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Kylie Jensen Mar 2016
I planted a rose in memory of you,
my hands worked the earth
tilling soil,
forgetting what they were doing
as teardrops fell.

The sun seemed too bright that day,
fresh roots prepared to anchor
in earth too perfect,
leaves too bright and thirsty
not withered like me.

Sad silver urn protecting remnants of you
surely that is not all that remains
a hand full of ashes,
"ashes to ashes, dust to dust"
has never rang so true.

I fertilize the graying soil with your ashes
planting white roses above you
thorns ***** my skin, I bleed,
me mixed with you
in the soil.

Today, a year from then, Winter is here,
looking out from my kitchen window
I see white flowers in bloom,
a tear escapes my eye
you in full blossom,
once more here with me.
Kylie Jensen Mar 2016
I bore your burden
upon my shoulders,
thinking I alone could save you;
but you never really want saving,
from the start.

You relied on me
and I allowed it,
your selfish ways are now apparent,
dragging me down to be your saviour,
I was in denial.

My needs ended,
you became my martyr,
a guilty conscience, all consuming,
you feed me lies and used my ways,
to benefit you.

But now my eyes
are suddenly open,
I release your weight from my shoulders,
I leave you to your own awakening
or your own demise.

I bid goodbye
to an imposter
not to a friend, I thought I'd fostered.
I bid you well and hope that you discover
a simple fable like no other,
can help us cut the ties that bind...
Kylie Jensen Mar 2016
She stands behind the bar
make-up plastered
thigh’s to large for
her mini skirt
All's quiet
the races are over
only the lonely
don't desert

She saunter's over
to the old man
Eyes hidden
beneath akubra worn
speckled dusty
he don't care that
the edgings torn

His glass empty
she auto refills
a new schooner
so it doesn't sour
he sips slowly
never gulping
saving his pennies
for the midnight hour

Slow music,
plays through the speakers
a bluesy feel
she wants to dance
but another customer
feeling thirsty
interrupts her
mellow trance

Final call
stools empty as they
race to the bar
for one last shout
She lock's the doors
clears the lines
then pours a drink
for herself

Midnight hour
all's empty
cool rooms hum
with rhythmic chimes
Lights off
she sits in darkness
just a lonely barmaid
at closing time
Kylie Jensen Mar 2016
shall you fill the void
that continues to dissipate in
fields of marble stone

do you merit
untapped eulogies
and carved numbers
of tomorrow

do I sacrifice myself
to an intimacy

or quarantine myself
against death's
brutal amputation

even friendship
has a price to pay....
prompt: gamble
Kylie Jensen Mar 2016
words spoken

in sleepless

until morning
filter bitterness

bringing about clarity..
prompt: refine
Kylie Jensen Mar 2016
she meets me in mirrors
and escapes from my eyes
she leaks from bathroom taps
in unwanted baptise
she lies heavily on my pillow
when at night I try to sleep
I wish for her to leave me
so I no longer need to weep
Kylie Jensen Mar 2016
I walk with you
through fields
of thorn

my bare feet,

bearing the
of Wednesdays

where your footsteps

no longer leaving
behind trails......
Prompt: blister
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