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Apr 2018 · 194
Diamonds that Fit In
They're asking me what I want to do,
How do I answer when I'm just now becoming who I am?
They don't seem to think I'd have much to lose, and I agree.
Simply my time to soul search and ability to pick and chose.

See, now is really not the time to ask.
I was in a coat yesterday and a dress today,
my heart's found a new target and my mind is constantly filled with last night's news.
Let's worry about school last.

I overhear their miscellaneous chatter.
No one's attempting to care more, learn more, search more.
Each one mindlessly coming up with conclusions and assumptions that hold no matter.

To this foreigner this does not seem fair,
but fair is such a foreign concept to me.
Of course the West wants to intervene and tell me how to live.
Add pressure to carbon dioxide and you'll end up with just a me; but the version of me you need me to be to fit in.
Oct 2016 · 273
Jun 2016 · 320
I’m scared of admitting that if I hadn’t come to see you, your life would have carried on without any more care for me, and my life would still be falling apart.

I’m scared of admitting that if I hadn’t come to see you, you would have been willing to forget us rather than coming to the conclusion that I’m worth it enough for you to try for.

Most of all, I’m scared you’ll never arrive to that conclusion, and that I will continue to cry myself to sleep in the years to come wishing things were different between us.

Wishing I could find someone else, that I was capable of loving anyone other than you, simply for the moment that they call me and I don’t have to go searching for their love.
Jun 2016 · 325
Luba VII
You used to offer to walk me home knowing you'd have to walk back in the dark, alone.

I used to try and make our goodbye kiss last so it would keep you company.

Now you ask me about my day, I ask about yours, you say you have to go, and I lie and pretend like I do too.

Some may call this a relationship that transitioned or grew, but in truth it simply just feels like you're slowly falling out of love with me.
May 2016 · 283
Luba VI
I try.
I try with you friends,
I try with your family,
I try with your schedule,
I try to be good enough for you to be in love with.
To be worthy enough for you to try for.

I’m scared that even though I will love you everyday, you take me feeling these things as noise, and are loving me less and less everyday because of it.
May 2016 · 376
Luba V
'Your hand in Mine'* by Explosions in the Sky began playing in my ears as I dipped my sore feet into the cold Chicago lake.

I inhaled all the pain I carried that day and slowly exhaled.
My eyes began to slip closed as a plane reached where water met land and began flying over the skyline.

I could feel your arms wrapping around me as I continued to try and breath. Breathing was never something I had struggled with before.

I was warm despite the goosebumps on my arms from the cold front coming in.

I didn't want to feel your invisible presence anymore, but fear of a permanent loss kept me from jumping in and finally ridding myself from thoughts of you.

When I opened my eyes the sun had begun setting and the plane was long gone.
Oct 2015 · 384
January 23rd, 2009
My ****** watched me blossom into a sunflower.

He watched me find my way through life, only to watch me lose it all over again.

He danced with me at his homecoming,
held me when I was shaking with tears.

He built me sandcastles, but never monotonous towers.

He laid with me staring at purple skies.

He took away my daily pain.

He hugged me when society started naming me.

At first, he took my fears, but eventually became them.

My ****** was my best friend.
Oct 2015 · 264
You've wanted her for so long.
I can hear it in your voice and
see the longing in your eyes.
Give it a day,
perhaps a laugh will keep you from going home.
Give it a week,
maybe you'll start loving this noise.
Look up,
I promise it's not all just a facade.
Home is here, home is there, home is being alone.
She had already been made for you,
perhaps this time around it will be your choice.
If you look up,
you'll be clouded by her basic disguise.
Your present,
my happiness,
it's not all set in stone.
Oct 2015 · 541
Children of Santa Tecla
The outer walls are covered with white chipped paint and vines.
At the top there are bits of broken glass sitting as a threat.
The main black iron gate has rusted.

The hill after entering the squeaky gate feels never ending.
To the right of the hill are is a white church made up of infinite cracks,
destroyed in 2001.

In front of the church are two statues;
the ****** Mary missing half her face,
and baby Jesus missing both his arms.

Finally reaching the top of the hill,
you're met with a guard that has grease covering his mouth and dripping down his shirt.

You step through the last gate,
and you notice the giant red slide.
The red paint on the slide is chipped,
And there are children running through and around it,
each one with dark hair, caramel skin, and a burn on their wrist.

Where are their parents?
The children laugh, and run off.
Sep 2015 · 865
White Sheets
There lay white sheets wrinkled from top to bottom.
The top half of them are dark, where the light doesn't hit them.
The same light that would stream through the African curtains.
There lay white sheets wrinkled from top to bottom where our love began.
Sitting on them forehead to forehead whispering sweet nothings.
White sheets wrinkled from top to bottom covered bodies for many a cold nights.
On those same nights that eyes would watch snow fall through the one tiny window that the African curtains covered.
White sheets wrinkled from top to bottom were screamed into on  restless nights.
The same one's that were thrown off when the seasons changed and only heat filled the room.
White sheets wrinkled from top to bottom were folded and placed in the only dresser in the  room, avoiding confrontation.
White sheets wrinkled from top to bottom hung from the tiny white closet, drying after being soaked in a water fight.
White sheets wrinkled from top to bottom were laid on every night, for so many nights.
On these white sheets wrinkled from top to bottom is where we laid on that last night, where we held hands.
White sheets wrinkled from top to bottom is where our love died.
Sep 2015 · 363

Here is my drunk truth.

I don't remember your face,
because I never truly looked at you.
I don't remember the warmth of your body in my arms;
because I never wanted to hold you.
I don't know your name,
because I didn't name you.
I don't think of you often,
because there's nothing to reminisce about.
I don't pray for you,
because God left me a long time ago.
I hope you don't cry because of me.
I hope you don't question yourself because of me.
I hope you are not lost because of me.
But most of all,
I hope you don't know of me.
Sep 2015 · 366
My Ears
I loved him.
I've ignored everything.
You've ignored me.
I look at you.
You look at her.
You miss her.
You breath with her.
I breath alone.
You play so gently,
I wish you were playing for my ears.
Sep 2015 · 368
1:35 AM
Is pain losing you?
Pain is having you then having to walk away from what I know.
We not only shared every breath,
shared our days,
discovered our songs,
but we simply were.
I wanted to run into your hesitant arms,
beg you to stay mine, to stay with me.
But we couldn't,
and still can't,
but will we ever find our way back to each other?
Sep 2015 · 311
Me, Her.
I could lay here and listen to you speak for hours.

I could lay here and watch you play for hours.

But there aren't enough hours in the day to admire you.

If there were, I wouldn't hate having to say goodnight.

I would hold on to my truth.

My truth of how I look at you, feel you, want you.

Are there enough hours in the day for you to listen to me speak?

Are there enough hours in the day for you to watch me play?

Do you hate telling me goodnight?

I know your truths.

You could lay there and listen to her speak for hours.

You could lay there and watch her play for hours.

There aren't enough hours in the day for you to admire her.

You hate having to say goodnight to her.

You want to know her truths.

Not mine.
Sep 2015 · 369
Women of Apopa
It's 4am and she notices that the streets are empty.
Her night is over.
She picks up her purse and starts stumbling home.

Her five inch heels are making it difficult to walk on the cobble stone road.
Her feet hurt from standing all night that not even the pills in her system can numb the pain.

She pulls out her flask and takes a gulp.
She continues to stumble home, forgetting a baby is waiting for her, begging to be fed.

As she finally arrives to her tin bent door, she sees him. Right on time, waiting for his payment.
She pulls out a couple hundred from her bra, and hands it to his tattoo covered, yellow teeth grinning, tobacco smelling lord.
"You're covered for this one."
She has another night.
She enters her one bedroom house, rips her clothes off, and falls asleep.
The baby is starving.

She wakes up to the baby screaming.
She dresses for the night, gives the baby drops of bourbon,
and heads out for the night.

4am arrives sooner than she expected, she's scared.
She starts stumbling home, again.
She falls, twisting her foot.
She tries to get up, but it's too late.

He's already approaching her.
He usually waits for her at the door.
He's grinning again with his yellow teeth and tobacco breath.
He pulls her hair and starts dragging her away from her house.
She cries. She begs.
She looks at the sky and prays it's over quickly.
She knows she's not making it home today.

Her baby's crying again.
Aug 2015 · 308
He said "Let's be broken together".
Though those words comforted me for a time, it also showed me he didn't know better.

He could never truly understand the intensity of one's self loath such as mine.

He isn't broken, he's my perfection, my one exception.

Perhaps he's the acceptance I need to open doors that will allow me to self love?

He is not broken.

But he loves me nonetheless.
Aug 2015 · 274
10:13 PM
300* Steps and it's wearing me down.
I keep thinking I'm content but I see it in their eyes; pity.
I can feel it crushing me, and I want to scream and tell them to stop.
I can't seem to make a sound.
Old memories flash into my mind, they're haunting and mocking me.
I can't help smiling.
We were so dark, yet at times so bright.

500 steps and I'm weary, will I ever make it?
My heart aches, and  my soul feels bruised.
But I have to keep going.
The end holds freedom, and a celebratory party.
The light is fading and everything's become hazy.
My wants and needs aren't organized, and my mind is clouded by heartache.
He used to tell me "Question everything, for only the sane settle".
There he is in my mind again, I fear I've gone crazy.

I reach 1,000 steps and I stop.
The sun no longer burns my face, the curious eyes have all wondered off, and it's just the white beauty and I.
Rhythm takes over and I find myself leaping high, waiting for hope to find me.
I spin until I'm dizzy and gasping for breath, and finally-- I can think clearly.
With and without him I've discovered my fate.
I'm back to step one, but this time with a fantasy, and someday a reality.
I will make it to my heaven, three down, and soon all seven.
I know I will end my journey at St. Paul's Bay, and with that thought,
hopelessness is no longer in today.
Aug 2015 · 225
Is it enough?
When I experience something beautiful, I think of you.

When the sun is setting and the shadows of kids playing on swings enter my camera, it reminds me of your life.

I wish I could make you laugh.

When I'm sitting in a coffee shop writing in this notebook and look at the rain drops fall onto the pavement, I think of your happiness.

I wish I could make you happy.

When the leaves fall from trees around me in orange and reds, I think of your dreams.

I wish I could help you chase them.

When snow is barricading us in and I stare into a burning fire, I think of your desires.

I wish I could fulfill them.

But mostly when I blink and take a breath, I think of my love for you--

I wish it was enough.
Jun 2015 · 366
a word of advise;
Let us thrive and lead our souls through a life worth telling about.
Jun 2015 · 366
Her eyes have been known to bring men to her knees.

Her lips have been known to cast spells and make everyone weak.

Her laugh has been known to silence a room awaken spirits,
and put demons to sleep.

She's breathtaking, because she's unaware.

Her spirit is light, and wondering, what next will she seek?

She longs to be on her own, she longs to explore, she longs to be spontaneous.

That's how she longs to be seen.

Years of meaningless words and misleading sounds have taught her this;

When it comes to her, she will be the same.

With every year that passes, she will remain the same age.

She will always be that girl offering new girsl pencils in the fifth grade.
Jun 2015 · 230
She belongs to him.
She always has, he just never realized.
She'd daydreamed about his smile,
and his heartfelt laughter.
His pull on her was that of like an ocean tide.

She hated him from day one.
She hated how he towered over her-
he could really hurt her.
She hated his ignorance,
only because he was so wrong about her.
His eyes scared her, though she'd never run.

She loved him from day one.
She loved how easily he entered her mind ever night.
She loved the mystery the he was.
His lips were haunting her,
daring her to kiss them and forget the sounds.
May 2015 · 302
She runs wild, yes, but is she really free?
She's full of mystery and secrets, and constantly wonders why loved ones are so hard to please.
She craves her love, she craves random hugs, but the craving is never given back.
That'll never stop her, she has so much spirit, she could never be truly sad.
Once in her life she craved a home. Going from roof to roof and with each new stranger she left behind, she'd lose a bit of hope.
She eventually learned we ourselves are our own homes.
She stays up late curious about how curiosity works.
She stays up late hoping happiness will fulfill the emptiness.
So many questions, always knowing a new day nearby lurks.
With each passing day she's restless to know, but what she doesn't and could never know is this;
She is secretly admired.
She will always run wild.
But truly free from her mind is what she will never be.
May 2015 · 405
El Salvo II
My mind is clouded with doubt, hate, and everything bad.
My heart is heavy, pumping, hoping each pump is my last.
My lungs are dying slowly, and with each breath I pray they stop.
My body is used and wasted,
it's everything I wish it wasn't.
My heart is nothing  worth wanting,
I'll be honest, I'm nothing worth having.
May 2015 · 352
El Salvo I
Her eyes are so dark and full of evil.
Her lips are so full and constantly swollen.
Her hair is as dark and shiny.
Her heart is so helpless and already stolen.
Her hands are so fragile powerful.
Her smile is so straight and captivating.
Her figure so graceful and lustful.
Her body so scarred and cut up.
She's so lost and well, just lost.
She's so unpredictable, and really just full of it.
She's so gone.
She could never be enough.
May 2015 · 478
Luba IV
Death doesn't scare me,
at times I even welcome it.
Change doesn't change me,
I live for it.
Now my love, that could **** me.
My soul doesn't belong to sense,
my mind doesn't know what coherence means.
And my heart, well it's already too late.
That's already his.
May 2015 · 369
Luba III
Well now, if little by little you stop loving me,
I shall stop loving you, little by little.

In May, I would have had you through frowns,
because you always allowed me to have the final say.

In June, I would have loved you through your screams,
because you would apologize with an angelic tune.

In July, I would have loved you through tears,
because you always held me when it came time to cry.

Then in August, I thought I could careless,
but it turned out that I was the weakest.

In September, I had hoped for change, apologies,
and for you to finally forget her.

October and November passed agonizingly slow,
but I came to accept what came next; the season of snow.

Well now, when you stop loving me,
hopefully I will have stopped loving you seasons ago.
May 2015 · 341
Verano 13'
It's the shyness, the quietness, the hide and seek game.
The carefulness, always taking precaution, knowing this wasn't the same.
It's the late night car rides, the moments on the balcony feeling like we were on clouds.
It's the way our hands had a mind of their own, having a gentle song with a following beautiful sound.
The hoping, the wishing, and finally the getting.
It's the secret, our alone.
The quick hidden kisses, and hip squeezing moments.
The no double thinking or doubting.
The wanting endlessly,
The way it did and didn't make sense.
It's the private questioning and listening.
The passion in the lips,
the lightness of the spirit.
The connection we'd never abuse.
It's the truth in words causing my heart to race.

*It's everything that's made me grow to forget you.
May 2015 · 329
Luba II
They say there's a thin line between love and hate,
I wish I'd listened to those words so many months ago to save me from heartache.

They've called me heartless and unkind, but the way my heart's been beating lately-I have to believe it's a good sign.

The days with little touch have become short and nights way too long.
Because what my heart and body crave can only be content around him.
All that really keep me company are these love poems.

My mind can't grasp these mixed feelings, and if I could control them, I would chose not to.

For my palms get sweaty and shaky, my nerves are heightened, and I'm aware or his every presence.

Is this being happy?
May 2015 · 253
Luba I
Happiness comes to those who most deserve, and with my dark secrets suffocating me daily, I most definitely don't deserve.

You say you're happy, but am I the sole reason?
Happiness I know nothing of, I've only ever known of secrets, lies, and drugs.

I'm foolish in thinking you can turn all this around,
but as mush as I wish and hope, your sweet words get lost in everyday sounds.

I try to enjoy the way you make me feel protected and cared for, but you deserve someone who can be fully yours, I swear I was capable of it once before.

My sleepless nights and terrors aren't to be shared, and I'm hoping they aren't forever.
With every promise you make, every tingle I feel, I think it's possible.
But I want more. I want to be sure.

I want to know of your dreams, your secrets, your fears.
To make you feel that I'm present, that I'm all ears.

Recent days have been different. I've felt strong and carefree to do and say as I wish,
and for once my feelings are starting to make sense.

I worried of you changing your mind, but now I know I wouldn't be able to change mine.

Your love is too much to ask for, and I promise to never ask that of you.
But for once I can't deny how I feel.
I'm scared more now than ever, because I know it's too soon.

I swear I used to know better, so I'm Sorry,
but I'm scared I may be in love with you.

— The End —