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Kyle Kind Apr 2012
As I bask in the suns warming glow, I feel nothing anymore.
Its ethereal rays cleanse me.
Burn me.
Heal me.
Calm me.
Allowing me to let go and reshape my form.
Allowing me to start anew.

The mask cracks and crumbles over my face.
Pieces falling and disappearing before they hit the ground.
My true face hasn't been shown in years.
The sunlight feels amazing.
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
The last petal of the rose I had forgotten about,
blew in front of my face today and started to crumble.
The sands of time have slipped through the cracks of the hourglass,
and nothing can be said to take it all back.
I still remember the last words spoken;
Words of spite, words of love, words never said before.
Now they lie in the air, like a fog that will never recede.

How does it feel to know?
That you are nothing more but a skeleton stashed away.
Into the deepest depths of my mind.
Yet, once in a while, you come clawing back for air.
I can't seem to forget your face.

No matter what was said, or what will be said.
We can never turn back time.
Our past will remain as memories.
As the rose of our past life dies.
I'm not sure about this one, just sort of came up with it on the spot.
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
Star light, star bright. First star I see tonight.
Are you close? Or are you far?
Are you even a star?
Have you been burning since the expansion began?
Or have you just begun your life span?
There are so many stars in the sky tonight.
But why, dear star, are you burning so bright?
Are you signaling any one for some sort of closure?
Is it just me... Or are you getting closer?
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
Visions of a memories past,
that's all they will be.
Just a slideshow of photographs
depicting a memory.
Pictures torn and burned.
Destroying what used to be.
To start fresh, to start anew.
So that different eyes can see.

These shadows I will turn my back to.
Nothing now but past times gone.
My new eyes set for tomorrow.
I await the rising sun.
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
This is not a cry for attention,
I am not seeking your pity.
I don't want you looking at me differently.

I have chosen this path of destruction,
no outside influences, but my own.
This is my form of release.

These dark, melancholic words,
plastered everywhere, where everyone can see.
Cover up the true scars, hidden within.
In a place where no one has seen.

I do not mean to trouble you, or worry you.
You do not have to read.
These poems, these scars, these feelings bleeding out,
is just my form of release.
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
I'm alone.
Trapped in a box.
A box of mirrors.
Just me,
And my reflection.
Flash of light.
The mirrors are gone.
Flash of light.
And my reflection.
Just me,
In a box with no mirrors.
Trapped in my own mind.
I'm alone.
Kyle Kind Mar 2012
This portion of this life is over.
I've had it with these broken bottles,
and staring in this shattered mirror.
Trying to figure out what's right and wrong, who I really am,
what the **** this life is all about.
There are no more lies in my perception,
I finally see with eyes unclouded.
Gazing into the abyss has brought enlightenment.
No more concerns, my understanding is infinite.
Zen has been found, in the obscene and obscure.
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