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2.0k · Jul 2014
A dying forest needs a forest fire
The flames smoldering hot
Slowly decomposing the weeds
As well as the living inhabitants

Nothing is forever
Once the flames have gone
From the ashes and remains
Arises new life and abundance

It is then that the lonely forest
can flourish in rebirth and
become stronger than before.

A lonely human needs suffering
The pain smoldering hot
Slowly tearing at your heart
Decomposing the ego

But nothing is forever
Once the dispair has gone
From your soul
Arises knowledge and strength

It is then that the lonely human
Is free in rebirth and
Becomes stronger than before.
We cannot control nature and the cycles of life, we must feel all emotions and embrace them. Let yourself fall but remember to pick yourself back up. Do not expect anyone else to do this for you. Strength comes from within.
876 · Mar 2014
I have only felt trapped being surrounded by drywall and insulation,
not only does it keep the temperature in but also the negative energy that fills the rooms from the every day mirage that this is the home that you possess.
We possess truly nothing in this life, once your soul leaves, it is left for the next.
I have only felt at ease surrounded by wood and green leaves, dirt and weeds
where the wind blows and the rain freely flows
For the is not my home but apart of me in that we are all apart of nature
and one home is such a silly idea to have
718 · Mar 2014
Oh but life is but a dream
It's not what it may seem
Perfect is perception through your minds eye
And if you want you can fly
Tis anything you can imagine
But none of what your brain can fathom
In a blink of an eye it all can all disappear
The deepest of creations are from your darkest of fears
Upon your last fleeting breath
You may think you have nothing left
But you shall learn you are not what you once thought
And your physicality will rot
Was it all just a dream?
Just some quick thoughts about quantum physics from awhile back. Is life a mirage?
Physical pain is the worst kind of pain
it plagues the body and drives the mind insane.
It's hell when laying down for sleep
and much worse when the sun rises because you keep feeling weak.
Poor quality of life and muscles feel debilitated.
Never a moment of good health and memory completely faded.
Can't think clearly with a thick fog clouding your head,
sometimes you think you'd rather be dead.
Alone in your struggle you try to keep on
because nobody understands it for very long.
Short tempered and short of breath, but you still try your best.
Head up, hopes down from the pain that never ceases to drown.
As if the earth is literally on your shoulders
And betrayer has gouged daggers deep in your skin.
You'd think it was a sin
but you see this isn't emotional it is very real and physical.

Many people think they feel this way and many people actually do.
The point is to love one another and try to understand each other's struggles
not compare.
Put your reaching arms and hearts out to those who have chronic pain and all medical issues and even those who have anxiety, psychological pain and all other pain that you can think of or experience
583 · May 2015
Salted caramel tears drip past your cheeks
Abandoned carousel demeanor
I saw you dancing in the water
For weeks
Like a feral child
Left alone
To salvage
Your own
In the ferry boat
I saw you sleeping
So peacefully
When you awoke
I told you I would take you away from here, but to your amusement
Gutter like grin
Cotton candy bruises
And grease on your chin
You told me no one could ever ever ever take you in.
536 · May 2015
Don't worry
Don't worry too much darling,
That wretched sensation
You're heart sinking
From all the effort put into a love that didn't see your worth
it shall pass
But let yourself fall
in your tear soaked sheets
Recognize that the pain
Will take you somewhere
You have never been before
Yes, it will hurt. It will sting
But Let yourself fall
To the ground with gravity
Crushing you down
It's okay to mourn
But don't let yourself dwell
Don't forget about
The worth within you
Flowers dancing in a meadow
Molecules combining
To create such a beautiful being
Don't let yourself swell
Let your heart shine brighter than the sun,
For darkness an light are one
527 · May 2015
After rain fall the mountain called my name, seducing me with rain drops glistening ever so softly with sun lit beams upon winter leaves. Mother trees were protecting me from what was up above her leaves but as I reached that mountain high I got lost in the mist cascading through the valley and into my mind. And from beneath my feet rose steam to meet with father sun kissing my cheek, then I cried "At last  I am home, my soul is free now I may rest my head to sleep!"
527 · Mar 2014
Tidal waves
There are times when I glance your way and
The outline of your face is luminescent
Entranced by your eyes
I'm drowning
Consuming me whole
That like tidal waves
Pull me into the depths of the universe
As my consciousness descends into the void
Yet subtle
Minds eye gently brings me back to earth
Where I come to realize that
At that moment we were one
481 · Mar 2014
My head is a mess and I am feeling rather stressed.
They say a friend in need is a friend indeed
but who needs friends when you have some ****,
it will surely guide you to sleep and each day you repeat,
But when your ill you can't think
You start to feel yourself sink
Listen to me and listen carefully
Fulfill your entity
And feel
Descend your energy
Embrace your pain
Let it drain
That will bring integrity
Forget your name
You are not your mind
We are more than flesh and bones
That's just a temporary home
We are eternity
Close your eyes
And silently feel the essence of your soul
Some more quick thoughts!

— The End —