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1.7k · Apr 2012
Kyle Kind Apr 2012
As I bask in the suns warming glow, I feel nothing anymore.
Its ethereal rays cleanse me.
Burn me.
Heal me.
Calm me.
Allowing me to let go and reshape my form.
Allowing me to start anew.

The mask cracks and crumbles over my face.
Pieces falling and disappearing before they hit the ground.
My true face hasn't been shown in years.
The sunlight feels amazing.
951 · Mar 2012
I Am Me
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
I challenge thee,
Nay -- I request thee.
To ignore your ignorant labels that you have given to me.

Yes -- I may be the abnormal one.
A gullible blade in my pocket.
A guitar strapped to my back.
They provide me with comfort.

I do not have a longing to join the crowd.
I am me. Not you, nor him, nor her, nor anyone else.
942 · Mar 2012
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
The mirrors gaze; sends a feeling of uneasiness, as it always does.
I know not why my heart grows cold when I stand before it.
Perhaps it knows I have stayed longer than usual?
That I have stared longer than usual.
My reflection remains motionless as I turn away.
910 · Jun 2013
Kyle Kind Jun 2013
Left alone for far too long,
The machines will take their rise.
Rhythmic steps marching along.
The fire will dance across the skies.
Planes will fall, missiles will fly,
This all seems like a dream.
Nobody is safe, you cannot hide,
In a world run by machines.
Just something fun. A friend told me to write a poem about computers taking over the world.
903 · Jun 2013
Goodnight and Goodbye
Kyle Kind Jun 2013
Hello, it's nice to meet you.
My name is... Oh. I'm afraid I can't remember it right now.
What was I saying though?
Oh yes; My wife, my Sun, my Moon. The light in my dark.
I wonder where she has gone.
I can't remember the last time I saw her.
Or talked to her, or saw her.
What was her name? Who? My wife?
I'm sorry, I'm afraid I never married.
It's alright though. I don't mind the loneliness.
At least I have my wife to keep me company.
Who the devil are you?
Where am I?!
Why has everything gone dark now?
Wife! Wife... Oh blast, what was her name again?
I'm terribly sorry, I just... Miss the light in my dark.
I think I'll lie down now.

Hello, are you still there?
I remember everything again.
And I can see her. My light. She's getting closer.
My love, envelop me in your embrace.
Thank you for listening.
Goodbye and goodnight.
A narrative free-verse about a person suffering from dementia.
878 · Mar 2012
As The Last Ember Dies
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
In the last glimmer of hope, the broken pieces we try to mend.
We take in our surroundings, and watch the setting sun.
As the last ember dies, all hope comes to an end.

The realization of it all, only a few will comprehend.
And in our dying hour, we try to rebuild it one by one.
In the last glimmer of hope, the broken pieces we try to mend.

The happenings of it all, is it merely a godsend?
Or a fatal blow or reality, a match that cannot be won?
As the last ember dies, all hope comes to an end.

Will we rise up above, into the heavens we ascend?
The thankfulness of this release, greeted kindly by the Son.
In the last glimmer of hope, the broken pieces we try to mend.

Or will we fall into the abyss, this spiraling purgatory we descend?
Our final breaths cut short, face to face with I, and none.
As the last ember dies, all hope comes to an end.

We pour out our souls, in our savior we commend.
We are left without an answer, when all is said and done.
In the last glimmer of hope, the broken pieces we try to mend.
As the last ember dies, all hope comes to an end.
791 · Mar 2012
Rose Petals
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
The last petal of the rose I had forgotten about,
blew in front of my face today and started to crumble.
The sands of time have slipped through the cracks of the hourglass,
and nothing can be said to take it all back.
I still remember the last words spoken;
Words of spite, words of love, words never said before.
Now they lie in the air, like a fog that will never recede.

How does it feel to know?
That you are nothing more but a skeleton stashed away.
Into the deepest depths of my mind.
Yet, once in a while, you come clawing back for air.
I can't seem to forget your face.

No matter what was said, or what will be said.
We can never turn back time.
Our past will remain as memories.
As the rose of our past life dies.
I'm not sure about this one, just sort of came up with it on the spot.
711 · Jul 2013
Kyle Kind Jul 2013
Whether it's the nicotine to cure the itch,
The scars on your wrist that hurt like a *****,
The food that has lost its taste long ago,
Or the love for someone that you cannot show.
"I swear to god this is my last cigarette,
Oh these scars are just from my friends cat.
I'm not over eating, I'm just really hungry you see.
We're just friends, but I'm in love, cant you see?"
Yet you buy another pack,
You mark your skin again,
You eat until you're about to burst,
You cry yourself to sleep because the love just ******* hurts.
Addiction is a demon much fouler than sin.
One who whispers sweetly, yet you must never give in.
You can fight the battle, you can win the war,
You can take an eye for an eye and settle the score.
Put down the cigarette, throw away the blade,
Ease up on the food, the love you can save.
There will come brighter days where the fighting will cease.
And finally, my friend, your life will be at peace.
691 · Mar 2012
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
Visions of a memories past,
that's all they will be.
Just a slideshow of photographs
depicting a memory.
Pictures torn and burned.
Destroying what used to be.
To start fresh, to start anew.
So that different eyes can see.

These shadows I will turn my back to.
Nothing now but past times gone.
My new eyes set for tomorrow.
I await the rising sun.
677 · Mar 2012
The Angel and The Devil
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
A man loves a woman,
A woman loves a man.
From two opposite ends of the universe,
No mortal could ever understand.

The man, handsome and charming.
The woman, sweet and fair.
A pair of wings fixed on her back,
A set of horns under his hair.

Could an Angel, love a Devil?
What a silly thing to believe.
Yet, true love knows no boundaries,
It can overcome what eyes perceive.

For they are human, not deities,
Two souls looking for their mate.
If light can exist with darkness,
The wings and horns will dissipate.
664 · Jul 2013
Locked Away
Kyle Kind Jul 2013
I'm sick and tired of being locked away.
Like the bad grade you can't show your parents.
Or that piece of art you hate.
I'm nothing but a secret shoved away in the back of your closet,
Slowly rotting away.
I'm sick and tired of being left in the dark
Like you're afraid to admit to everything
And speak aloud to everyone.
I'm sick of it all.
Are you ashamed? Is that it?
Do you wish that I was someone else?
Are you afraid? Is that it?!
Just admit to it and I swear everything will be okay!
I don't want to be another skeleton locked away,
Another secret that won't ever see the light of day.
Let me out!
Let me breathe!
Let me speak what I want to speak!
Set me free...
648 · Jun 2013
Scent of Your Sin
Kyle Kind Jun 2013
The scent of your sin still lingers in the air.
Clouding my thoughts like smoke from the flames.
The flames of the passion that we once shared.
Now all is left are the embers of despair.
Now here I hang my head in shame.
"Was it something I said? Am I to blame?"
I refuse to continue being a pawn in your childish game.
I'll burn all memories of you and extinguish the flames.
And let you drift away like the smoke in the air.
646 · Apr 2012
Kyle Kind Apr 2012

Drop everything and stop.
Let your fears fade away.
Step outside and feel the light of day.
Put a new mindset in the chamber.
Hold that imaginary gun to your temple.
Pull that trigger and blow your brains into the bay and...


Now that everything is black
and your old self is dead and gone.
Take that brief moment before everything comes roaring back,
like a freight train on the loose,
to think about it all.
Where are you going from here?
What are you going to do different?
You've been given a new chance on life.
Make it count...


Rise from the ashes you Phoenix!
Soar above the clouds.
Let others stare in awe
at the new improved you.
Your private suicide
has brought you peace.
Don't **** up this time.
But if you do, and you go crawling back into the depths of despair.
Just follow these three simple words.
Say it with me now.

643 · Mar 2012
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
Star light, star bright. First star I see tonight.
Are you close? Or are you far?
Are you even a star?
Have you been burning since the expansion began?
Or have you just begun your life span?
There are so many stars in the sky tonight.
But why, dear star, are you burning so bright?
Are you signaling any one for some sort of closure?
Is it just me... Or are you getting closer?
592 · Mar 2012
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
I'm alone.
Trapped in a box.
A box of mirrors.
Just me,
And my reflection.
Flash of light.
The mirrors are gone.
Flash of light.
And my reflection.
Just me,
In a box with no mirrors.
Trapped in my own mind.
I'm alone.
581 · Mar 2012
The End/A New Beginning
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
I envision the worst.
It always seems to be fact, rather than fiction.

I have dreams of fire.
Falling from the sky in the blackest time of night.
Not stopping for anyone’s pleas, prayers, or cries.
The dreams always end the same way…
Everyone crying and screaming for their God.
But no reply.
More crying and screaming.
Suddenly… Everything goes to black. A light appears in the darkness.
A figure is suspended in the blackened, ash ridden sky.
It seems to be your savior.
Does salvation await?
He raises his hands… And then he throws them violently at his sides.
The Earth is erupt in flames.
Bodies are running around aimlessly in the night.
But now, the night is as bright as day.
The sight of this true and unrelenting horror is unveiled.
Burning, flesh decaying, people dropping like flies.
The figure in the sky is encased in fire.
His face forever hidden in shadows.
No matter how bright the night has become.
We are all doomed.


The dawn of a new day begins.
The raging fires that consumed our world have finally come to an end.
Leaving only embers in its wake.
The shadowed figure suspended high above,
Gazes indifferently at this barren landscape.
In an instant, he vanishes.
Leaving behind whispers in the wind
And the burning embers of our once beautiful world.
Suddenly, a figure stirs.
A young Phoenix emerges from the ashes.
She stretches her burning wings, and takes in what lays around her,
And she cries.
The young Phoenix sheds the most beautiful, crystalline,
Sorrow filled tears upon the land.
The tears begin to flow, forming rivers.
The rivers form into lakes,
The lakes form into oceans,
Suddenly the Earth is almost completely covered.
The few patches of land left start to shake.
And, what almost seems impossible,
Saplings start to grow.
Slowly, but surely,
The Earth starts to revive.
As the Sun climbs over the horizon,
The Phoenix ceases her tears.
She gazes into the Sun,
It’s essence burning in her eyes.
She takes flight.
In that one moment,
As the Phoenix flies towards the rising Sun,
All is new again.
The world is finally at peace.
570 · Mar 2012
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
This portion of this life is over.
I've had it with these broken bottles,
and staring in this shattered mirror.
Trying to figure out what's right and wrong, who I really am,
what the **** this life is all about.
There are no more lies in my perception,
I finally see with eyes unclouded.
Gazing into the abyss has brought enlightenment.
No more concerns, my understanding is infinite.
Zen has been found, in the obscene and obscure.
492 · Mar 2012
What Would They Say?
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
The songs of the living echo loudly in the light.
Reverberating throughout the world, descending in the abyss,
The screams of the dead fall silent in the night.

Humanity moves on, under the sun burning bright.
Singing their prayers into the enigmatic bliss,
The songs of the living echo loudly in the light.

While the poor, forgotten, souls vanish slowly from sight.
Bound by their beliefs, lost in the ever rising mist,
The screams of the dead fall silent in the night.

Are you going to accept it’s over, that you survived the fight?
Believe that it is never going to be your time, and how foolish it is to think this,
The songs of the living echo loudly in the light.

The dead, how they envy you, yet you accept the serpents bite.
Won’t even say a word, like they didn’t exist,
The screams of the dead fall silent in the night.

The embers of the final burning question, still burns so bright.
What would they say if they saw you like this?
The songs of the living echo loudly in the light.
The screams of the dead fall silent in the night.
I love the villanelle form of poetry. The rhyme scheme makes any poem extremely catchy.
486 · Mar 2012
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
This is not a cry for attention,
I am not seeking your pity.
I don't want you looking at me differently.

I have chosen this path of destruction,
no outside influences, but my own.
This is my form of release.

These dark, melancholic words,
plastered everywhere, where everyone can see.
Cover up the true scars, hidden within.
In a place where no one has seen.

I do not mean to trouble you, or worry you.
You do not have to read.
These poems, these scars, these feelings bleeding out,
is just my form of release.
456 · Jun 2013
The One
Kyle Kind Jun 2013
I just want to be the one.
The one who makes your heart quake,
That makes your hands tremble and shake.
The one who makes you laugh,
Who makes you cry,
The one who will hold you close and make things right.
Even when you say that you want to die.
I understand I may never be the one.
But I will keep fighting on;
Until the day finally comes
Where I can take you in my arms,
Under the moonlight, shining so bright.
I just want things to be right.

I would give everything
Just to see your smile,
Just to see the love in your eyes.
And to know that I am the reason behind it.

— The End —