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Lauria Durrant Apr 2013
one day, on the highest mountains i will stand

i will leap through a valley of sunflowers

                            fresh breeze of the meadow winding  my hair



                                                  wade                                         out

for the finest galaxy

                                    a million years away

                                                        clouds of hope spur the abyss of space as they spur within me

                              brightest stars, illuminate the dark

radiant warmth, growing in my bones

                                     i will parade through mist of the ocean, prospering.
creative writing
Lauria Durrant May 2013
I am disappointed.
  I am many things,
    I am the sea breeze
The wind between the trees on a cool autumn day
A star in the night sky, shining
all alone
I am waiting, but I'm not sure what for
Lauria Durrant Apr 2013 do people write?

how do people put their feelings on paper.. how do people feel? im confused. I’ve been lost for a long time, empty.

Empty is me.. I am empty. I am the space between the lines on a piece of paper. I am the.. what am I?

Me. I am me. Me is the wanderer.. me is the one searching for purpose.

Purpose? What is purpose..
Lauria Durrant May 2013
In the near future,
I hope that I look back and watch all the of things that have happened in my life.
In that moment, I hope to realize there is peace within myself.
No more anger
or resentment, no disappointment
just hope
that one of these days, everything will be better.
Lauria Durrant Apr 2013
Mother, Father, lover

where did I go wrong?

I’ve been wandering for such a long time

between state lines and my time walking alone

I’m not sure where I’m going, but I know it won’t be home.
Lauria Durrant May 2013
I don't know what died inside me so deeply,
but whatever or however it happened left a presence of emptiness.
Lauria Durrant Apr 2013
I didnt see you when you were here.. but now that you're gone I see you everywhere.

— The End —