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906 · Jul 2010
Long Knights
Lazlo Jul 2010
Scalade skyward pile,
Of defensible tile,
Bituminous seams mossy gaps.

Board aloft to defray,
Fletched missiles array,
Groomed on as lethal a trap.

Scalade meet the stone,
Long from our home,
As generals command the intrusion.

To Kings do we kneel,
Ere slay with cold steel,
Pass lightning and bring this conclusion.

Trod darkest parade,
Woods endless scalade,
Blistering gleams of the pitch.

One knight in Queen’s arms,
Keen maid’s airy balms,
Do graces scar memory per stitch.
847 · Jan 2011
The Answer
Lazlo Jan 2011

Half is me.
Half is you.

π / 2

— The End —