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Lauren Nicole Apr 2011
You make me happy
Your words brighten my day
When you walk my way
I can only smile

When you make a path
Across my mind  
On my face I find
A smile seeping through

I see the beam of bright sun

Coming through the cracks

Of my creaky wooden life

When you come near me
Lauren Nicole Mar 2011
When I see you, my heart spins

When I hear your voice, it makes me melt

When I am with you, I feel whole

When I am without you, I feel hollow

When you are gone, I can't function

When you are gone, I just freeze

Then I see you, I can once again feel my fingertips

I can once again breathe.
Lauren Nicole May 2011
By a weary flickering light
A venerable man writes

His pen guided by a mortal
But opened here there is a portal

By which the gods have sent their blessing
On this paper brilliance is impressing

Mighty pen to marvelous page
The product, the wisdom of a sage

Wisdom unceremoniously passed
Forthcoming generations shall at last

Have this wisdom to behold
Knowledge is power, as it is foretold
Lauren Nicole Mar 2011
Wispy smoke
Velvet curtains
Shaken drinks
And foreign spice

This is the land of Temptation and Desire

Intoxicating perfume
Potent drinks
Mesmerizing sounds
Stimulate the eyes

This is the land of Lust and Luxury

Crisp ties
Crisp bills
Crisp voices
Soft light
Soft furs
Soft whispers

This is the land of the Richest and the ******

**This is the land of Late Night Lounge
Lauren Nicole Jan 2012
Rows and rows
Brick by brick
Cubicles and doors
Everything is happening
The moon is the same moon
The sun is a shared one
Every story is different
Each room differs
By oceans
Vast interconnectedness
The walls keep us together
Appearing to keep us apart
Feelings shared
Never at the same time
Or at the same thing
Turning turning
Spinning sputtering
Smoothly now
We eternally go
Lauren Nicole May 2011
I see you standing there
Eyes a vast ocean
Heart all torn
I feel a flash of heat
A wave of regret in my throat
A knife in my stomach

I see your back
Getting smaller and smaller
But I just stand
Leaving myself to bleed
Grief pours from my veins
Drains me dry
As I see you leave
As you walk away
From what we were
What went wrong?

My head fills
With lost questions
That wander the tunnels of my mind
Trying to find an answer
Trying to make sense
Of this disaster
What did I do wrong?
Why are you gone?
Did you ever love me?
But I just stand dumb and bleeding
Without a clue

I know I did something wrong
Flood of torment rushing through me
Regret making my head heavy
And my heart as dense as stone
And I know it was more than one thing
That I did to make you go

But I can't find the words to say
I'm sorry
Nothing I can say is the right thing
You cut my tongue
Right from my mouth
You cut my conscience
Right in two
But I shouldn't be blaming you

— The End —