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Lauren Ellis Feb 2011
As my heart beats,
i feel hot breath on my cheek,
hands going down,
screams going loud,
so wrong but right,
not putting up a fight,
as the light breaks,
im up and gone
for another heartbreak
i kiss their cheek.
its ******* me up more and more
im just her *******
Lauren Ellis Feb 2011
Its so wrong what I want to do,
Kiss her lips,
Run my fingers down her body
I know it’s not natural but it is to me
She wants it I know she does,
She’s more up to it than me,
She can show me the ways she moves,
We can move in time,
Only if we could,
But everything good always ends up heart break,
If its just a **** she wants she's going to break.
No one is strong as that.
You paint on your mask and try to smile but the only joy you have is when your breaking someone else’s heart
Lauren Ellis Feb 2011
As i walked to feild were she stands
i saw her, her eyes blue like the sea
she laughs and smiles when we talk
this should be how it is but her love goes to someone else
as we walked along the feild she took hold of my hand,
it felt so right but so wrong at the same time,
i know she's not mine,
but she wants to be i can feel it,
as its time to go she pulls me close and whispers in my ear,
"i need you".

— The End —