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 Feb 2014 Kylie
Please don't go
There's to much to lose and I'm getting so ****
sick of home
But it is the only place I really wanna
go to quick
slow down I'm getting too much of this it's
Been so long
You're just too good for me and it feels so wrong

And you're finding out for the very first time in your life
that you can blame everything that's been wrong with you
And all this time that you're fine you can find all the tears coming from your eyes
So regard what's been said I'll defend how you've been and I will be just fine
 Feb 2014 Kylie
Winona Marek
Flap Flap goes the Flappy Bird

Was this the right choice?
Seeing warnings on twitter
Thinking they're all quitters
Thinking you're better
But in reality, you're just as equal as them.

But as the day passes...
Flap Flap goes the Flappy Bird

Seeing your friends play, you start multiplying
Not even touching a pipe and dying
You're on the floor, you're crying
Pressing start over and over again and trying
Knowing your high score is low and start lying
because you know you ****.

But as the day passes...
Flap Flap goes the Flappy Bird

Questions going through your mind
"Why did I die?"
"Did I really touch a pipe?"
"Why do iPhone users only have day while Android have both day and night?"
"Why is it slower on other phones?"
"How do you get past 20?"
"Why do I keep dying?"
"Why do Android users have other colors?"
But the question you should be asking is...
"Am I going mad?"

But as the day passes...
Flap Flap goes the Flappy Bird

Now, the resolution.
Stop the addiction.
Press that "x"
You know its for the greater good.
I know YOU feel the ANGER whenever you die.
You don't wanna risk throwing your phone for that.
Take my advice. DO IT.
Before it ruins your life.

But as the day passes...
You can't.
You can't.
You can't.

Its too late.
Flappy Bird is now part of life.
Even though the anger
The anger that feels like your chest being stabbed by a knife
Hurts you so much
Deep inside you get a little happy...
Knowing somewhere in the world someone trying the same game
Got less than you.
Less than 3, 2, or 1.
And because of this you want to beat more people who **** more than you.

And this should be an achievement
You, state your name, got YOUR own high score.
YOU did it
YOU made it to one pipe or even more.
And if you didn't
Well ***** for you

But as the day passes...
Flap Flap goes the Flappy Bird
First poem!! I just had to express myself because I find it unfair for iPhone users. Im sorry, im just so emotional and my high score is only 20 :'(
 Feb 2014 Kylie
Elizabeth Herrera
I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known,
and, I believe,
the best thing a girl can be in this world is a beautiful little fool.

With a simplicity of heart,
dispensing starlight to casual moths.

With the kind of voice that the ear follows up and down,
with its fluctuating, feverish warmth.
That voice was a deathless song.

Her face is lovely with bright things in it,
bright eyes and a bright passionate mouth –
her curious and lovely mouth.

Young and artificial.
Redolent of orchids and pleasant cheerfulness.
Gleaming like silver, safe and proud.

A “nice” girl.
A beautiful little fool,
excitingly desirable
with a ripe mystery about her.

And, yet,
turbulent emotions possess her.
She thinks everything is terrible;
she’s pretty cynical, you see.
God, she’s sophisticated!
That beautiful little fool.
This is a found poem, which isa poem created out of phrases from a particular book. In this case, I used The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fizgerald.
 Feb 2014 Kylie
April Rose
in the clouds to get away from myself.
face myself in the mirror,no.
rather see myself through someone else's eyes.
what does everyone else think of me?

scared of truth.
 Feb 2014 Kylie
holding your skin against mine,
exploring the silk surfaces of your mind,
diving deep into the darkness
just to hear the rain and street collide.

i'm a sinking ship,
an eroding shore,
that ebbs past the horizon,

i'm a withering tree
losing its scarlet youth,

am i a lie?
or am i the truth?
 Feb 2014 Kylie
back in the days when
I was a child,
I wondered when I
would stretch out my hands,
stretch out my life,
stretch out myself until I
could grow,
until my head hit the
clouds and the cloak of the
sun would drape over my shoulders.
I just got crowned king, you know,
just started to blossom,
when suddenly I was hugged
and chosen. Then I knew
that it was all over
and that I would no
longer have a kingdom.
 Feb 2014 Kylie
Martin Illy
 Feb 2014 Kylie
Martin Illy
I take you in, I swallow you whole,
In hope that you would heal me
Wrong move, I realise
How could I not see

My blood surges to my face
I start to feel sick
I’m not unfamiliar with this pace
I need a slap to my cheek

I begin to sense
Your side effects, they knock me off
They bring out the worst in me,
They make me cry, and bleed, and cough

What is happening
My hands, they succumb to numbness
I can’t feel your skin on mine
For your touch, I voraciously thirst

This is absurd
It is addictive, threatening, and taboo
I am losing myself
But that doesn’t matter

**I lost you
 Feb 2014 Kylie
Martin Illy
 Feb 2014 Kylie
Martin Illy
You rob me of all my energy,
desolating my little sanctity
You rob me of all my energy,
leaving me with nothing but misery

I foolishly built a home in your soul
because I mistook comfort for security
I painstakingly withstood the chagrin
yet you repay me with your folly

Your mouth is a gun
The words you spew fly like bullets
in no time they crush my bones tidy
They exterminate every bit of life in my body

At the end of it all
I am left with nothing
I feel naked
like a mole rat in spring

But I clothe myself with
assurance and confidence
everyday I mask myself with false mirth
I pretend
I pretend
I pretend
and will continue to
until the very end
 Feb 2014 Kylie
A breeze of cold air
Greeted me as I went outside
I see thick snows covering
The empty streets where I live

On my way to school
I saw little children
Throwing snowballs at each other
Giggling as the ball of snow hits them

I shove my hands in my pockets
As the wintry climate
Starts to thicken around me
Right before my eyes

Snow started falling from above
I reach out my hand
To catch a crystal of snow
And waited until they piled up

December is nice
Despite the frosty ice
Cold, yet heartwarming
This is the season of felicity
I can't believe that it's going to be 2014 soon. Gods, time flies so fast. Feedbacks? Yes please ^_^
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