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Kyle May 2012
Cheeks spread
Turds dropping
Water splashing
up my crouch
Second level
Angry birds
Tic toc
Tic toc
Cheeks sore
Legs numb
15th level
Angry birds
Tic toc
Tic toc
**** inching
need to wipe
**** on my hand
lick lick
Kyle May 2012
White plan walls
One projetor
One White board
One computer
Maybe a window
Students with cold stares
Students mute
Professor ask .... Why are you taking this class?
Ha I laugh at this classic questition
Some people answer
its a credit I need
Its interesting
Kyle May 2012
I fear to question
I fear to ask
I fear to guess
I fear to imagine
I fear to explore
I fear a score
I fear NCLB
Kyle May 2012
Its not that you can't draw
   You never tried
   You never tried
   A thousand times
   It doesn't take talent
   It takes skill
   Not talent
Kyle May 2012
I dont use big words
I dont use long lines
i dont use . , "
I dont listen to my mind
I dont try and impress
I dont think
I just type
from the heart
I dont like complexetly
My points are clear
My thoughts are clear
I know you spent 10 min
I spent 2 min
Yet my points are clearer
than yours
Kyle May 2012
Life is short
thats all
Kyle May 2012
Bonfires ragging
Cigars blazing
Beers Cracking
Lake Erie Fishing
Country Music
Kyle May 2012
I right what I feel about her
I miss her
I dream of her
I lover her
I type my feelings
to a blog
she reads minds
Maybe she's doesn't know
how I feel
Stop reminiscing
Stop crying
Speak to her
Dont blog about
Speak to her
Kyle May 2012
Ear plugs
Fans blowing
summer heat
dreams of death
teeth grinding
sweat driping
pillow lumpy
phone vibrating
dogs barking
birds chirping
bladder  full
Spider biting
mosquitos *******
I can't sleep!!

— The End —