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Lauren Nicole May 2011
By a weary flickering light
A venerable man writes

His pen guided by a mortal
But opened here there is a portal

By which the gods have sent their blessing
On this paper brilliance is impressing

Mighty pen to marvelous page
The product, the wisdom of a sage

Wisdom unceremoniously passed
Forthcoming generations shall at last

Have this wisdom to behold
Knowledge is power, as it is foretold
Lauren Nicole May 2011
Creaky withered wood abruptly freed from it's jamb
Flung inward into the cottage by violent gust
Releases a torrent of feathery flakes
That bite the skin and chill the air
Riding in on a robust and wintry gale
Hiemal gladiators stampede inward
Toward the scorching hearth
That is ablaze with a passionate fire
Crackling madly at the brumal intruders
White blistering embers fly wildly
And the tiny snow soldiers marching in bravely
Never stood a chance
Lauren Nicole May 2011
I see you standing there
Eyes a vast ocean
Heart all torn
I feel a flash of heat
A wave of regret in my throat
A knife in my stomach

I see your back
Getting smaller and smaller
But I just stand
Leaving myself to bleed
Grief pours from my veins
Drains me dry
As I see you leave
As you walk away
From what we were
What went wrong?

My head fills
With lost questions
That wander the tunnels of my mind
Trying to find an answer
Trying to make sense
Of this disaster
What did I do wrong?
Why are you gone?
Did you ever love me?
But I just stand dumb and bleeding
Without a clue

I know I did something wrong
Flood of torment rushing through me
Regret making my head heavy
And my heart as dense as stone
And I know it was more than one thing
That I did to make you go

But I can't find the words to say
I'm sorry
Nothing I can say is the right thing
You cut my tongue
Right from my mouth
You cut my conscience
Right in two
But I shouldn't be blaming you
Lauren Nicole May 2011
I'm sorry but
I must escape
This Earth
I am so tired
Of the horrible things here
I am going to escape
Maybe I will bring my lover
Maybe I will go
To the white sandy beaches
Of Greece
Maybe the quaint city
of San Francisco
Or maybe I will choose a place
Entirely different
And infinitely bigger
A place within my mind
I am sorry but
I must drift away now
I am going to my home
Leaving this Earth
I can take you with me
We can see the three suns
And the giant moon
And the love and peace
That grows on trees
Succulent fruit
Immaculate paradise
So far away from your world
Don't shake me awake
I beg of you please
Let me be
As I reject this reality
And substitute my own
Lauren Nicole May 2011
The blows hurt so much worse

The kicks ******* so much more

The jabs bleed out profusely

And my bones become much more sore

Than if you really hurt me

With your fists and shoes and knife

But instead you hurt me with your stinging words

These words that slowly drain me of my life
Lauren Nicole May 2011
These limbs reach
They stretch to the limit
Of their mortal muscles
Extend towards the gem
In the dark
Shrouded in smoke
These achy limbs are ignorant
Only guessing
As to what this gem is exactly
My head is filled with
A pulling sensation
And it pulls me to this essence
This ruby, gold, emerald.
Or knowledge, riches, companionship.
I only know
That I must have
My diamond in the rough
Lauren Nicole Apr 2011
All the swaying bright green grass
And all the tender fruits
And every brilliant butterfly
With golden wings spotted with dew
Every single kitten's purr
And fluffy tail of squirrel
And hot, yellow summer sun
Make nature horrible.

Now, it sounds like I'm depressed
Emo, you cloud say.
But believe me, I am not
I just see things as they are.

The itchy grass gives me a rash
Fruit rots,
bringing fruit flies,
buzzing and nasty.
A single butterfly can move a single wing
And miles away,
that tiny puff of air
Turns into a hurricane,
destroying lives and homes.
And that kitten?
Well, it grows up,
it scratches you,
The cat gets into catfights,
scratched and scarred forever
In this horrible world.
And squirrels are easy prey
for viscous dogs and beasts alike
Ripping entrails
all over your porch,
****** and furry.
And that crippling sun!
It burns my very flesh!
It stings with a scarring pain.
And it doesn't stop when I leave the wrath of the blistering ball of fire,
I have this burn
For weeks and weeks,
all over my body!
What a cruel reality!
I'm staying inside.
Nature is horrible.
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