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Lauren Dec 2012
Just like your jug of milk in the fridge
we have and expiration date.

Now we have finaly seen eachother
and I must admit I might be falling in love with you.

Spending the night
and sleeping in your arms.

Just like bread on you counter
we have an expiration date.

Your going away soon to join the military
and I am going to miss you more than I will admit.

Im not willing to whisper the word please dont go
and mess up your future all for a girl

Just like that meat in your freezer
we have an expiration date.
Lauren Nov 2012
i dont like the smell of lingering syrup
the way it smells on my breath
and stays with my hands
like its substance its scent is **sticky
Lauren Oct 2012
your presence makes me warm
your touch makes me shudder
your kiss makes me tingle
Lauren Oct 2012
i cant sit here and listen to your ignorance any more
you sit and complain that your poor

yet you give your boyfriend your money
you're not even his only honey

you are his sugar-mamma
and love be caught up in his drama

i have no kind of sorrow
becuase you let him borrow and borrow

you volunteer to leave work early everyday
and have the nerve to complain about your pay

sit your *** down and do your ****
dont throw a ******* fit

fourteen years older than me
your thirty three

i try to be respectable and nice
but your stories make me think twice

you sound so ingnorant
you make me so sick im loosing my pigment

why did you have to get shot by cupid
and become so stupid

i cant
listen to you be ignorant
Lauren Oct 2012
with you
time with slips by
an hour feels like few minutes
and makes me wish i had many hours
intead of many minutes
with you
Lauren Oct 2012
I feel like i tell you too much
i tell you everything
your voice hits me like truth syrum
my words fly past my teeth
fall over my lips
and into your ears

i dont know if this kind of truth scares you
somethings im sure i should keep it to myself
of corse i wouldnt be lying to you
but my secrets could stay mine
and my thoughts be my own

im sure i will freak you out when you see how crazy i am
my thoughts sound crazy
they bounce from here to there
about this and that
about nothing and something
things that havent or will not even happen
what-ifs and scenarios that are unrealistic

the truth about how i feel about you
i like you too much
your ****, cute, sweet
i like you too much

you will think im obbsessed or something
truthfully i probably am
the way you feel
they way you look at me
the lines you get around your mouth and eyes when you smile

Lauren Oct 2012
invisible is air
invisible is me
nobody cares
they see only half of me
will they ever see me whole
will i ever be whole
is half all thats willing to show
if i dont know my whole me
how will they see more than half of me
half of me is all that will be
unitl i learn the whole of me
until i find the invisible me
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