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5.3k · Apr 2015
Bad boy Bad boy
Laura Ann Apr 2015
Pretty, skinny, smart, kind,
How many people see through my lies.
Maybe that's then reason I want to burn with him,
I'm part devil, part bad girl, that's just who I am.
You say "What's a good girl like you, doing with someone like him?"
Maybe that's why I hate you, maybe that's why I sin.
Do not judge him by the way his skin is his canvas,
Do not judge him by the metal piercing through his lips.
Know that the words he whispers into the dead of night,
The fears he keeps hidden, away from your sight,
And the stunning eyes that showcase what he's seen,
That's who he is, reflected in pools of green.
So why don't you judge me the way you judge him?
Because I'm pretty? Or skinny? Or have unmarked skin?
Don't you realize the outside covers the person within?
273 · Oct 2016
Nights like these
Laura Ann Oct 2016
Nights like these I can't help but wonder
Would things have been different had I not left
Would I not be so keen to let these thoughts wander
If I had always been around and my heart you had kept

But nights like these I'm forced to remember
The sadness, the pain, you brought everyday
Not just nights you were with her
But the mornings you were never with me

Nights like these I keep a tally
Of all the times you said you loved me
Why doesn't it fill up both hands?
Why doesn't it stretch for miles on end?
Nights like these I can't help but wonder

— The End —