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Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
Third time tonight
on the bathroom floor.
Shaking in fear and pain.
A burning body.
Sweat pouring out with silent tears.
Temperature rising
higher and higher.
Can't scream, can't cry;
can only breathe shallowly
from dry lips.
Left on cold tiles,
praying for everything to be over.
No one to save me
only left in my despair,
my hatred, my misery.
Too scared to die
too weak to live.
I can't move.
I'm stuck here to suffer.
Alone on the bathroom floor.
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
She laughs;
Mocking his fear.
Smiling lustfully, she dances around the prey
in a game of cat and mouse.
Hungrily she stalks him.
Lunging now in madness,
she claws at his skin.
She sinks her teeth into raw, cut flesh.
Blood pours from the wounds by the bucket.
She bathes her tongue in the rich, red liquid
like a savage dog.
Agonizing cries echo in the dark abyss of hell.
Then a sigh of satisfaction follows.
She carelessly tosses the fresh corpse aside.
She wipes her dripping chin with her
blood-and-dirt clogged nails.
Her eyes reflect the insanity she holds
and then with blood-stained lips,
she smiles.
A new prey is soon to come.
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
Leaving everything behind
Pushing away everyone
Not leaving a note
Not calling anyone to say goodbye
Bags are packed and locked in the trunk
Half-past midnight, and I’m ready to go
Driving away on a never-ending joy ride
And never coming back
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
Fool me once,
Shame on you.
Fool me twice,
You ******* ****.
I won’t shame myself;
I’m too ****** to feel pathetic.
This isn’t baseball.
There won’t be a third strike.
The game’s already over.
It should’ve never started.
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
I’m lost
in the shadows of you.
With no one to guide me,
I stumble blindly.
There’s no helping hand
to pick me up when I fall.
Down the lonely roads
I carefully step forward,
hands out in front of me
as a source of security.
The darkness stretches further.
I’ll never make it out.
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
Cold eyes,
glaring down at me,
disgusted and disappointed.
Cold words
that spit out from your
cold lips.
A cold hand
that clashes against my face
in a hot flash.
The barrier of ice
which guards your
cold heart
will never crack.
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
The door towers above,
looking down at the small girl,
glaring red.
The little girl’s knees shake in fear.
She clutches the small blanket to her chest.
She’s too afraid to take a step forward,
to open the door and see what’s inside,
but her curiosity glues her in place.
She is frozen, conflicted.
Wide, innocent eyes stare up in awe
to the tall red door.

Anger echoes beyond the walls, calling to her
yet scaring her off at the same time.
Her small hands are stiff
with a frightened grip.
Her feet won't move.
They don't run back to the safety of her own room.
They don't step forward in courage.
They just....stay there;
Forcing her to listen to the monstrous,
beckoning roars of what hides behind
the red door.
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