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Feb 2015 · 333
Lara Feb 2015
Maybe I'll be happy if you tell me you'll never slash my heart into a thousand pieces again
Maybe I'll be happy if this time you mean it

Maybe I'll be happy if you figure out that I'm actually worth loving
Maybe I'll be happy if you figure out that I'm not your enemy

Maybe I'll be happy if I lose 20 pounds and I like the girl in the mirror again
Maybe I'll be happy if we really, really try this time

But actually I'm kinda happy without you
And our little angel makes me happy
And I'm learning to love myself and that matters more than whether you love me
So if I'm trying for nothing, then I give up

I love you, I want you
but I could easily live without you

Eishet chayil: "a woman of virtue is worth more than rubies"
If you ever figure it out, let me know, because being so undervalued has gotten rather old
Eishet chayil is an ancient Hebrew poem (from the Proverbs of Solomon) about what it takes to be an ideal wife; it is traditionally sung on Shabbat by husbands grateful for all that she does to build a wonderful home.

Feeling pretty frustrated at the moment, but still hopeful :)
Sep 2012 · 1.4k
pull me close
Lara Sep 2012
it turns out love isn't butterflies and fairytales
it's a rubber band
so yeah, maybe not the most romantic image
but no matter what pulls us apart
we pull back even closer

that feeling like your heart's gonna beat out of my chest?
it doesn't last. but you know what? i don't miss it.
it can't compete with having you finish my sentences
with knowing that no one else is just like you

"i want you to hold me and adore me" is child's play
i grew up with you, i'll grow old with you
watching our lives unfold will be more beautiful than any jewel
and every tomorrow will be the greatest gift

— The End —