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Leigh McGuire Oct 2011
Bottles of water, gallons of gas, blankets,
dried beans, rice.  Use cash, don’t spend it all
in one place, two, or three.  Unload supplies
quietly into the basement, maybe at night.

Mail-order a hand-cranked radio, solar lamps,
seeds.  Buy Q-tips, kerosene, candles.  Books,
downloadable music,  seasons of X-Files on DVD.  
What’s important?

Have friends bring you antibiotics from Tijuana.
Buy vitamins, batteries. Tuna, salt, barley.  
Sweep the chimney. Get new shoes.  
Get that cavity filled.

Stock up on bourbon and bullets.
Acquire trade goods –
cigarettes, wine, marijuana.
Watch the news, read the blogs,
find time for target practice.

Keep cash on hand.  Don’t forget
dog food.  Think about God.  


— The End —