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Dec 2013 · 1.4k
Just Like I Love You
Kyla Dec 2013
The first day we met, I remember
The first time we talked, I remember
The glint in your eyes that day, I remember
I remember

Wrap you
Kiss you
Hold you
That's all I've ever wanted

You're my sun in the rain
You're my light in the dark
You're exactly what I need

You, Somehow,
Made me feel worth it
Yet, Somehow,
Made me feel completely unimportant

If you let me
I'll make you feel wanted
I'll make you happy
I'll take care of you

Like the depths of the blue ocean
Like the shades of sunset
You're as simple, yet breath-taking,
As those

They've been snickering
They've been whispering
About how stupid I am
About how ridiculous I become
But, they don't know anything
Anything, about what we've shared

You're just
As radiant as the sun
As warm as the bonfire
You're worth it
I know, you worth the fight

Help me
Help me to stop this painful waiting
Help me to stop crying every night
Just be here

Will you stay?
Just like me, through this whole year?
Will you care for me?
Just like what I've been doing for you?
The important thing is,
Will you love me?
Just like I love you?

— The End —