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Lauren Poxton Sep 2010
Head full of nothing
and a blank word document -
writers block prevails.
Lauren Poxton Sep 2010
Angel of my dreams,
please don't let me sleep alone,
need you to hold me.
Lauren Poxton Sep 2010
Work is not so fun,
too many bodies to move,
please go somewhere else.
Lauren Poxton Sep 2010
This one is for you,
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter,
typical haiku.
Lauren Poxton Sep 2010
A little rough around the edges,
you know nothing is perfect,
and yet it was worth it,
it was worth the anxiety,
the where are you?,
what are you doing?
and who is she?
because all you have to do is
kiss me,
and I’m yours.
Lauren Poxton Sep 2010
Your the reason for this ambivalence,
the reason my head is mentally screaming at my heart,
beating it black and blue with words,
a silent rage, an internal battle -
this is war.
Let go,
let go,
let ******* go.
Lauren Poxton Sep 2010
I will not choose
to confuse
with language
I do not know
how to use.
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