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1.6k · Jun 2010
Laura Knowles Jun 2010
Who is that in the shadows?
Always there, never seen.
They try to get noticed, but just get shoved back
Into the shadows, into the darkness
This person has a name, but most people call them “Invisible.”
Always pushed aside, never heard, never remembered,
Invisible as the day goes on, Invisible all the time.
When people are labeled as invisible, no one hears them,
No one understands them, no one sees them
No one cares to know who they are, no one asks about them.
They get the short end of the stick, always the last to be chosen.
The invisible people are the outcasts, the freaks,
the weirdos, and the losers. Everyone has their chance
to show who they are, but others ignore them,
All the while forgetting that at sometime in a person’s life,
They will be invisible to someone.
1.4k · Nov 2010
Laura Knowles Nov 2010
They sit there staring at you, looking at you nervously, wondering if they will get caught.
You sit there staring back, watching their moves, looking and waiting for the signs.
They don't realize what they are doing, it has become second nature.
They break eye contact, they just can't take it anymore.You look at them, they know that they can't hide it, they sit and try to cover what they did.
They start to speak, they shake and can't look at you anymore. You have them caught. They deny it, say more and dig themselves deeper. They sit trying not to break, you stare them down, not backing away.
You want the truth, they refuse to give it.
They sit there sweating.
Who will win?
Them or you, which is greater the truth or is it lies?
Society says the truth will set you free, but everyone lies at some point.
Finally they sit there and admit that they have done wrong.
You sit and have a satisfied look, then you realized, you were the one that was wrong.
And for once you sit back  and look back and understand what the others were saying, was right.
"They" are people that don't agree with you, and you think, is there such a thing as truth?
821 · Dec 2010
Laura Knowles Dec 2010
You are always there for everyone else, you sit back in the shadows to make sure that they dont fall,
You love with all your heart and you never give up on your famliy, no matter how much tyhey mess up,
You make sure they have what they want, what they need, yet you will do without what you need as long as they are happy, but its time that you come out of the shadows and finnaly get what you deserve.
All the love and respect that should come with your great gift should not just be shown on a certain day or a certain time of the year.

The only time that people show they care is when they want something from you, when they thing they are in trouble or when they are trying to cover up what they did wrong.
Most of them know you care yet do nothing for you, while some try there hardest to make you happy yet still find ways to disappoint you, to hurt you, and to make you feel unwanted.
You know they love you but sometimes you wonder if they love you just for what they think you have or what you give them, or even if they really love you at all.
Sometimes they will say it but not mean it and other times they mean it but dont say it.
They are your family who you would give anything for, but you are the one that matters all the time.

No matter how hard or not you try they will always love you and so therefore even though they may use you or even act like they dont care about you at all they really do love you and all they do for them.
This time you deserve more then they can ever give you and nothing they do will ever be enough.
They will try to make things up to you but they can never measure up to what a great person you are or the things you have done.

NO one will ever compare to you, and NO one will ever take you away.
You are always there for them and they will always be there for you no matter how old they get or how much you think they don't want you around, and also they will never forget what you have done and will do for them, even if they seem unappreciative, they will make it up to you in time.
756 · Jun 2010
Laura Knowles Jun 2010
Life is like the leaves on a tree
You start out small and motionless then gradually you will move with the wind.

As you grow older you start to try to hold on tighter to your branch so that the wind does not take you away, but yet you feel like you should just let go but before you are truly ready winter will come and make you leave the comforts of your home, your beautiful branch.

And in the human world this is true because while you are still in school you are surrounded by the love of family and friends but as soon as the time for you to go out on your own is here and you wonder if things will ever be the same because as you leave the branch you can not return and when you grow up you can never return to the age and size of a child.
536 · Jun 2010
Life is a Dream
Laura Knowles Jun 2010
I have had time to think and now I know that my life is just a dream
Look me in the eye and tell me the truth
Is it real?
Sometimes I wonder about the things you do but then again we all do that from time to time
so look back to your dream life and think back
Will this ever turn into reality?
I often look back and wonder why we dream the things that we do.
Who can stop us? Not me, not you. So who's left?
Do you sit back and wonder about the things you dream?
Do they seem real?
When will this dream be over?
Soon I hope but for now it can just stay the same.
Why torture yourself and think what the hell?
It is now time to wake up and see the truth because this dream world you live in is a lie and we all know that it will never come true.
498 · Jun 2010
Laura Knowles Jun 2010
Everyone is different on the outside,
And on the inside we all look the same.
People are quick to judge
But don’t take much time to know what
Another is like on the inside, which is what matters.
White, Black, short, tall, fat or skinny, this does
Not matter, because that might change, but the character of
A person will not. If you judge a person,
Think how others are judging you.
495 · Jun 2010
Three Little Words
Laura Knowles Jun 2010
I love you, these three little words are the words you say to mean
but is that really what you mean?
Again you say those three little words and again I wonder if it is true.
You see it is not fair to do this but, I just wonder if you even know what those three little words mean.
So just stop and think, is this real or make believe?
At night I say this to you and there is no return but silence.
This all seems so fake, just look me in the eye and just once return those three little words that can mean oh so very much!
474 · Jun 2010
Laura Knowles Jun 2010
Why do the tears that you create cause the most pain?
Why did I let you treat me like a welcome mat?
Why did you have to take it all away from me?
Why was I always your last call?
What did I do to get treated like this?
Why did I even become your friend?

Did you not know what this meant to me?
How did I not see this coming?
What is wrong with me?
Why are guys so hard to deal with?
Why is it Christmas time that brings out the worst in people?
Why did you use me?

Why are people so inconsiderate of others feelings?
Did you get a thrill out of stringing me along?
Why could you not open your eyes and see what was going on?
Why won’t you just leave me alone?
What is your problem?
Why her and not me?

Get a real close look at life and ask yourself why I did that to her or what is going to happen now that you are out of my life.
421 · Jun 2010
What Happens When.........
Laura Knowles Jun 2010
When you draw, the images are your thoughts,
When you write, the ink flows with your words,
When you talk, your thoughts form words and come to life,
When you add color to things, it looks pretty and inviting,
When you think, you dream,
When you use your actions, it speaks louder then your words,
When you don’t do any of this, ask yourself what you are really doing.
390 · Jun 2010
The Time Has Come
Laura Knowles Jun 2010
The time has come, but no one knows why or what for.
They sit and wonder, will they get caught?
The time has come to do right, to see what to do.
People are full of lies,
Not only to others but to themselves
But the time has come to tell the truth,
Everyone’s time is different,
It won’t help to run, to hide,
Face it and take what will come,
Because the time is now.

— The End —