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Lauren Denning Nov 2012
Frail and naïve
Dressed in bare naked
Punctuating your laughter
With coy
I’ll toss aside my weighty
Halfhearted insecurities,
If only for right now.
Your hands and heart meet mine,
Just for a moment.
We turn away for fear
Of who or what
We might become.
Lauren Denning Nov 2012
All girl and
No pin up.
Pent up
A sidewalk
A street lamp
A half lit cigarette
A smile
A kiss
A boy who didnt know
The difference
Lauren Denning Nov 2012
Nearly never,
Almost always,
You'll say
I'm sorry.
You're right, but
I'm nearly never
Almost always
just a little off.
You'll be the death
Of me.
I'll most certainly
Go willingly.
Nearly never
Awake enough to see
What's almost always
In front of me.
Lauren Denning Nov 2012
Fragile sins drip
From parted lips and
Finger tips.
Flitting and flirting with
The looming truth.
Lauren Denning Nov 2012
Writhing, Choking
Stealing the life blood of this giant.
Suffocating, Strangling
We must fell this beast.
All but dead,
It holds on reaching upward
Roots tearing at the sodden earth.
Trying to **** what little can still
Be found there.
We can nearly hear it shrieking
The behemoth groans and creaks,
The battle is nearly won.
Victory will be bitter sweet.

— The End —