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Mar 2015 · 484
Laura Liu Mar 2015
I fell for you
When you noticed me in the hallway;
And I fell for you
When you winked at me in class;
And I fell for you
When you gave me your number;
And I fell for you
When you answered on the first ring;
And I fell for you
When we snuck out late at night;
And I fell for you
When you smiled and told me you loved me;

And I fell for you

And you watched me from above.
Jun 2014 · 328
Laura Liu Jun 2014
I just forgot I actually exist again. I've been feeling so detached from the rest of the world lately. Usually it just feels like I'm behind a glass wall, but as of late it feels more like a brick wall with a window, slowly closing in on me. And sometimes I forget to look through the window and the world just washes past me.
Apr 2014 · 444
Going back
Laura Liu Apr 2014
Lately, I've been analyzing my life like I would a book.
I talk about 'going back' a lot.
I'm not so sure what I mean by that.
Do I want to physically go back to where I dropped my pen?
Perhaps my mind wishes for me to be back to my old house with all my old friends.
Or maybe I am like other people, wanting to go back to the innocence of childhood.
I don't know a lot about myself,
But I do know I want to go back.
I live in the past and worry about the future.
I need to appreciate the present more.
Feb 2014 · 712
Laura Liu Feb 2014
Some people learn from their mistakes. They get burnt by fire and never go close to it again. But then they begin to stay away from everything warm. They'd rather freeze to death than risk getting burnt again.
Save me from freezing. Please.
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Before I Met You
Laura Liu Nov 2013
I said I was going to stay single forever,
But that was before I met you.

I said I will always only rely on myself,
But that was before I met you.

I said nothing in this world would make me happy again,
But that was before I met you.

I said I would never love,
But that was before I met you.

I love smelling you;
I love tasting you;
I love it when you're in my body.

Coffee, I love you.
Nov 2013 · 586
The Haunting
Laura Liu Nov 2013
There is a word that haunts me;

Day and night, it never leaves my mind.

I try to forget it,

Try to think of something else,

But all attempts are futile.

It is a word that some people hate;

It is a word that some people love;

Some people eat it,

Others throw it away.

What is this word that haunts me day and night?

Do you really want to know?

Okay, here it is;

The word is...


— The End —