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Sep 2012 · 1.0k
Leah Vee Sep 2012
dragged down to hell
        if there is one
in a dizzying stupor
        blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol
lying and lying and lying
        can’t find my pants anywhere
forgetting that shy girl holed up in her room
        she was boring anyway
and releasing a *****
        maybe i’ll make more friends
forget the past
        doesn’t matter anyway
forget tomorrow
        not to mention class
forget four years down the road
        when i have to grow up
**** that ****
        tonight i’m gonna party
May 2012 · 883
Little Boxes Epigraph
Leah Vee May 2012
“And the people in the houses
All went to the university
Where they were put in boxes
And they came out all the same.”


living for the weekend
dreading the week
but going through it
because it’s required

drowning in a sea of decisions
that won’t matter in a hundred years

finding self fulfillment
inside your own mind
to escape the emptiness

forced through a path
because it’s good enough for everyone else

        zoom in
        splashes of color
                        zoom out
                        shades of gray
May 2012 · 664
Growing Up
Leah Vee May 2012
they said i could be whatever i wanted to be
president, actress, astronaut
my limit was beyond the sky
i didn’t have one at the time
but growing up changes things
they say “you need a job that makes money”
life becomes more permanent
deadlines approach
decisions need to be made
and I sit here
dreaming of everything i could be
half my head in the clouds
the other half’s on the ground
        part wishing
        part wanting
May 2012 · 864
A Sunrise
Leah Vee May 2012
stars disappear one by one
blinking out with the flip of a switch
hint of pale blue on the horizon
an explosion of golden light
ripples across the earth’s surface
shoots across grass blades, rooftops, pavement
a glowing orb ascends
shaping shadows
moving mountains
creating life
May 2012 · 658
Graduation is Scary
Leah Vee May 2012
guidance in the form of clasped hands
only goes to the stop sign
past that you’re on your own
sooner or later you gotta let go
cross the street by yourself
one foot after the other
find my own way.
armed with the knowledge passed down year after year
words of wisdom
but what if i make a wrong turn?
what if i have to back track?
how long will it take till I am finally ready to live on my own
what will failing feel like?
what’s the worst that could happen?
May 2012 · 1.5k
Once upon a time...
Leah Vee May 2012
Once upon a time there was a girl
who didn’t know what she wanted
(I don’t think any of us do)
you have to convince me
you are what I want
will die without
because if you can’t
I’ll just wait
wait to get swept off my feet
by somebody else

Little girls grow up believing
that magic is real
but it’s all just smoke and mirrors
we know Santa isn’t real
neither is the Easter Bunny
or the Toothfairy
but Prince Charming...
Prince Charming is real
somewhere deep down
I believe
my “soulmate” is out there
searching for me
as hopeful as I am searching for him

Is it a curse
creating false words
and false scenarios
that will never come true?
Hollywood says otherwise
if my life were a movie
you’d call me beautiful
write me songs
never let go
doubt overwhelming
but not giving up
May 2012 · 721
Leah Vee May 2012
Pale bare skin
hasn’t seen the sun since some time last August.

Dark roots growing out
since lack of bleaching summer rays.

Dinners of Turkey and slices of pie
pile fat onto my body.


Talk to guys, but haven’t been able to make one stay
since the last one left in August.

Coldness has seeped into my skin
filling my veins with icy bitterness

Oh sun, fill me with warmth
shine, sizzle, burn confidence into my being.

May 2012 · 1.5k
Character Sketch
Leah Vee May 2012
first words
she heard me

first steps
she was right beside me

first day of school
she was in the class next door

we’re two halves in a whole
we’re twins

sharing practically everything
from clothes to crooked smiles
big feet to best friends

some might say we’re the same
and they couldn’t be further from the truth

our shared genes
could never cross the gap
between friends and strangers
stuck in the middle

speaking to her in the morning
is like walking through a minefield
dangerous and unpredictable
never knowing if she’s in a bad mood
or worse
usually moody
rarely happy
always dramatic
at least
she is around me

i wake her up
she takes a shower
straightens her hair
puts on liquid black eyeliner
to show off green eyes
the same color as mine

she stands tall
always  over
casting a shadow
with broad shoulders

she can’t find the energy
to give me a compliment
however she
continues to
point out my flaws
at six in the morning

i’m tired

i can count on one hand
the number of times she really hugged me
the number of times she really felt my pain

when Ton died
when Grandpa passed
when Dad screamed i was a failure

that’s it

i wish you would try to understand

through the
hair disasters
bike rides
movie nights
you were there

yet when i feel alone
when i need you
you’re gone
talking to some guy on the phone
you ignore me
you don’t know
you don’t understand
and i have to rely on someone
who doesn’t know me like you do
my sister isn’t here
May 2012 · 570
Writing a Love Letter
Leah Vee May 2012

pouring my heart out-
word by fragile word
floods out my pen
onto lined notebook paper
like an ocean wave hitting the shore
a love letter…

shot down

brushed off like it was nothing
no confession
no real emotion
just a silly note
from a silly girl
feeling anonymous

feeling alone

no, I cannot be friends
“just friends”
after this

not possible

my heart beats too fast when I see your face
my mind imagines future days with you
smiling and talking and loving me….

not possible
May 2012 · 562
Mission Statement
Leah Vee May 2012
I walk down the path of my life, one foot after the other
purpose inspires me to be the person I want to be
stress tempts me to turn back

Newfound resolution:
don’t take life so seriously
find joy in little things
relaxation and friends
writing and learning

My path is laid out before me, but I must choose
a way that will enable me to travel the world
and influence me to be a better person
a better friend
because being mean
doesn’t make people like you

No one’s perfect
a blessing
different is beautiful

Dedication should never be over-looked
it’s what keeps life on its track
see how far hard work can take me

Try to understand
Try to care
Try to be fair
I promise.
Mar 2012 · 490
an empty room
Leah Vee Mar 2012
return without warning
        a picture
        a song
        a saying
transports me
to a room...

it was not always this way

truth chips off the wall
memories streak the glass window

dust bunnies have gathered in deceit
while cobwebs mark words unsaid

stains cover the frayed carpet
outlining a love that has dried up

he is hooked to the hinges
of trust gone bad and forsaken dreams

floor littered with our ending
and neglected pieces of the past

once a roof of sunshine
a summer filled with simplicity

        now crumbling pieces of plaster
        a winter filled with frozen winds

once an open window
looking into the future

        now locked bars
        staring at a blank landscape

Feb 2012 · 1.4k
Leah Vee Feb 2012
Day by day
we live this ambiguous life
trying desperately to be different.
It’s not that we’re not important
there are just 7 billion of us.
Feb 2012 · 1.7k
Bitch, please.
Leah Vee Feb 2012
Dislike to love
love to hate
hate to indifference

don’t make me laugh

*****, please
you flaunt around
like you own this place
you only think you do

Nobody cares
what you drink
Nobody cares
where you go
Nobody cares
who you ****

You became
a monster
or were you just hiding?

Try actually giving a **** sometime
you hurt your “best friend”
and she never got an apology
none of us did

Of course, we don’t have fights anymore
we’re “over that kind of stuff”
we’ve “grown up”
but really
you’re just not worth my time

I’ll fake friends for now
don't want unneeded drama
come August it won’t matter
you can sleep in the bed you made
Feb 2012 · 3.0k
I come from
Leah Vee Feb 2012
I come from innocence:
shared VHS tapes,
Disney movies rewound so many times
they got jammed,
late nights spent searching for a lost Elmo doll,
orange Tic Tacs,
bedtime stories by Dr. Seuss
and later, J. R. R. Tolkien,
when Saturday mornings meant
waking up at 6 to watch cartoons,
and sleepovers involved liters of Mountain Dew
and Godfathers pizza.

I come from a magical world
where number 4 Privet Drive is my second address,
Big Brother is always watching,
and sleeping with windows open are invitations for Peter Pan.
A place where Mr. Darcy is my soul mate,
I have two dogs named Old Dan and Little Ann,
to follow a white rabbit is encouraged behavior,
and if you asked me who my hero is
I’d answer with “Sydney Carton.”

I come from opposite sides of the map:
One half includes
Springfield raised grandparents
giving me 20 first cousins,
29 second cousins,
annual family reunions at the lake,
home grown tomatoes,
and alcoholics.
The other half is four thousand miles away and includes
only two cousins,
phone calls every Sunday before two,
and phrases like “Weltrusten” and “Ik hou van jou”
that sound as English as “Good night” and “I love you.”

I come from transformation:
dance recitals where wearing lipstick and hating it
turned into High School
when we all started wearing eyeliner
because it made us look older,
summers soaked in sunlight
are now dampened with summer jobs,
monsters no longer lived under our beds
but in our heads,
clumsy first kisses went further,
romances disappeared
and were replaced with heartbreak
so agonizing
even chocolate couldn’t help,
funerals became imminent,
trophies won at basketball camp- age 7
mean nothing
when you’re told you’re not good enough- age 17.

I come from friendship:**
stupid fights for no reason
always meant brownies the next day,
five dollar Photobooth pictures at the mall,
scary movies we never finished,
sneaking out at three in the morning to swim in the neighbors pool,
and surprise birthday parties
complete with Silly String.
Learning that it’s okay
to let someone see you cry sometimes.
Dumb ideas like wagon racing,
and glow stick fights
that left welts on our arms and legs.
Lord of the Rings movie marathons,
girls night out at Buffalo Wild Wings,
riding bikes down the middle of the highway,
mix CD’s,
Red Mango runs,
words of comfort,
and seeing the beauty in each other
even when we can’t see it in our self.
Feb 2012 · 620
Leah Vee Feb 2012
I.  On the brink of an adventure
But not quite ready to say goodbye.
Bags are packed, tickets already printed,
Too late to change my mind.
I wouldn’t want to anyway.

II.  Paris- a city supposedly filled with love.
Underneath tourist traps and museums
real suffering is found
in homeless living on the streets
in gutters filled with cigarette butts
in natives stumbling drunkenly on the metro.
This city is far from perfection.

III.  There’s no place like home,
Nothing could be closer to the truth.
After hours of walking and sight seeing,
Listening to foreign tongues from strangers’ lips,
I realize every place has secrets;
Some things people aren’t meant to see.
Leah Vee Feb 2012
“Missing someone isn’t about how long it’s been since you’ve seen them last or the amount of time since you’ve talked.  It’s about that very moment when you’re doing something and you wish they were right  there with you.”

Memories float:
4x4 hats
Red, white, blue handkerchiefs
A smile spreading across rosy cheeks
Card games played late into Saturday night
And jokes that got everyone laughing...

The simple offer of ice cream or coca cola
felt like a million dollars
when offered by you

Death is final
No coming back

Dreams of you
Ambush my psyche

Upon waking
Reality rushes in

Fear is a prison
I’m afraid to forget

Clinging to old photographs
As if the world would fall apart if I didn’t

Still hurt by the pain
I stumble

Like you died all over again

What I’d give for one more hug
One more conversation
One more drive...

Will I Stop missing you.
Feb 2012 · 468
Leah Vee Feb 2012
Pouring my heart out-
word by fragile word
floods out my pen
onto lined notebook paper
like an ocean wave hitting the shore
a love letter…

Shot Down

Brushed off like it was nothing
No confession
No real emotion
Just a silly little note
from a silly little girl
Feeling anonymous

Feeling Alone

No, I cannot be friends
“just friends”
after this

Not Possible

My heart beats too fast when I see your face
My mind imagines future days with you
smiling and talking and loving me….

Not Possible
Feb 2012 · 549
Leah Vee Feb 2012
Have you ever had that feeling-
that feeling when a particular individual
catches your eye?
That squirm in your stomach
which, in horror, tells your brain to ACT NATURAL.
He’s just a boy
you’re just a girl.
Could it ever be...more?

Have you ever had that feeling-
that feeling when your phone springs to life in a whir of vibrations and light
and the name you wished to see
magically appears like shooting stars against a midnight sky?
A smile spreads unexpectedly
from the corners of your mouth
when he tells you to have a good day
and sounds like he genuinely means it.

However, enchanting as this may be
I’m afraid to invest in half-fantasies
that I’m not entirely sure are real,
but not totally confident they’re false...
My head over-analyzes everything you’ve ever said
even as I’m screaming “STOP.”
If this continues there will be nothing left of me;
just the shining image of you I’ve created.

They say, “if you’ve got nothing, you’ve got nothing to lose.”
They also say, “easier said than done.”
But I feel like taking a chance;
all I want is you.

This world is too obscure to live each day in darkness.
So welcome happiness into your being
and accept that heaven -or hell
isn’t that far away.
Suppress each feeling of disdain
and replace it with feelings of compassion.
Don’t leave words unsaid
because they usually end in regret
say it now.

Remember  you are not alone
life isn’t as confusing as you think it is
and everyone deserves a happy beginning;
don’t worry about the ending.

— The End —