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Lauren P Mar 2010
cherubic smile
cautious slant
stammered calmness

curiously seductive
by lp
Lauren P Mar 2010
you may not see her,
but she's always around

as soon as you start to chase her,
she's out of your grasp

she just happens
she will find you

Love likes to catch you off guard.
Let her
by lp
Lauren P Mar 2010
burns with the first sip
my heart yearns
to be
by the
drunk love
that's ruled above
new passes are
grisly glances

oh well

just give me more glasses
of red wine
by lp
Lauren P Mar 2010
chained by the monster
released heart breaks into shards
lifetimes till rebirth
haiku by lp
Lauren P Jul 2010
don't cover your tears
let your eyes drown in the pain
the past will soon fade
haiku by lp
Lauren P Mar 2010
wear do we learn the rules?
                    the                rules
of riting

who says we have to

why Should it                   matter
i write
How I spelll
weather; I use the right punctu

where is the Creativity

if  y   ou    always
by lp
Lauren P Mar 2010
time tells a story
he lives a
wanting to go faster

the story of his life.
the story of his life.


the story of his life

time is trapped in his
own time
trapped in his life
life trapped him in time

the sad story of time
by lp
Lauren P Mar 2010
tomorrow's nothing;
for wishers and wannabe's.
live in the present
haiku by lp
Lauren P Mar 2010
wine has had her way with me tonight

pushed me
shoved me
drugged me

but i let it happen

i gulp the way she
muses me
uses me
abuses me

how is it love when i
am so weak
struggle to speak
reach my ******* peak

wine has had her way with me tonight
it's too late to
contest her rancid plight

until tomorrow night...
by lp

— The End —