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LeAne Denison Nov 2014
As i watch the green leafs fall to brown , as they  to their untimely death i realize how short time really is.
    As the couple of old walk hand in hand watching the leafs fall to their death they to shed a tear of remembrance, they too like me realize how short time is.
               As the young couple row their short boat down the Venice waterways adoring their honey moon spot , small leafs blow through her hair he whispers "time is shorter than i realized"
                             As the boy first lays eyes on her ... the leafs she throws in the air and in that moment he remembers he can turn time...
LeAne Denison Nov 2014
Love can be taken may ways ...
          As an animal Love will rip you apart but will feel guilt.
    As a Tree , lOve can stand alone , but it will always need someone to fall on
     As a flower , loVe needs nurture and care
                  As a fire , lovE will burn you but you choose to chase the flame
Love is our own demon ,  told to us is that love backwards is evil... How can you spell evil without I?

— The End —