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Dec 2013 · 759
Kyle Leafe Dec 2013
The cold winter nights
used to be for family gatherings
but now that the dates have passed
for these such things
its now a time to spend time with friends

you get most of this special time
it's all for you
we can talk about nothing
but still laugh
as if nothing could end it
the happiness
the winter

happy new year
even though I can't see you
soon enough
we will laugh again
just like old times
Dec 2013 · 504
Kyle Leafe Dec 2013
Thanks for nothing
Empty Promises
Filling my lungs more than the harsh smoke
The only thing that kept me going
were all of these promises
the thought of care

In the end
you're not there
like you said you would be
the caring fades as soon as you think I'm "ok"
That ****** me off, but **** it
I loved you
you know that

I still want you around
but you don't care
for nothing
Dec 2013 · 372
One More
Kyle Leafe Dec 2013
I said to myself on that fateful day
"god one more chance and I'll make it right"
not thinking
just hoping,
Hope was the only thing keeping me going

On the outside all is good
family and friends couldn't tell
the hole I had in me
by letting you walk away
I vowed to never let that happen again

You came back
I didn't know how to handle it
rushed by all of these emotions and the thrill of your touch
you were my drug and I was drunk on your feeling
Then that day came
where you left again
Fool me once
shame on you
Fool me twice

Shame on me
Nov 2013 · 685
Kyle Leafe Nov 2013
A pack in my hand
The frost slowly creeping over my Toyota
The cold bed seemingly as comfortable as my home
Stars shining right above me
Only thing I need are the simple things
A beer and cigarette
They **** me, but I don't need them
I need the warmth of a fire
The childhood friend we all make to call you randomly to ask about your day
I don't need money
to just be happy
I'm here to stay and this mountain top is real beauty
Nov 2013 · 849
The Truth
Kyle Leafe Nov 2013
This is my confession
I never wanted to wrestle with depression
Let it ruin everything I stand for
Some days are easy
Filled with the false hope that I see you one day
Talk one time just a quick smile
My dreams turn to nightmares because darkness creeps in my head
I cry for you, but no one makes me more proud then you
It's a bittersweet taste
washed down with the taste of drink and smoke
This isn't the person you cared for
I am a shell, missing something
I am insecure with my head, because it's been messed with
This is just for you
Just know
I still need you, I'm sorry.
Nov 2013 · 807
Kyle Leafe Nov 2013
Du wirst diese Geschichte nicht lesen glaub ich aber du kannst  das übersetzen. Ich habe dich so sehr geliebt.
Ich vermisse dich so sehr jetzt.
Ich weiß dass ich nicht ein guter Mann  bin.
Komm zurück zu mir.
Ich denke das wird eine schwere Zeit ohne dich zu sein.
Mein Teufel ist  da. Du hast den schon gesehen und hoffentlich kannst du mir in eine gute Licht anzusehen.
Hoffentlich. Wirst du mich nicht hassen.

— The End —