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1.1k · Oct 2015
Kylie Morgan Oct 2015
The cold hearted boy who stole a kiss. Plenty a times I had been so wise, that's before I fell for those hazel eyes. The eyes that held the secrets which lead to your lies. Those lies that I despise but it didn't matter in the eyes of the cold hearted boy. As the space between us grew the hole in my heart did too. Only was it fixable by you the cold hearted boy. The words that you threw oh those harsh words, oh there was nothing left to save in you. All that time you spent to be mine, I bet you almost convinced yourself. Scared you were, when not used to the feeling of affection. You used full force deflection and ran. It's your immediate reaction. With no idea of the of the trail of betrayal you left behind, you fled you cold hearted boy. But there is a knife built up of your guilt stuck in your chest. Impaling you shredded heart with each lie you speak. Never again shall I be so weak, to let a cold hearted boy take my hand and lead me to my bed. Where I shall spend my nights after crying for the loss of the cold hearted boy who treated me like nothing but a toy
452 · Nov 2015
Used Again
Kylie Morgan Nov 2015
you built my walls high
made out of , your beatifuls and i want yous
i thought there was no stronger materials
invincible and undeniably working
i was trapped by these walls
shielded from your lies
until the the walls came crashing down with
a wrecking ball, covered in lies
the tears hit my eyes with no holding back
the wrecking ball was covered in writing
all the same sentence
i never cared
i never will
used again
341 · Dec 2015
Kylie Morgan Dec 2015
Nov 28 2015
i reached a breaking point
nothing anyone said mattered
cold and sharp
it was pressed against me wrist
blood spilling out of these cuts
over an over
the physical pain was too painful
but it made the unbearable internal pain
but only for a short time
304 · Dec 2015
Kylie Morgan Dec 2015
I feel like there is nothing there
Not even the *****
No bones
Not even a heart
I am empty
An empty shell of a person
Covered in little cracks
Waiting for the one to break me
261 · Oct 2015
Kylie Morgan Oct 2015
maybe if i blink fast enough they will not fall
maybe if i can keep my bottom lip still they will leave
maybe if i deeply inhale and exhale they will not form
maybe if i hadn't have let you hurt again i would not feel this
maybe if i didn't let you in i wouldn't be hurt
i word similar to 'what if'
a word that can not fix my mistakes
so just maybe i should be more careful
216 · Oct 2015
Kylie Morgan Oct 2015
walk her to class
take her out
treat her like a princess
all the things you never did for me

i don't mean to dwell on the past
i don't mean to pout
but you never showed this kind of interest
i know for sure we are just history  

we are done at last
i know what this heartache is about
a way to say this that that is the simplest
you and i are nothing but a mystery
188 · Oct 2015
words of my heart
Kylie Morgan Oct 2015
it was already broken
but you broke it more
then you fixed it
or so it thought
you were really just preparing me
for when you walked
out my door
leaving me even more
and sore

— The End —