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Edgeless days are the hardest
to let pass you by
as you stare at all the pretty things
Just out of sight.

There sits, heavy in atmosphere,
On these days of no ends,
A timelessness
in the most tragic way.

All your toiling
begins to feel useless,
and errors make a mess of this.
Your anger - Instantly boiling

Futile barking.
Damning non-existent gods,,
And then a mocking laughing-
Since you are alone.

Because, of course,
You are alone,
Chained to the room
They're paying you to
When the crushing
Endlessness to your day
Could be so easily been remedied
with conversation or, some play

And now those gods
are laughing.
And you wish to be alone
                     From yourself.
Of long, hard days of work.
When is a kiss just a kiss
and when is it so much more?
When it leaves you feeling richer
even if you're poor?

When it leaves a tingle on your lips
and a flutter in your heart?
When you feel its passion in your hips
long after you're apart?

When it catches your breath, and time stands still
and all else goes away?
Now who wouldn't want to be kissed like that
each and every day?
 Jul 2011 L Shane
Mark Rossol
When human hearts come to collide
The flaws of each are hard to hide.
And harder still each passing day
Till every block is thrown away.
We come to fear this truth so much,
That we flee the slightest nudge, the faintest touch.

Thou our fears may be plain and true.
You could hurt me; I could hurt you.
We tend to only see the person standing there.
The color of their eyes, their clothes, their hair.
We see the flaws: both on the in and out,
And some times our own merits do we doubt.

Yet this approach leaves out a vital part.
One we didn't finish, and one we didn't start.
It has to do with one mans death upon a cross.
Who couldn't bring us in without so great a loss
And rose again to name us all His own
And will have through our broken lives His glory shown.

So fear not when heart collisions come!
They're founded now, soley on what Christ has done!

— The End —