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LoveIsReal Nov 2016
Want something? Work for it.
Need something? Ask me.
Have something you don't want? Give it to someone who'll want it.
Love someone? Tell them.
Don't wait around for things to happen,
Go out and grab them yourself!
Be you not someone they want you to be!
If they don't care then I'll care in their place.
You'll always have someone that will care for you.
LoveIsReal Nov 2016
I love you
No I'm in love with you.
What's the difference?
Saying i love you is just saying it,
Its just words.
But being in love with you
I'm actually loving you,
I don't just say it,
I mean it.
LoveIsReal Nov 2016
I'm blind to the people around me
Blinded by liking this person
But he's to blind to see what's in front of him
Blinded by lust
I'm blind to people who care about me
Blinded by naive
Lost in hoping he'll care, but blind to really see
There's no hope for me, just darkness
LoveIsReal Nov 2016
Emotions are strong
My heart isn't
One more mistake
And I'll crumble
I'm not as strong as i use to be
More pain then ever on top of me
Shaking and Crying all night long
Tired of the tear stains on the pillow
LoveIsReal Nov 2016
The longer we have known each other
The more i care deeply
The less i know you
The less i care if you leave
Tell me what you want
But make sure I'm listening
Be there always
Or else don't lead me on
Food is my happiness
So please don't take that away
Forever sad
Someone save me anyway
LoveIsReal Nov 2016
I escape my head by reading
I escape my heart with music
I escape the world with headphones
My escape from life is you
But you slipped from my fingers and now
I can't escape this sadness
LoveIsReal Nov 2016
I'm drowning in my sorrow
Drowning my sorrow away with alcohol
Being drowned by the thought of you
Sorrow overpowers my mind
My heart empty
I'm a sorrowful mess
Save me from this sorrow
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