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Lee Argir Apr 2014
When you come across my mind
Every other thought dissolves
Succulent ribs
Popping on the grill
Delecadent ice cream
Dripping down my chin
The doughy smell of fresh bread
Waking me up in the morning
Tender beef
Slicing off my fork
Chocolate pudding
Expanding my cheeks to unheard of proportions
Baby carrots
Cracking under my jaw
Peanut butter cookies
Reminding me of youth and things past
Sliced turkey
Bringing my taste buds and family together
There may be beautiful women out there
But none as delicious as you.
Lee Argir Apr 2014
Somberness is a black pen
Writing words of despair

Somberness is a black cloud
In a sea of blue

Somberness is an ice cream cone
Left abandoned on the sidewalk

Happiness is a black pen
Illustrating words of encouragement

Happiness is a black cloud
Bringing rain to thirsty crops

Happiness is an ice cream come
Shared by a mother and child
Lee Argir Apr 2014
Desolation here
A beacon of hope stands lone
A flower blooming
Lee Argir Apr 2014
Palm trees swinging in the breeze
As I walk to the beach with ease
Seagulls screeching in the air
Coconuts falling without a care
Laying against your solid trunk
All of my troubles cease
How do you stand so strong
When so many things go wrong?
Lee Argir Apr 2014
Giant waves crashing
Salty sea stinging the skin
Wind rushing around

— The End —