has let my hormones spiral in a seemingly uncontrollable tornado are merely symptoms of its side effects.  
Dec 2013 · 2.0k
I curse.
Leks Dec 2013
I curse the night I meet you.
I curse the night my eyes locked deep into your golden/brown skin & crimson red lips.

I curse the drug that draped my mind in lust, in confidence, to merely utter

I curse that sentimental longing for the sound of your voice again.
And your  subtle approach towards my deviant nature.

I curse..

— The End —