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May 2015 · 425
La Fonseca May 2015
Lifted from within joy circulating in me and through me...
It's too much and then nothing happens it comes as quickly as it goes and when it's gone I'm left emptier than before.
Stay neutral, I remind myself.
Let it flow
allow it to exist
then release it
because it's all okay
it always is.
May 2015 · 359
La Fonseca May 2015
Stomach aching
heart is breaking
thoughts are racing
time a wasting
love has come
love is going going
almost gone
Nothing else said
Now it's time to go ahead
Been a longtime since words were spoken
And now my heart is broken
Gratitude is all that is left
For many times well spent
One hundred thank you(s)
One hundred kisses
One hundred and forever of abuelita's love!
May 2015 · 299
What's happening?
La Fonseca May 2015
Make it feel
feel it real
Can I see what's about to happen here
Nothing motivating
inspiration long gone
I try just a little
But it's all for what
because I still can't see
what's happening here
Nothing and more Of
Is that what's happening now?
May 2015 · 254
La Fonseca May 2015
Feeling hollow again
Fading away,
it's such a loss this feeling hollow causes so much grief
let it go
each day
pause ...
he let's me go

— The End —