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Mar 2012 · 1.9k
Raise a Glass
Raise a glass,

Let’s make a toast.

To the years of our lives,

We’ll remember the most.

These times should be flashy,

Filled with drama and chance.

There’s nothing like summer,

For some risky romance.

We are young and inspired.

We are beautiful and strong.

It’s in these golden years,

That we can do no wrong.

So we’ll run from the cops,

And swim naked in pools.

Drink till we drop,

And smoke to feel cool.

The world is our pearl,

That’s how it will seem.

This is the time of our lives,

For you and for me.
Deep, dark and numb inside
My broken thoughts fall like pieces of shattered glass
Crashing at my feet with the rest of my world
Scarring up my skin as they drop
Forever marking me as something obscene

                                                                              Locked away pain,
                                                                            Makes the best smile.
                                                                         I’ll smile for you always.
                                                                           Leave you untouched.

While shaky fingers stitch me together
Pills make pain fade like magic potions
A wonderful shade of grey settles in my brain
The best I can hope for, all things considered.

                                                                           You’re really trying,
                                                                              I guess I will too.
                                                                       I’ll smile for you always.
                                                                         Leave you untouched.

Tempting old habits make my skin itch
Pleading the best kind of medicine
The pain that will send me high out of grey
But under watchful eyes it’s pointless to dream

                                                                     You’re sounding so happy,
                                                                        How can I not be too?
                                                                       I’ll smile for you always.
                                                                        Leave you untouched.

My rolling stomach won’t stop yelling
My racing thoughts won’t slow down
I could use a dose of you more than ever
But instead I’ll swallow hard and try to sleep

                                                                       I’ll smile for you always.
                                                                       I’ll leave you untouched.
                                                                       Safe from my madness.
                                                                       Safe from my hang ups.
I dream of a room, painted in pastels.
Matching white wooden beds, draped with hand-knit throws.
A big sunlit bay window, letting in the world.
Winnie the Pooh chasing a red balloon on the wall.

In this room I can hold you.
Caress your innocent face.
In this room your fingers, so tiny and helpless,
can wrap around my own.

Here we can sit together, my lips whispering lullabies
in your ear. Ear’s so beautiful, dainty, and perfect I can
hardly believe they came from me. Here we can watch
the world blossom out the big bay window.

I come to this room more and more. Hoping to see you
smile for the first time. Hoping to witness your first steps,
your first words, your first tooth. Hoping to god you remember
my face when I’m gone.

There’s just one problem.
In reality, this room is non-existent.
Because in reality
you are non-existent.

In my dreams alone can I hold you.
Caress your innocent but never-completely-clear face.
In my mind alone can your fingers, tiny and helpless,
wrap around my own.

So I run to my dreams, stumbling and falling
in haste. For you are waiting there
for me.

Only in fantasy can we sit together, singing lullabies I know
but can barely remember the tune too. Only in dreamland
will I see your beauty. Only here can I pretend to
see the world unfold with you in it.

And every time I make it there,
I know it won’t be long till I wake up.
Ripped away from you.

Ripped away from this room, I know I will
never get to see you smile. I won’t see your first steps,
you’ll never take them. I won’t see your first tooth,
it will never come in. I’ll never hear your first word,
you’ll never say it. You won't remember my face,
you've never seen it.

Why, if I will never know you,
**must I dream about you so.
I'll always love you Lillian/Dean. Though we never got to meet.
Mar 2012 · 773
Ribbon wrapped dreams.
Dancing through a pitch black room,
the music wraps around her like the ribbons
that lace up her legs.

Lilacs taint the still air. Mixing with the smell
of sweat from her determined brow.

Whipping in circles,





Her spirits rise
and something like a smile
sparks through the darkness.



Quicker now, as the tempo rises.



Thoughts of her competition
leak into her brain.




She breaths in the movements,
connecting her soul to this art form.



No one wants this more than
Fourte - crack.

And just like that it’s over.

Dancing through a pitch black room,
the music wraps around her like the ribbons
of pain lacing up her ankle.
I want to see how your mind works and weaves.
You cry out for my happiness
but it's worth nothing more to you than
stained carpet.

My skin crawls when your presence wraps around me.
It suffocates my skin like
thick black tar dripping down my body. Burning hot,
but making me numb.

We're not supposed to be like this; stuck in such a mess.
But then again, when have we ever been
any different? Happy memories are so foggy I have to
squint to see them.

Soon can not be soon enough for leaving, but somehow
I feel bad about leaving you behind.
My heart, a boiling cauldron of bitterness, still breaks
seeing you cry.

Maybe the stork dropped me down the wrong chimmney.
Perhaps I wasn't supposed to call
you Mom. Then again, I don't call you that anymore
Sometimes I catch
Thinking about your

Where you are.
Where you're going.
If you're missing me....


I don't miss you.
I don't regret you.

But I know,
that sometimes you
think about me too.

Where I am.
Where I'm going.
If I miss you....


The answer is no.
I love you, but no.

She can have you're
hollow heart.
You're just a shadow of the
boy I loved.

I'm not jealous of her holding you.
My heart doesn't break at her seeing your smile.
You are not the person you used to be...


She can have the cheap
You can downgrade for her.

I'll move on like I do.
On and farther away from you.
I don't need who you've become...

I wish I could feel this way everyday, but I'm getting there.

Mar 2012 · 1.3k
Invisible Children
Dear Uganda, listen.

For we have heard your cry.

Our voices have been building,

the end is now in sight.

We know that he has taken,

those born from your own womb.

His sick mind is making kids

grow up much too son.

They're stolen from their beds,

a silent crime at night.

Invisible children marching,

now soliders made to fight.

With over 30 thousand taken,

how can we stay blind?

The place where you are born,

shouldn't decide if you live or die.

Our soliders there on foot,

it's time to spread his name.

Kony thinks he's winning

but we're about to change the game.

Africa please have hope,

for in this you're not alone.

Joseph Kony

You're children will be made known.
KONY 2012. Futher the movement. Make people aware of Joseph Kony's crimes. His arrest will change the lives of over 30 thousand children, and save the lives of so many more.
Mar 2012 · 926
Slapped hard by
hands of anger.
Your so-called care
sent me spiraling.

Vision blurry from
shock. Arms bruised
from impacting walls.
You shake your head
at me with disgust.

Is this my fault?
Do I truly deserve this?
Am I the tease you say,
or am I the victim?

Yelled obscenities by
steep stairs, I grab for
anything steady. Fear of true
injury courses through my body.
My heart whispers depserately
he wouldn't. My brain screams
he would.

Clothes hide the evidence
of his wrath. Shame seals my
lips like super glue. Brain now
quieted, my heart whispers
sweet nothings to me. Repeating
every time he's forgiven my
supposed faults.

Is this my fault?
Am I so deserving
of pain, that you must
inflict it?
Mar 2012 · 678
Standing on Shaky Ground.
Heart skipping beats.
Hands enclosed in
what should be a causual

Smiling like I haven't
in such a long time.
You're presence fills my
lungs with air.

Air that was taken by another's
hurting heart. ****** out
without regret.

Our paths collided in
a drug induced-haze. My
mind set so raw I would of
given you anything.

You're eyes drank in mine,
Calming my tears. You
stopped my advances, knowing
my fears.

Now we float in the sea
of uncertainty. Reaching for
each other through the
parting waves of time.

You're leaving so soon.
Starting your life.
It seems i'll stay here,
remembering that night.
Mar 2012 · 598
I am not a godly soul.
I am no fool to be told:
when to pray and how
to act. Breaking my back
for some divine pact.

But without god,
where are you?
Does that mean your
soul has withered, too?
You have passed
without us meeting.
But when I'm ready,
will it be you I'm seeing?

Or are you simply
bled and flushed.
Kicked out of my home
much too rushed.
My structures could not
bear your life. You're
cradle broke, despite my

I am not a godly soul.
No book of hypocrites
can tell me no.
I don't search for answers
in the form of prayer.
But I'd believe in god,
if I could have you here.
i'm particularly interested in your reading of the last stanza. Not sure what to title it either.
Feb 2012 · 591
Searching for Perfect.
Searching for beauty
she stumbles in

Convinced the mirrors
on the wall will

Telling the world
her ugly secrets.
Telling the world of
her inescapable flaws.

Searching for happiness
she clutches at

Loving the purge
in such a sickening

Her insides roll with
aching triumph. Her
lips form a smile on her
***** smeared face.

Searching for peace
she carves out
her skin.

Silencing the voices
that drive her to

Rubies fall from her
open wounds. Lips quivering
at the thought of it all
stopping to soon.

Searching for perfection
she puts on her

Paints her lips
red and straightens
her mane.

Sweaty palms smooth
her barely there outfit.
It's time to test all her
self-injury effort.
Feb 2012 · 939
Judge Me
Judge me,
strip me raw.
Let's see if I
survive the fall.

Push to the limit,
bend me till I break.
Cut till you reach
bone. I need to know
what I can take.

Tell me what you
really think. Tell
me what you see.
Let's piece together
the person you consider
me to be.

Judge me.
Feb 2012 · 1.1k
Colors behind closed eyes
doors to the soul shut,
but never more open.
Connection like nothing
ever experienced
touching your real person
like an electric

Do you see me? Here?
Together in this place so
The feeling like this
will never end,
forever floating through
this technicolored loop.

Can you feel me? Here?
Its like I can see into your
mind where all the darkness
lies. Your fears, passions
and thoughts like
nothing you've imagined before.
Is it so crazy to want
to stay here?

Everything here is bright.
When it's not,
you can still make it bright
again. You can make
your thoughts go anywhere
you want. Travel so far away
from yourself that
you might not be able to come

Is that bad?
Is it crazy to want
to stay like this?
Feb 2012 · 3.5k
The broken ones.
What blaze of fury has brought such decay?
Translucent hearts are all the color this picture
of hate. Can you see the broken ones? Can you
smell the hopelessness they wear like some
expensive perfume? Watch them cower and scamper
through bushes. Hiding their scorched skin like it's
something obscene. Watch as they scatter like marbles
from a child's circle. Building fire from scraps of oh-so
precious wood. Their smoke clouds the almost
non-existent breeze. What would their ancestors say?
Would they blush at the ***** rawness of this world?
Would they gasp at the events that brought us here?
Does it even matter? In the end the grass
is gone. The trees have died and the flowers have
fallen. Tell me what is sacred about this.

Where is the god you prayed to?
This started as a warm up exercise in my creative writing class. We had three words we had to incorporate, and then as we wrote the teacher would add another word we had to use every minute or so. Enjoy :]
Feb 2012 · 886
Look at yourself.
Look at yourself
Look what you have done.
Look how far you've
Look how far you've

Look at yourself
Tell them what you see.
A woman so strong now
A girl so independent now

Don't act like you're fine.
With the way you are
you can't afford to

Look at Dean
Look at Lillian too.
They never got a
but that's not because
of you.

Look inside you
Look at your heart.
You would of loved
But you weren't ready
to start.

Look at yourself
You are so strong.
He said what he
but you know that he's

You love him
That won't go away.
And if he comes
Can you face what you'd

Tell the truth
Yes, you were crushed.
And to forgive him might
be weak.
But I guesss that's just

Look at yourself.
Feb 2012 · 3.3k
I hate my body.
All my angles and lines.
And I hate them all
because of you.
What are we trying to accomplish?
Pitting body type against body type?
Why is it wrong to love
my bones,
if it's encouraged that you love
your curves?
I am healthy.
I eat every day.
My body is different,
why isn't that okay?
I get called
and sick.
But I can't call you
or thick.
Don't tell me to gain weight,
and I won't tell you to lose it.
Why can't we accept that people are different?
Feb 2012 · 1.3k
To grow like you.
Strong and sturdy,
like a well-believed lie.
Your arms stretch out
grasping for some kind
of truth. What has
your face seen? So
weathered and creased.
I wish I could fall
into you. Put my feet in
the earth. Grow as strong
in my convictions as you
do to withstand time.

Is it crazy to want your
strength? Can I put
my hands on your
roughness and myself
become rough? I want
my limbs to bear the
weight that yours do.
I want them to stay
strong through never
ending change.

Is it crazy to
want your strength?
A strength so rawly
beautiful and intense that
nothing short of
death could diminish

I want to learn
your unspoken
lessons. I want to sit
and listen to the wind
whisper your secrets.
I want to hold a lifetime
of experience under one
stern mask. I want to
be strong and sturdy.
Like a well-believed
I wrote this while I was sitting in an empty chapel-like room at my highschool. There is this very impressive tree right out the window I had been staring at, and this just came to me.

— The End —