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 Feb 2010 Laura
Ottis Blades
 Feb 2010 Laura
Ottis Blades
You can’t have her eyes
because they still look for me
in the darkest of nights
when you hold her tight
she still feels me breathe
because your breathing is obsolete
and doesn't mean much
in the grand scheme of things.

You can't have her strength
because I gave that to her
you can't have her breath
because I took that away
but you can always have her body
that has become an empty shell
because she is not there
because she still sleeps with me
bundled up in between
my solitude and I.

You can have her dry lips
their moisture stayed on mines
you can have her complacent smile
because you never knew the one
that's genuinely warm and affectionate
the one that I still own
the one that belongs to us.

From those star-lit nights
hundreds of moons ago
to the gray Sunday afternoons
spent underneath our skins
when it was just the two of us
and a pint of ice cream
where all the love in the world could fit
and still have plenty of room for more.

You can't have her nose
because it's still tattered with my kisses
and my essence will remain in her lungs
as long as there is air in them
as long as she walks the earth
her lips will never know once more
what is the meaning of true love
unless they meet mines again
at the door of wishful dreaming
where the sky shakes
and our heaven breaks
shared by the two of us.

You can't have her ears
because it's the color of my voice
she would always rather hear regardless
of the pain it's coated on.
So tell me now if you must know
the truth of the matter if nothing else
who is with that person with you
if she's not even with herself?

Who is that person patiently sighing
ultimately packing her bags?
I'll tell you who they belong to:
the one you can't have.
 Feb 2010 Laura
Sara L Russell
01:12 25/09/2008

Come gentle lover, let me share your air
and taste the kisses only your lips bring,
Speaking in tongues, my hands lost in your hair,
with every nerve alive and shivering.

Manna of angels, honeyed on the lips
rains down on me, leaving me mesmerised;
bestowed only in tantalyzing sips,
till every fantasy is realized.

The sullen low, the upper Cupid's bow,
the pout so often teased into a smile;
By far the sweetest mouth I'll ever know -
indulge me if I borrow it awhile.

Come gentle lover, cover me with bliss,
Nothing is so delicious as your kiss.
I looked for that which is not, nor can be,
  And hope deferred made my heart sick in truth
  But years must pass before a hope of youth
    Is resigned utterly.

I watched and waited with a steadfast will:
  And though the object seemed to flee away
  That I so longed for, ever day by day
    I watched and waited still.

Sometimes I said: This thing shall be no more;
  My expectation wearies and shall cease;
  I will resign it now and be at peace:
    Yet never gave it o'er.

Sometimes I said: It is an empty name
  I long for; to a name why should I give
  The peace of all the days I have to live?--
    Yet gave it all the same.

Alas, thou foolish one! alike unfit
  For healthy joy and salutary pain:
  Thou knowest the chase useless, and again
    Turnest to follow it.
Mine is a body that should die at sea!
  And have for a grave, instead of a grave
Six feet deep and the length of me,
  All the water that is under the wave!

And terrible fishes to seize my flesh,
  Such as a living man might fear,
And eat me while I am firm and fresh,—
  Not wait till I’ve been dead for a year!
 Feb 2010 Laura
Jeramy Hale
I'm glad it's you ...
Cuz it had to be something new.
It had to be something fresh ...
It had to be something honest ...
Something natural ...
It just had to be.

It had to be primal ...
From a more unusual place.
All by itself ...
All of its own.

Free of fingerprints ...
Free of plan ...
Free of idea ...

Something magic ...
Something joyful ...
Always comes from love.

In infinite shapes ...
Infinite ways.

And when it settles ...
We can bow for the honor.
To feel something new ...
Something fresh ...
Something honest ...
Something natural ...

I'm glad it's you.
Copyright 2009  Jeramy Hale
 Feb 2010 Laura
Leonard Cohen
Like a bird on the wire,
like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free.
Like a worm on a hook,
like a knight from some old fashioned book
I have saved all my ribbons for thee.
If I, if I have been unkind,
I hope that you can just let it go by.
If I, if I have been untrue
I hope you know it was never to you.
Like a baby, stillborn,
like a beast with his horn
I have torn everyone who reached out for me.
But I swear by this song
and by all that I have done wrong
I will make it all up to thee.
I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch,
he said to me, "You must not ask for so much."
And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door,
she cried to me, "Hey, why not ask for more?"
Oh like a bird on the wire,
like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free.
 Feb 2010 Laura
my pearl
 Feb 2010 Laura
you are a pearl
silken white wraped around
a sand of hurt
shining even in the dark
aged and rendered smooth
by ruthless time
rising from deep waters
bathe and cleansed
by the sun.
i hold you in my palm
and i am in awe
my whole being trembles
at how precious you are
how timeless
how loved.

my pearl,
my heart longs
for your luster and feel
shine always
and forever hold
my adoring eyes.
 Feb 2010 Laura
another world
 Feb 2010 Laura
in another world
i would come home to you
worn and weary
and you would wait by the door,
and smile with your eyes.
and we would sit and eat,
the soup warm by the fire
and listen to the silence
that brings us near
just like our laughter and songs
fills the space between us.
and we would feel the touch on flesh,
and we would make love till we are spent.
but in this world
we are wandering souls that found each other,
so different and yet so one.
but subject to time and space.
and precious people that we love
and love us back.
so we would have to move on
in parallel worlds.
but one day i know
our paths will cross again.
and when those roads merge
even for one sweet, finite moment,
i would be running home to you,
strong and eager,
and i will see your eyes smile
when you open the door,
and welcome me
for our feast of food and laughter,
and songs and silence,
and endless loving
till every drop is spent.
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