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3.0k · Mar 2014
Larisa S Mar 2014
lose my touch in the crowd
i will feel everyone else
move as one
hands up to reach the star
phase in and out
floating, raising, blazing
take me close and quick
slowly place back and down
the fall from this height
would be deadly
i think i'll just stay up
oblivious and perfect
all of the body, everyone, one
yellow on the inside
black left at the ticket booth
zone in and never escape
memories stay on those fields
for on and on
954 · Oct 2013
Larisa S Oct 2013
What a thought
To never get lost in the past
The past is the past
It’s the past because it’s the past

Well I would rather be in the past
Because I was happy in the past
The only time I truly laughed was in the past

I loved you in the past
You loved me in return in the past
In this present and future
I am dust unlike the past

I would rather live in the past
Bright and enchanting in the past
Than be bones, unloved by you, opposite of the past

I am only able to smile
When I’m deluded in my past
So why escape the past
If being sane depends on laboring in the past
You loved me in the past
If I’m a ghost, creeping by your side.
I must go back to that place on the road
In our past
Where we left off in the past
I’ll be stuck there in the my past
I’ll wait for you to meet me
On a now eroded, non-existent path.
937 · Mar 2014
young fawn
Larisa S Mar 2014
I need not permission
to resign from my physical self

I can sit under the oaks
and listen to their sense

Shadow and raze out my
earthly bane and exisence

the flowers protest against discovery
for their treatise are sooth

and i will lay here for eternity
with no ague or war
accept their word

I will harness myself
with leavy quilts

In this shining state of mental perfection
Nirvana, I am intrenchant

Sweet notes from ancient trees
and young fawn with flower
palter through wheat

and into my soul
we are all hand in hand
554 · Oct 2013
taste the ashes
Larisa S Oct 2013
you kissed me a week ago
you tasted like
like burnt emotion
inhaling exhaling i told you
i hated watching you die

it had been two years since you had kissed me
this time i could taste your revived
strawberry breaths
sizzled after only a couple seconds
i tasted what i had seen
your inhales
and milky exhales

you abandoned me that night
so i thought-
he knows he slowly destroys his lungs
something must have happened for him
to not to give a ****
now that you left me
once again
i see
your sadness
you have passed it down to me
although i was faultless
you broke my heart and soul

i bought my first pack of cigarettes
cheers to you
541 · Mar 2014
Not empty space
Larisa S Mar 2014
Like the celestial
birthing of stars

i continue to evolve
and burst into light

regardless that I
live in a vacuum
515 · Oct 2013
just enough
Larisa S Oct 2013
i have passed these thoughts
enough in my head
like a train they rattled at night
a constant reminder
gallows over my bed
these images of you
sliced into my hips

but i have miserably realized
that i must let you go
what you gave me
a kiss,more memories
were enough
to last me another
few years

go to her
ill be here
be happy, for me
love her as much
as you once loved me
everyone deserves your
turquoise kissess
and towering glares
440 · Oct 2013
pass the poison
Larisa S Oct 2013
pass me the liquor
since when is it so warm?
it still burns my throat
i love the acid
its sweeter
this nectar is new
how much did you pay for this?
it tastes different from the one i had the day before
and the day before that,and before that.

how much have you given me?
you say i've sunken this bottle all on my own?
i've forgotten who you are
this liquor
is fluid no more
its mushy and solid
this rat poison

i just opened my eyes
how did you get here?
my love how long have you been passing
your tongue
down my throat?
how long have i been asleep?
you were my constant liquor
just a few moments ago
has this addiction gotten to my head?

its all well
as long as my imagination
continues to make me think
that you are here
its all well

i shall drink more and more
if it means feeling you again
440 · Mar 2014
shared tongues
Larisa S Mar 2014
So often i feel the words
on my tongue
and you can taste them
when you kiss me
you know they exist on my brain

So often we manipulate
and distort our paragraghs
to ensure those words protection
but we know
silently we stare at dim lights
and we smile
like overused expressions
we test our limits
making sure not to repell
eachother away

And we love it
we hide that word combination
amoungst dizzy
and scattered body language
thrown into dust

We fear unknown implications
of the destructive beauty
caused by the words
" i love you "

— The End —