Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office
Who is Your Greatest Hero?
Do you now, or have you ever…
Worked double shifts or double jobs to pay the bills
Read to your children instead of yelling at them
Had to jump-start your car in the pre-dawn cold
Jump-started your neighbor’s car in the pre-dawn cold
Do you now, or have you ever…
Done some hard time in the military
Served in the volunteer fire department
Attended divine services without making a fuss
Milked cows, chopped wood, raised a garden
Do you now, or have you ever…
Know which end of a hammer hits the nail
Built a home library for your children and yourself
Set a daily study schedule for developing your mind
Raised your children after your spouse bugged out
Do you now, or have you ever…
Gone to work early and stayed late at work
And did more than was expected of you
Taken your children on nature works
Volunteered at your local hospital
Of course you have
So who is my greatest hero?
You are