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My aunt slept for six months,
All of fall and most of winter.
Sometimes she'd talk, but it was nonsense.
Sometimes her glassy blue eyes
Would click open and roll about,
Stretching the sunken yellow paper of her face.
Her skull was bare and the neat square
Of black stitches made my stomach writhe.
And everything that proved she was human was gone-
Consciousness absent, eyes closed, skin warped;
Just that faltering mechanical tick-tick in her chest where her beating heart should've been.

A little girl with thick arms and waist and everything
And stringy blonde hair and startled blue eyes
Stood by her bed and silently the tears dripped down
Again and again, the first time was the hardest.
Her father stood next to her, wearing thin, clutching both their hands.
She stirred, the withering woman in the bed,
And hope painted their faces before dying in their eyes;
Smiles still plastered to their teeth.

I remember her best on a perfect January day, years and years ago,
When things were alright, before I knew she was sick,
Her feet buried in the sand, palm trees swaying in the background
Explaining the complex lives of sea turtles to me
In a blue and green bikini, greying hair, thick sunglasses
And that straight scar drawn down her chest,
A thick ridge, a wound opened and reopened too many times;
Making her heart tick-tick instead of beat-beat.

If she dies I will never forgive her doctors.
Too much medication kills you fast as any poison,
But they trust too much in the dose,
And focus on the numbers on the screen
Rather than the fear in our eyes,
Rather than the fading tick-tick of her heart,
Refusing to listen even when they began to make severe mistakes,
And that's where these cataclysmic months started.
The ICU is fatal. It breeds hopelessness
And plants the first temptations of suicide.
As the pages turn
Words breathe new life
In the confines of my mind
Pretty ladies dance and
Hero’s battle fearsome beasts
I run among them
Losing myself in their wonder
I prance like the Nymphs
Dance with Mr. Darcy and
Fly the skies with the Raven
I party with Dorian Gray
I am called back to my room
With the plain cream walls
With my real world problems
And there they are
With all my books
Sitting in a pretty
Like toys ready for Christmas
Their pages loose
From my nimble fingers
Their covers ripped from love
Their stories beating hearts
Bleed as their
all silently waiting
For me to come and
Greet them again.
Beat down your door
As I scream your name
You left me alone
You left me with my shame
How could you expect
This would be okay
Change my life
Then leave it in shambles
Tear my heart out
And smash it to pieces
Stomp on my insecurities
Keeping me in painful silence
My mouth sewn shut
Keeping our old love secret
I sit here and see you laugh
At the women you left
A sobbing child
I stumble over
Every step forward
While you sit an
Blow away life’s problems
I am stuck in the muck
While you watch me
Sink farther
Into nothingness
I had that dream again
where I die in the tunnel
I am driving even though I don’t drive,
the car varies,
the bigger the fight
the larger the car:
My Mom, my best friend,
my Dad
the country side is blank
like a postcard I bought in Chicago when I was 5
in the tunnel I’m all alone,
like those nights my Mom had to work late
those nights when I feared she wouldn’t be back
I start to panic, and my palms start to sweat
I get so close to the end,
then a loud CRACK,
releases the water from its cage
I run and try to escape
with every step I am pushed back 5
I start to swim, and I still get nowhere
I beg, in my head, for someone to help me
yet no one is there
the water rises to the top
I take my last gasp of air
I plunge into the dark limitless water
close my eyes and pray
even thought I haven't prayed for years
I feel guilty, I abandoned my faith
now I will die and I am a sinner
I ask for life, but beg for forgiveness
then I see Him
the dark man looking at me
I’m not scared just curious
we lock eyes
He smiles
I feel safe
He is dressed in cultured dress
and His hair is cut short
His face like a road map,
aged like wine
His eyes tell you more
then a greek storyteller
no judgement
no fear just love
in His great big brown eyes
the grandpa I never knew
smiled at me
I felt safe an opened my mouth
water rushed desperate to be a part of me
I wake up
my lungs ache
my arms and legs are sore
and I can’t take my eyes off my ceiling
looking for cracks and drops of water
Gentle lady, do not sing
Sad songs about the end of love;
Lay aside sadness and sing
How love that passes is enough.

Sing about the long deep sleep
Of lovers that are dead, and how
In the grave all love shall sleep:
Love is aweary now.
yet ugly
yet ashamed
wrist, thighs,
kept hidden
and myths
when found
no one cares

shunned, pitied
disgust when found out
am i crazy?
is that a bad thing?
do i care?

short, beautiful scars
like a road map
show's me where i've been
how far i've come
how far i've yet to go.

i close my eyes
cut deeper, deeper
until the Demons in my head are quiet
from screeches to barely a whisper
but not silenced.
never silenced.
always there
lurking, creeping
trying to control me.

thankfully i remain in control.
i am the piolit
refusing to by hijacked
but am i in total control?
if i satisfy the Demons
am i doing the bidding of them?
or maybe am i taking control?
do the Demons control me?
i know not.
all i know:
i abhor
i adore

my scars.
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