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1.3k · Aug 2015
where did you go
Bea Hastings Aug 2015
where did you go
did i miss the day you left
cause i'm still here waiting for you to say goodbye

i didn't see your razor gone
the sheets are still a mess
going over in my head everything you've done
or i've done wrong

am i suppose to guess
once more what you're thinking

i can't finish your sentences anymore
your words became my poetry
i'd finish what you never saw

you've left a mess of me

where did you go
and how long were you gone
or were you never here from the beginning

another poem
another song
Bea Hastings Aug 2015
We had fed the heart on fantasies,
The heart's grown brutal from the fare.
from Meditations in Time of Civil War
389 · Sep 2015
Bea Hastings Sep 2015
the two that broke me
combined , don't have the strength
to put me back together.
370 · Sep 2015
Bea Hastings Sep 2015
you make me laugh and cry in the same day

i tell you this
you answer,  i do that to myself
i say
it's me,  me i'm talking about
because of you
my eloquence is gone
now i'm fumbling like a fool reaching for words to keep you
when it's your words i need
just those words
i need you in my life
is it that hard for you to execute
those patterns of caring
of loving
of remembering


one day i will break you
and break down that wall of resistance
and when that happens
will i love you even more?


it's not possible to love you more
than i love you right now

i love who you are
don't change
not even for me
362 · Aug 2015
Bea Hastings Aug 2015
the rain beats down on the windows
and i wonder now
if it beats the same for him

we are divided by fame
or lack of it
what's in a face
or in a name

our hearts beat down or are
beaten down
by time that's not a virtue

our love is new
our souls are old
known by many
but understood by few

we are sedated by life
not  a life worth living
but one to pass the time
we'll put on a smile
however hollow
it fools them for a while

until it's real
life imitates art
until forever
we remain apart

the rain beats down on the windows now
and i wonder if it beats the same

for him
327 · Aug 2015
Bea Hastings Aug 2015

i miss you even when i'm with you
i want you to myself
i'm only me when i'm with you
i keep it in a jar on a shelf


you breathe new breath into my life
sometimes it's hard to swallow
the brush of your body makes me high
you're so beautiful when you smile


two bodies, minds, but just one heart
how cruel our fate can be
to keep us close but yet apart
for all eternity?

just me
well maybe
314 · Aug 2015
come get the rest of me
Bea Hastings Aug 2015
if i had blinked i would have missed you
you didn't hover long
i barely had an interest
i turned and you were gone
you came back strong for another shot
i started to pay attention
i hear all the lies now, that then i forgot
your selfishness you forgot to mention
you made me believe it was worth being with you
your throne to my knees i did bend
and now i'm out here on my own pretending
ah, you were just a lover, never a friend

i was alone
you lived your life

every inch of my soul is shred to tears
i doubt i can ever forgive you
love and laughter,  now  grief and fear
crazy that i could still want you

you broke off pieces till nothing was left
i dare you to come get the rest
although  you know you don't deserve to
they'd only shatter in your carelessness

how sad it doesn't matter

i was always alone
you will live your life

there's nothing left
i can't pretend
302 · Aug 2015
Bea Hastings Aug 2015
in the cold of winter and dark of night
came a man upon a horse
his clothes were tattered, his face well worn
his eyes filled with remorse
the sound of his voice strangely comforting
eerie just the same
the shape of his face so familiar
but forgotten was his name
i knew him many years ago
fifteen to be exact
said he'd leave and never return
and now he's come on back
i helped him down and brought him in
and lay him on my bed
tears in his eyes his voice so weak
this is what he said
i knew you many years ago
fifteen to be exact
said i'd leave and never return
but now i've come on back
i've traveled long i'm tired and torn
but on my dying bed
two bags of gold is all i have
to give you i'm afraid
and just one wish before i die
just one wish for me
bury me beside your mom
my love she'll always be
i knew him many years ago
fifteen to be exact
said he'd leave and never return
and now he's finally back
and with his gold i buried him
but a thousand miles apart
from the one he loved many years ago
who died of a broken heart
my brother wrote this as a kid
276 · Aug 2015
j and f
Bea Hastings Aug 2015
the word love thrown around
my fathers love
when i wanted him close and he was too tired, too busy too occupied
i waited and waited for something
some sense of caring
was he too busy did he not care.......
he was a man
a man with needs and desires
filled with love and lust
all along a little boy wanting to be loved
to be safe
he loved me yet i didn't feel it

and then there was me
dad can you take me here take me there
i'm too tired babe
oh ok
he doesn't love me
he has no time for me
i'm nothing
love means nothing
love means nothing
it's just a word
and now he's gone
and i can only tell him how much i miss him
and how much i loved him
but he knows, and he tells me so

they don't get it

and then there was he
that word it's thrown around
but for some, it's their whole reason
their reason for being
to love
who needs to be loved
and i am deserving of it
i know she loves me
with all my weary
maybe i can love her fully
some day
if she'll be here for me
she will
i feel it
my dad tells me so
274 · Aug 2015
Bea Hastings Aug 2015
how deep does it have to be to be considered soul?
not many or many few people have what would be considered soul
what depth of feeling and emotion is it?
is it pure empathy?
is it an understanding between as few as two people
sharing something or some experience that they and only they connect on?
many characteristics make up a truly caring person,
intelligence, compassion, empathy, insight, foresight, grace and a sense of humor.
why does it seem that the deepest thinking persons find humor in the most remedial of  things?
is it because we know and understand the heartbreak and the love lost
and the true love shared for each other?
so it's ok to poke fun, or to be ridiculously silly without judgement,  cause
the humor masks the pain and fear of knowing that
the laughter simply hides the tears.

— The End —