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Jan 17 · 284
Front Toward Enemy
Lawrence Hall Jan 17
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                                         Front Toward Enemy

In what we may laughingly call real life
You can read these three words

                                     FRONT TOWARD ENEMY

You’re in the wrong place
Lawrence Hall Jan 16
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

          Binding Each Word with an Incantation, a Charm, a Spell

You. Not a generalized out-there “you” but – YOU

                                          Gentle Writer

A mysterious thought is dream’ed unto you
Or a conclusion sails from your observant mind

You take a pen of goose-quill carefully carved
You dip it into a horn or pottle of ink
Not a metaphorical inkhorn of floridity
But the horn of a beast, hollowed out
Stoppered with a fitted wooden plug
And charged with ink of a curious blue
Of minerals or dyes or the juice of berries boiled
And worked with pagan spells or Christian prayers

You take an expensive page of animal-skin
Worked out with scrapings and scrubbings and acids
Or perhaps imported sheets of Egyptian papyrus
(Against which some of the younger brethren sneer)

Remember the annual budget! Be careful, now!
Paper doesn’t grow on trees, you know!
(Well, you could argue about the papyrus)

You set the light just right, the sun or a lamp
The Altar is where candles glow in honor of Our Lord
(And then there’s the budget; candles are expensive)
So you must work with the sun or a tallow lamp
At a writing ***** angled as the amarius says

You think a thought
You lift your pen
With a prayer upon it
You guide it down
You write a word

A word

Each word is magic

What did you write?
Lawrence Hall Jan 15
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                                        The Winter Cold Has Gotten Old

  For many years I was a self-appointed inspector of snow-storms...

                                         -Thoreau, Walden

The cold has gotten old without Christmas trees
And little lights in all their vestmental tints
No longer counterpoint the dark northern breeze
No visions of spring, no dreamings, no hints

The happy lawns of summer are mud and frost
The path to the cowshed is a rattle of sleet
The trail to the fishing hole was yesterday lost
And our boots are too thin for our freezing feet

But after our chores, boiling hot coffee, please -
The cold has gotten old without Christmas trees!
Lawrence Hall Jan 14
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                            Your Poetry's Background Check

          And above all, who is in power in that part of the country,
          or, rather, who will be by the time we get there?

                                  -Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago

We don’t suffer a Soviet Writers’ Union
Except that we do – and what are you up to?
Have you written an ordinary adjective
That will be forbidden in a future place?
                    You sound suspiciously colonialist

Last year DEI was mandatory
This year it will be a forbidden scheme
What guidelines for little magazines
Will be cleansed in the New Order to come?
                    Harriet Monroe is a non-person now

Who will be in charge of your poetry and your life
Whenever you don’t get to wherever it was
                    that you were going?
Lawrence Hall Jan 13
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                                         Stand-To for Night Patrol

                      The Americans were said to believe that the
                      Communists are on the defensive…

                          -New York Times, 11 January 1970

I keep seeing a boat’s black silhouette
Upon the red water, against the red sky
And the black-death tree-line along the shore
A dark, decaying scene, and I don’t know why
Lawrence Hall Jan 12
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                                      There is More Than One Book

A civilization writes and reads its books
As poetry, pictures, prose, and glorious song
Of war and work and love and peaceful fields
Scholarship and courage and a people’s arts

But when unhappy men with an unhappy god
Maintain that their one book is all we’ll need
In submission to build an empire of death
The threat is clear: their god doesn’t want us

Reading and writing are civilization
From the very beginning of Creation
Lawrence Hall Jan 11
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                                         The Magic in Hebrew Words

Max gave me a book: 52 Hebrew Words
For Christmas
Appreciate the irony that isn’t there –
If Judaism isn’t real, then neither are we

Words in Hebrew seem to be topped as flames
As Light - the light as truth, the light for truth
As flame for sacrifice, as flame for peace
As Torah unrolled, all Creation unrolled

Everything begins with a word, the Word
Today we will begin with Shema – Hear

With gratitude
Lawrence Hall Jan 10
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                                  Are You a Ptolemaic Too?

            There was a star danced, and under that I was born

                  -Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing, II.i.349

This little world isn’t much, but it’s what we’ve got
Our Narnia, our Middle-Earth; it’s green
It’s green and blue and round, an almost-sphere
Fitted with all the ancient conveniences

Let the stars encircle us as a crown
And who will dare to say it is not so?
For we are commanded to grow this garden
By the light of the sun, and of faith and love

As Shakespeare might have said, this blessed plot -
This little world isn’t much, but it’s what we’ve got
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                                     “LA Fires Bring Art to a Halt”

                 Hyperallergic: Sensitive to Art and Its Discontents


A fire brings nothing to a halt

To the last respiration of the very last soul
And beyond: Art will live because Art lives -

A poet abandoning her car to flee for her life
Holds to her heart her notebooks in a grocery-store bag

To the last respiration of the very last soul
And beyond: Art will live because Art lives

A trumpeter manages to save the mouthpiece at least
While carrying his child out to an ambulance

To the last respiration of the very last soul
And beyond: Art will live because Art lives

A sculptor’s eyes record a wall of windows
To be re-molded as life-filled windows of dreams

To the last respiration of the very last soul
And beyond: Art will live because Art lives:

Firefighters wrestling a hose through smoke and heat
Are a choreograph of life against flaming death

To the last respiration of the very last soul
And beyond: Art will live because Art lives

An artist whose studio is now but smoke
Will stir ashes and water, and paint again

To the last respiration of the very last soul
And beyond: Art will live because Art lives

A little girl will write of her little dog
Her bestest pal whom she never saw again

To the last respiration of the very last soul
And beyond: Art will live because Art lives

In a shelter tonight an aging man
Will sing to himself the love songs of his youth

To the last respiration of the very last soul
And beyond: Art will live because Art lives

                                                        ­       then patch

                    a few words together and don’t try
                    to make them elaborate, this isn’t
                    a contest but the doorway

                                   -Mary Oliver, “Praying”
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

        May Our Children Live Long Enough to Invade Greenland

Man arrested entering the Capitol with a machete and three knives

                                          -U. K. Daily Mail

No weapons in the Capitol; it’s a rule
The adults who work there must be safely bubbled
But when some pimply oaf brings a gun to school
No one in D.C. seems especially troubled
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

               “Now, therefore, write for yourselves this song.”

          -Deuteronomy 31:19 per Talmud at My Jewish Learning

                       “Nunc itaque scribite vobis canticum istud.”


What song will you write for the people of God?
Something from the Prophets or the Laws
A hymn for Mary, dancing in the spring
Or maybe praise for patient and protective Joseph

What song will you write for your own true love?
Gentle rhyming for the music of her gentle laugh
Iambics and meters her intellect to please
Birdsong sweet to limn her holiness

What song will you write for the world God made?
Matins for mist and mountain and flowered glade
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                                        Daily Writing Discipline

My self-appointed duty is to write a line or two
Each day, no matter how busy I have been
But today at work I thought of little except you
And how your name is a verse upon the wind
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                The Arrogance of Proclaiming a Wake-Up Call

His wake-up call was but a manifesto
Retro1968 but less literate
Demanding that the world stop and pay attention
To the temper-tantrums of some middle-aged guy

Who knew all about guns ‘n’ bombs ‘n’ stuff
While the rest of us know all about raising our kids
Working 12-hour shifts, paying our bills
Building our lives, and taking care of each other

The rest of us have grown-up things to do
           The self-pitying waker-upper
Should long ago have ditched his childish ego
           And called himself
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                            Epiphany Moved and Improved

Whatever committee decides these things
Has chosen to shift ancient feasts about
For the convenience of the modern world
In scheduling meetings and interviews

Magi following a smart watch in the sky
The ostler wants the stable cleared by ten
King Herod tapping massacres on an app
Plough Monday must be reset to Tuesday next

Whatever committee decides these things
Is stricken deaf when the sacring bell rings
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                                         The Stray ‘Possum Café

          The only comparisons in Western literature might be with the
          Romantics or the Beat Generation, but the Russian Silver Age
          poets outdazzled them in glamour and intrigue.

                                       -Darran Anderson

We lay our scene not in Saint Petersburg
Where Anna Ahkmatova flirted and rhymed
With Gumilyov, Mandelstam, and Tsvetaeva
Among champagne, cigarettes, tears, and pearls

In the old and storied Stray Dog Café  
But in a field on a December night
Where two opossums meet in quest of love
And wrangle in the leaves of intimacy

Poor strays making…art…without any fear
Of execution by the Kremlin Mountaineer

Saint Petersburg’s Stray Dog Café was a matrix for art, music, dance, and poetry from imperial Russia to the Soviet horror, and thence into the world.  It almost serves as a sort of hinge between the 19th century and the 20th. Please read Darran Anderson’s professional and thus accessible article in City Journal:
Anna Akhmatova’s Bravery.

I am having fun with intruding ‘possums among the Silver Age poets, but as for them, yes, they are essential. Their brilliance still shines for us and influences what we write even if we are unaware of them – and for that most of them were murdered by the mad tyranny of Communism.
Stray Dog Cafe,  Darran Anderson,  Russia's Silver Age
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                          Activate Your Card Now! It’s Easy!

‘Enry ‘Iggins, Tiffany in Calcutta, and my Cousins Down the Road

     There even are places where English completely disappears -
     Why, in America they haven't used it for years!

                        -Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady

California and council flats, aye, there’s the nexus
Great Britain taught the world English right and proper
But in hearing my cousins from Caney Head, Texas
I conclude that the Empire has come a cropper!
For the obtuse among us, this is just a bit of fun.

Well, okay, activating an insurance card or credit card isn't fun; the corporations seem to work hard at making this difficult.
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                          This Unit Not Labeled for Retail Sale

You can’t break me apart, she said to me
This unit is not labeled for retail sale
And if you think that you like what you see
You can post your money for the emotional bail
I read on a candy wrapper " This Unit Not Labeled for Retail Sale" and had a little fun with the possibilities.
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                                        So This is the New Year

                               The road goes ever on and on…

    -from at least three variations of a song in The Lord of the Rings

About this new year – it doesn’t look so new
A metaphorical kick of the tires suggests
It’s been down many roads before
But then, so have we

About this new year – it doesn’t look so new
But the first sunlight in the bare oak trees
And upon last summer’s ground-shoaling leaves
Lead me to pull on my boots and step outside

Frost, sky, sunlight, cardinals, squirrels, life
About this new year – it looks pretty good now
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                          Upon Learning of the Death of Papa Ben

                    We are not some casual and meaningless product of
                    evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God.
                    Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is

                                ­               -Papa Benedict

I awoke from what was called a procedure
And was surprised to be alive, alive
By the brilliance of those called to medicine
By the Grace of God and Saint Elizabeth

When certain images and clouds were cleared
From my weary and befogged body and mind
And the kindest nurse brought a coffee for me
With words of assurances and blessings

I learned that our dear Papa Ben had died

I paused, I put the coffee down, I cried
On this December day when Papa Ben died
(It was dark in ICU; no one could see me losing it.)
Dec 2024 · 125
You Say You're Bi-Polar
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                   You Say You’re Bi-Polar

                                   for a certain wise poet

You say you’re bi-polar. So is the planet
So you’re all right, and I only ask of you -
Please help the rest of us be as good as you
As thoughtful and kind, and as attuned to Creation
Dec 2024 · 84
America's Lubyanka Prison
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                            ­     Our Lubyanka

Metropolitan Detention Center
All those fuzzy harmless syllables
Grey concrete walls but no clock at the top
Windowless facings along city sidewalks

Our federal marias are white, not black
Because we are not Communists, oh, no
People go in; they don’t always come out
They say that from the basement you can see Florence

You might be transferred there, but mind the steps
Smile at the cameras that have been switched off
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                             Dense Fog Advisory

One wonders why fog should always be dense
Forever faulted for having no sense

Maybe because it’s a low-hanging cloud
Low-hanging around with a low sort of crowd
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                            The Last American Westclox Baby Ben


It ticked into my heart at the Goodwill store
Two dollars’ worth of Americana
A charmer in a battered metal shell
Hiding behind a tired plastic face

The tick, the tock, the talk of Peru, Illinois
The clock that woke America each dawn
For work and study, and to meet the Chicago train
For a century until time ran out

It clicks and clanks and ticks and tocks and talks

All-day dutiful hands, a jangling bell -
How long will this old clock last?

Only time will tell
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                       Hanukkah is a Light That Always Gets In

                            There is a crack in everything.
                            That’s how the light gets in.

                               -Leonard Cohen, “Anthem”

Eight candles of the mind, then, of the soul
In a time of hooded pursuivants
Seeking for truth so that it might be suppressed
Seeking for light that it might be extinguished

There mustn’t be any candles, then, in the windows now
In this Abomination of Desolation
Where wrapped in reptilian rags from Amazon
Sullen illiterates ***** their eyes against the light

If you are somewhat broken, read from the scroll
Beneath the lights of Hanukkah
Eight candles of the mind and of the soul

Note on the quotation: Babblings on the InterGossip led me to verify the above quote, which is from the poem “Anthem” published in Leonard Cohen, ed. Robert Faggen, Everyman’s Pocket Poetry series.
Dec 2024 · 103
"I'm a Registered Choctaw"
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                      “I’m a Registered Choctaw”

                                kennkarte deutsches ***** - Search

As glad-handy as a Rotarian
Blue-eyed and sporting a blonde jack-***-tail
Aggressively hearty in his greetings to all
“I’m a registered Choctaw,” he boasted

(Tho’ I am but a poor Heinz 57
My muggle-blood trumps his vain trumpery)
He asked how many Hispanics have we got
I said I hadn’t counted and wouldn’t know

He is a grant-writer for the homeless
And seems to grant pretty good for himself
"This obsession with DNA is unhealthy and unnatural," as Eleanor of Aquitaine does NOT say in the film BECKET.
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                       A Porch of Worms on the Feast of St. Stephen

These winter squalls are almost springtime rains
Warm days, cool nights, and windblown showers at dawn
And on the porch appear some curious stains
Dark squirming squiggles progressing up from the lawn

Up from the lawn, up from their earthen beds
In desperate trails of iridescent slime
As peristaltic tubes with wavery heads
Rhythmically marking out their march in time

But all too brief their escape, alas -
A feast for robins who will not let them pass
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                   Did You Enjoy Your Christmas?

                                               Christmas Night

That merry little Christmas that they sing about –
Did you open your gifts around a tree
Tinsel and ornaments and a brilliant star
Pajamas and cocoa and merriment

Did you enjoy a dinner with someone special
Or with happy children and a few friends
Then coffee and cake and quiet memories
Everyone free from telescreens and devices

And now with a fire and soft candlelight
Is this another gentle silent night?

I hope it is so, dear friend
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

      O Ring Out Christmas Safety Cautions and Trigger Warnings

We must not overeat at Christmas dinner
We must not pass the doggie a poisonous treat
We must not speak aloud of loser or winner
We must not undercook the veg or meat

We must not argue during the second course
We must not provoke any bitterness or tears
We must not mention our cousin’s divorce
We must not let Momma drink too many beers

We must not drop our guard on Christmas Day -
For it’s all about family (that’s what some say)
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                            O Little Front Line of Bethlehem

Stopped and questioned multiple checkpoints
A search of their persons and their vehicle
And a stern warning from the local patrol:
“You are not permitted to draw on public funds”

The Holy Family arrives at last at a no-tell inn
“I need to see two forms of identification
And a major credit card from any on this list
Fresh linens are extra; the ice machine is broken”

Surly men in grubby camouflage smoke cigarettes
Occasional gunfire lights up the noisy night
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                             (From The Saint Tibbs’ Day Songbook)

                          Last Christmas I Gave You my Pancreas

I thought there was an idea here
But maybe not
Just a few questions, ma’am
About the guy who received your heart and gave it away
Did he drop it off at a re-sale shop?

Giving a body part at Christmas is sing-able
“Last Septuagesima Sunday I gave you my heart”
Is not something you can dance to easily
Especially if you have no cardio-pulmonary functions

I thought there was an idea here
Maybe it’s those Nyquil dreams again…
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                           For Cate and Jack

                                           Or Jack and Cate?

                                                On Christmas

Certain joys about Christmas are always true
For among the season’s constant blessings
                        Are you!
Dec 2024 · 112
Do Dogs Have Souls? Do We?
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                            ­  Do Dogs Have Souls?

                                     “Behold, I make all things new.”

                                                  Revelati­ons 21:3-5

Do dogs have souls?
But how can one look into those big brown eyes
And not know the answer
Dec 2024 · 98
We Are Hopeful Romantics
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                   We Are Hopeful Romantics

We are hopeful Romantics -
Peeking behind wardrobe doors for a glimpse of Narnia
Awake on Christmas Eve to hear the animals speak
Leaving a saucer of milk for the Fairy-Folk

And if we don’t see Narnia or hear the animals
If the Fairies don’t leave us a thank-you note
Well, that’s okay
For they are true

Someday the wardrobe door will open for us
And then we’ll see…
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                            ­    Our Dear Leader

Democracy is dead, a memory, a husk
Selected, not elected: President Musk
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

          By Reading This Content You Agree to Our Privacy Policy

             It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander
             when you were…within range of a telescreen.

                                                 -Orwell, 1984

But your privacy? Nah; deal with it, you see
Baked beans, magazines and mountain scenes
Vacation trips and handy houseware tips -
They see you, they know you, they hunt you

Podcasts, partisan views, gossipy news
Engine parts, how-to vids, and funny kids
Treating head lice, tax advice, dancing mice
They see you, they know you, they hunt you

Through your made-in-Shanghai Palantir
Adverts will forever make you fear,
                                                           ­         My Precious

(“Palantir” is here an allusion to Tolkien’s genius, not to the software people.)
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                         The President Gets Tough on Firearms

       “I announced dozens of executive actions to keep guns out of
         dangerous hands…”

          Statement from President Joe Biden Marking Twelve Years
          Since the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting | The
          White House

The President wants to expand and widen
Gun laws for all that will be applied in
Each state in this nation that we abide in
No exceptions at all; every citizen's tied in

(Except, of course, for Hunter Biden)
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                        The O Antiphons, the Star, and Us

Solstice is not a time when the sun stands still
But rather a season when the sun stands aside
That we may better know the mysteries of deep night
In darkness just before deep Light returns

Out in the cold, and warmly wrapped in hope
We pray the O antiphons as we scan the sky
For the prophetic Star we long to see
The Star that guides us in our wanderings

Solstice is that season when the sun stands aside
So that eternal Dawn may then abide
O Antiphons, Winter Solstice
Dec 2024 · 153
You (Formerly Known as You)
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                              X, Formerly Known as Twitter

X, formerly known as Twitter
And there is you
Formerly known as you

Go read a book
Go get a job
Go get a life
Go get a clue
Work in the yard
Volunteer at the school
Wash the dishes
Clean up the house
Raise your children
Be positive
Be a role model
Be a real mensch
Be a real friend
Be a neighbor
By the Grace of God
Be truly you

You are no one’s glazed-eye parasite -
Go into the world and do yourself proud
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                              Camp Pendleton in Springtime

                            Field Medical Service School, 1968

There was no warmth in our sleeping bags
Spring rain sluiced down the dark and through our tents
Decaying tents from the Second World War
The Corps would spend no money on tents or us

But we were young, and playing at war was fun
We kept our rifles dry but nothing else
And yarned throughout the cold and soggy nights
Long days and nights mud-fighting the VC

Sometimes an hour or two of soggy sleep
But in my pocket, warm words from my favorite poet
Rod McKuen
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

              About That Beautiful Lady Sipping a Cup of Earl Grey

You’ve noticed her, I see – just a word of advice:
I was chatting with her over cups of tea
I mentioned that Earl Grey also tasted nice over ice -
There was ice indeed as she turned away from me
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                     The Gates of Hell & Ur F8v Bible Slogan Tee

A friend did not leave the church of his youth -
Like a foundering ship it slipped beneath the waves
Sloshings of fashions, shopping-mall usages
And dangling Peavey speakers listing to port

There were not enough bongos and guitars
To keep everyone afloat in a theological storm
A committee sold off the parking lot
There’s a day care now in the parish hall

He signed off his articles for the drowsy watch
And took to dark baptismal waters in despair
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                  Have You Got a License for That Concealed Truth?

                                      Thanks to Traveler and Donall

Don’t point truth or books at anyone unless you mean to bless him
Always open-carry truth and books
Always know what is behind truth and your book
There is no such thing as an unloaded truth or book
Once truth leaves the page you can’t call it back –
                                                   nor would you want to do so
Don’t rely on a book-banner’s safety
Know how to think about truth and books carefully
Store truth and books so that they can be accessed
                                                   by unauthorized persons
You can’t judge a cover by its book

(The “him” in the first line is gender-neutral as it always has been and always will be.)
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                        IT’S THE JEWISH SPACE LASERS!

New Jerseyans threaten to shoot down unidentified drones amid mystery sightings | Fox News

           “This planet shows no signs of intelligent life, Captain.”

                                        -as Mr. Spock might say

Look at them sparkledy lights all up in the skies!
We’re being bombed by the Iranians!
They’re enemy drones, launched by Chinese spies!
No, they’re atom-powered Pomeranians!

QAnon is our infalib…inffal…perfect source of news -
We’re to get out our guns and shoot in the air
Whatever’s happening it’s the fault of them Jews
(But first let us pause for a moment of prayer)

Dear Lord, in your mercy, on this night so still
Just please send us someone or something to ****

Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                      We Expect Too Much From Christmas

We expect too much from Christmas, sure
We should make an effort to work on that –
But we probably won’t
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                The Cold Kept Me in Today

The cold kept me in today
With a book, my dog, and the fire
The slanting sun, each mote-dusted ray –
It was all very like dear Tolkien’s Shire
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

           I Met a Man in Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital Parking Lot

He looked at my brand-new knock-off boonie hat
Pointed to himself, and said “1970”
He rattled on about “Come and Take It” flags
And the “stupid mother*s” who fly them

“The mother
ing VC wanted to do that
And so I shot them d
n’ mother*s”
His wife was waiting for him, impatiently
Sadly, sadly, heard-it-all-before-ly

For he had been no closer to Viet-Nam
Than some John Wayne movie
Re format: the computer is making a mess of the text, but you get the idea.
Dec 2024 · 120
The James Bond Girls
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                             The Bond Girls are Grannies Now

James Bond’s girlfriends are mostly grannies now
Sweatpants and sneaks instead of bikinis
The school run with the grandchildren, the grocery store
Volunteering at the public library

If one of them mentions that she once kissed Roger Moore
No one knows who he was – the Lone Ranger, maybe?
Adolescent hippie-color fantasies
Budgeting for the little kids’ new shoes

Didn’t you used to be somebody?
Well, yes - and you?
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

      Bombshell: The U. K. Daily Mail is Saying the Same Thing

Everyone is saying the same thing jaw-dropping everyone is saying the same thing iconic everyone is saying the same thing breaking cover everyone is saying the same thing bombshell everyone is saying the same thing haunting everyone is saying the same thing mysterious everyone is saying the same thing eye-watering everyone is saying the same thing ******* clad everyone is saying the same thing toned abs everyone is saying the same thing backlash everyone is saying the same thing jaw-dropping everyone is saying the same thing cleavage everyone is saying the same thing bombshell bombshell bombshell
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                      The Holy Eucharist and Then Apple Butter

Church is where someone you don’t even know
Gives you a jar of homemade apple butter
And wishes you a happy Christmas
Simple Gifts
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                            Somewhere in Syria There is a You

Somewhere in Syria there is a you
Pondering all the existential questions:
What is the meaning of life? Is God real?
Can you get to your job without getting shot?

Your notebooks were hidden from the old regime
Your notebooks are now hidden from the new
Is there enough food for today, for tomorrow -
Rough men with guns are beating on your door

Somewhere in Syria there is a you
In the next few seconds – what will you do?
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