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What blaze of fury has brought such decay?
Translucent hearts are all the color this picture
of hate. Can you see the broken ones? Can you
smell the hopelessness they wear like some
expensive perfume? Watch them cower and scamper
through bushes. Hiding their scorched skin like it's
something obscene. Watch as they scatter like marbles
from a child's circle. Building fire from scraps of oh-so
precious wood. Their smoke clouds the almost
non-existent breeze. What would their ancestors say?
Would they blush at the ***** rawness of this world?
Would they gasp at the events that brought us here?
Does it even matter? In the end the grass
is gone. The trees have died and the flowers have
fallen. Tell me what is sacred about this.

Where is the god you prayed to?
This started as a warm up exercise in my creative writing class. We had three words we had to incorporate, and then as we wrote the teacher would add another word we had to use every minute or so. Enjoy :]
Look at yourself
Look what you have done.
Look how far you've
Look how far you've

Look at yourself
Tell them what you see.
A woman so strong now
A girl so independent now

Don't act like you're fine.
With the way you are
you can't afford to

Look at Dean
Look at Lillian too.
They never got a
but that's not because
of you.

Look inside you
Look at your heart.
You would of loved
But you weren't ready
to start.

Look at yourself
You are so strong.
He said what he
but you know that he's

You love him
That won't go away.
And if he comes
Can you face what you'd

Tell the truth
Yes, you were crushed.
And to forgive him might
be weak.
But I guesss that's just

Look at yourself.
I hate my body.
All my angles and lines.
And I hate them all
because of you.
What are we trying to accomplish?
Pitting body type against body type?
Why is it wrong to love
my bones,
if it's encouraged that you love
your curves?
I am healthy.
I eat every day.
My body is different,
why isn't that okay?
I get called
and sick.
But I can't call you
or thick.
Don't tell me to gain weight,
and I won't tell you to lose it.
Why can't we accept that people are different?
Strong and sturdy,
like a well-believed lie.
Your arms stretch out
grasping for some kind
of truth. What has
your face seen? So
weathered and creased.
I wish I could fall
into you. Put my feet in
the earth. Grow as strong
in my convictions as you
do to withstand time.

Is it crazy to want your
strength? Can I put
my hands on your
roughness and myself
become rough? I want
my limbs to bear the
weight that yours do.
I want them to stay
strong through never
ending change.

Is it crazy to
want your strength?
A strength so rawly
beautiful and intense that
nothing short of
death could diminish

I want to learn
your unspoken
lessons. I want to sit
and listen to the wind
whisper your secrets.
I want to hold a lifetime
of experience under one
stern mask. I want to
be strong and sturdy.
Like a well-believed
I wrote this while I was sitting in an empty chapel-like room at my highschool. There is this very impressive tree right out the window I had been staring at, and this just came to me.

— The End —