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960 · Apr 2013
Lara Carbone Apr 2013
I am the type of person
that builds.
I build things.

I let my feelings build so high,
you could fill the tallest building in the world
three million times
before I break.

And when I break,
I fall so hard.
I imagine that my tall building
is a devastating crash
with only one causality .

I'd like to believe that my structure is strong.
Built out of the strongest metal,
but even it breaks with
three million feelings pent up inside.

It's not strong enough to carry all of the forever.
But the best part is
that when I do fall,
crashing under all that weight,
I can build a better building.

Maybe this one will be able to fill
the world's tallest building
four million times
before it falls too.
842 · Mar 2013
Mindless Self Indulgence
Lara Carbone Mar 2013
I'm not sure what to think
I'm not sure what I'm thinking now
I indulge myself in letting my mind wander

The words flow through my head
Ideas and pictures that I will never remember
I wander.

I allow myself these moments of peace,
For precious few they are
before I must join the noise of the world.
536 · Nov 2013
Angry Rants at 2 A.M
Lara Carbone Nov 2013
Nothing makes me any better or worse than you
Nothing makes you any better or worse than me
It's *******.

I ****** up today
but I won't tell you that you're
better or worse or insignificant.

I'm failing ****
You're probably failing **** too
It's not fair that you get to give up,
how the **** do you just give up?
It's all *******.

I'm especially good at ******* things up.
So while I'm at it
We're selfish
There are other people too
I'm stressed the **** out
God knows,
you probably are too.

We all know I have issues,
but so do you.
**** happens.

You get to be
selfish and stupid and upset for a bit.
But that in now way means
that you get to
back down
bow out.
418 · Dec 2012
Lara Carbone Dec 2012
I have lost you.
I have not lost you to another
And it is not a lost of interest.

I have lost you to the world.
I can see the life ebbing out of you
As it ***** you dry.

It blurs your face slightly,
Your eyes turn away
And your movements are weary.

I have lost you to the world.
A horrible and dark place
And it is taking you away from me.
332 · Nov 2013
It Was A Time
Lara Carbone Nov 2013
"Times like these"
is really cliche
but I've decided to use it anyways.

It's times like these.
When I'm in bed
and it's way to early,
but I haven't slept for days

It's times like these.
With a heavy heart
and a few new scars
I try to work it out.

It's times like these.
Like now.
Like today.
Where I have no idea
what I feel anymore.

I turned to the blade
and it's times like these
where I finally feel okay.
329 · Mar 2013
Just a List
Lara Carbone Mar 2013
I can understand why you love me
To a point.
I can understand
I really can

Except when you say those words
All I can think about is a list
Of all the reasons why you shouldn't

All I can see when you tell me I'm beautiful
Is all the scars
That cover my body
showing a map of what I've been through

All I know
Is how to make excuses
to why you shouldn't love me

But I think I'll be okay
Because slowly I'm starting to realize
I love you too

I'm starting to realize
that my list
Is just a List.

I can throw it away
and make one about
All the reasons why you should

— The End —