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Jul 2012 · 973
I Speak Of
Kyla Jul 2012
I speak not of peaches, chapstick, sunrises or fallen nights.
(K)nights fought over love never found.

A(r)mor rusted over from her tears,
He always like to jump through puddles, watching the wake.

sometimes it woke his fears.

Monsters under the bed.
If only he could cross the room he’d be
      safe (-ly
                                                                                      locked away,
he lost the keys to
  the him he used to be.)

I speak not of burning trees or cherry seeds ( planted down the lane)

I've surrendered to the (k)night
but with one last thought,
I know I can win the fight.
Jul 2012 · 3.4k
Bicycles and Icicles
Kyla Jul 2012
Bicycles and icicles remind me of you.

Cold winter nights
                     feel warm,
              just with the thought of

You send my mind
                round and round,
   while you peddle to find solid ground.

Bicycles and icicles don't go well together,
                                          neither do you or me.

But that wont keep me from thinking of you.
Jul 2012 · 734
Kyla Jul 2012
tonight i know it all has to being with the end

we'll start again

from the beginning where it doesn't hold us,
 and it hasn't molded us into something we're not.

our story's twisted, wrinkled,
 flipped, and folded
 its hard to hold our mistakes on the paper.
 so lest just let it spill of the pages, back to the ages they belong.

We'll start again

from the beginning where it doesn't hold us,
 and it hasn't molded us into something we're not.
May 2012 · 746
Kyla May 2012
Our fights made us stronger until they broke us.
Apr 2012 · 605
Kyla Apr 2012
the word floods my mouth as a mix of hurt and anger.

i try to reverse it, but its too hard to swallow.

i stand on my head, hoping that the word might just slip out,

but the ones i've reserved for worthier people are starting to shake loose.

i eat spoonfuls of kind thoughts, but they get all ******* in knots.

****        y



                                              ­                                                                 ­ u  

i can breathe again.
Apr 2012 · 561
Painted Golden
Kyla Apr 2012
I can only spend do much time trying to see the world through your eyes.

These words,
twist from her shallow breath around her fingers.

The mark the world left on her,
she tries to recreate over and over again.

We posses little power in this world, but what we do, is strong.

She holds he hands out to the world wearing her scars,
cupping the next moment like it’s her next breath.

She does this out of necessity.
Her heart beat fills the silence.
She drains the gold from the sky with quiet clicks.

She catches lost words off of the wind, and captures them through her own.
Apr 2012 · 834
Kyla Apr 2012
My fingers
stopped spilling
the words my mind
was spinning because of *you.
Apr 2012 · 626
The Kiss
Kyla Apr 2012
Our Last.

We promised,

Shook hands,

"we are done".

But with one more wish:

A last kiss.

In this moment,

the one we both knew was wrong,

something felt right.

Was is the acceptance of the end,
or the awakening of something different,

In that one moment,

the kiss,

I was swept off my feet,

with some kind of reassurance.

Was it recognizing the end,
or finding the whole reason it started?

We danced,


in a way we never had.

There was some sort of control.

I could spend thousands of words,
trying to figure the feeling.
But i know that to you,
The kiss,
was The end.
Apr 2012 · 448
The night is my cover
Kyla Apr 2012
Morning dew falls,
tears from the stars.

The coyotes call still echos.

The moment i tried to capture ,
the night before,
stained slanted on old paper,
is smeared.

Its a reminder from the night that some things should be left alone.
Secrets of the night.
The morning still feels like night.

[sometimes its too hard to decipher between wrong and right.]

When i close my eyes i cant tell the difference.
What is it about sight that feels the need to divide two things that are much the same into things so vain?

[how can two things feel the same but be different?]

Nothing changes between the dark and light.
Mar 2012 · 979
Penny Lane
Kyla Mar 2012
Written with my dearest Dane Johnson

This grove of insanity, perhaps it is that you wish to get lucky?
We walk hand in hand. Luck, being so subjective we forget to define.
Ultimatums come hitherto, I'm afraid your luck has run dry.
I can't buy any more time to convince you or I that someday we may see eye to eye.
My, oh my, please don't cry.

Who's really winning when everyone's sinning?
Yet the world keeps on spinning to our wrecked hearts.

I crave the fire and yet don't like to get burned.
As we undress, we softly caress our scars.
We avoid the  pain by closing our eyes,
but it's something we both can't stop feeling.
And yet we continue invariably denying.

And the silence we share speaks more words than would be divulged had we done otherwise.

The words sent in secret go unnoticed by everything, but my heart has made it difficult to look in the mirror and see the beauty of anything we ever had.

Mirrors show nothing of the pain that pictures do, because then I have to see your shining face with your sparkling eyes, always your eyes.

But you never felt the tears that fell from them. We don't know the touch of each others pain.

Your pained words take on more than you are. And yet we find peace at lust's end. And it is with that end that we are no more.

We've known all along that all we have ever wanted to be is more than the silence that echos in the sliver of space left between our fast beating hearts. I could see it in your eyes when you forgot to guard the doors in.

And now my door opens to a new light.
Silence is golden, but what was once sliver could become silver, oh so easily.

However lighthearted pennies are,
the trouble is not worth the pain.
*She smiles quietly watching him walk away from penny lane.
Mar 2012 · 767
Mountain Climbing
Kyla Mar 2012
My heart takes a leap my head isn't ready for.

My minds dug down deep.

Its a steep mountain I'm climbing.
Mar 2012 · 500
He smiles
Kyla Mar 2012
Kindly crafted consciousness  collides.
With a sudden surprise,
She smiles
Feb 2012 · 771
Kyla Feb 2012
Our childhoods lay out between us,
Like games we pretend to play.
Pieces lost under your bed.
Cards crafter unconsciously into makeshift chaos.
Somehow this was enough.

That was before; when goodnight wasn’t as simple as two words stung loosely together from start to star until it hung silently over our heads.
No, it used to be spelled out in whole solar systems maped out in secret between us.
Escape wasn’t the door you walked out of.
It was a door we swung open and ran into.
I used to watch you blink.
Gusts of wind sending waves
across your blue eyes.

I was convinced that somehow we were pure

I remember sitting on my mother’s lap once.
She whispered
“One say you’re going to outgrow my lap”
I quickly promised back
“We will always fit”

I thought that we were one of those promises.

I waited for you to hang the moon and wake the sun.

Time ran through your veins.
You effortlessly used it.
It echoes through the place I would never belong.

{shoot the moon}
This poem is still in progress. Its supposed to end with shooting the moon like the card game, you look like you're loosing but you win. But I cant find the right words right now. I figured id put it up and see what people think of it now.
Feb 2012 · 586
Modern Love
Kyla Feb 2012
Defined without rules
Forgotten holes to heaven
Love is always there
Jan 2012 · 585
Kyla Jan 2012
Have you ever known me to hold my silence?

I call into the light night.
               I beg for the sky to pull down its shades.

   Pain like this shouldn't be painted on the light purple sky.

Anger like this shouldn't fall so gracefully, so pure, so...


I try again. This time
                    Closing my eyes.

                                I paint my sky dark,
                        forgetting the holes to heaven.
I let my anger fall heavy mixing with all the mistakes
                               I've brushed off like dust.

But when I open my eyes
has changed.

And as the soft wind
wanders around me without a care.

I swear I hear it tell me

                                                                                "some things never will."
Jan 2012 · 538
Have i Gone?
Kyla Jan 2012
its easy to see where ive been.
i leave trails of crooked prints.

the dust i kick up take the form of the lost hope.
it hangs in the air waiting for me to come back.

my long lost cries that shattered the air are left as pieces,
they disgues them self as petals that gave into the wind.

quite eyes can see me running.

its easy to see where im going.
Jan 2012 · 1.3k
Kyla Jan 2012
Black and white,

Only at first sight.

I play carefully,
fingers gliding
  all ways cautious not to strike the wrong note.

Small steps change everything.
Small steps make everything.

You didn't come with a map to follow,
a melody that would sing me home.

So, I follow my heart.
I follow what you whisper to me,
the gentle hush.

Tension tugs with the tight twist of my fingers.

You ease me back, untangling my tight thoughts.

Time is always changing because we both know its
all the same.

I play by ear, full of fear that i'll forget our song.

Without you,
Im silent.
Without me,
you are just black and white.
Jan 2012 · 6.3k
Wind Chimes
Kyla Jan 2012
Your eyelashes send a strong winds,
waves sail across your blue ocean eyes.

I hung  wind chimes off of your heart while you were sleeping,
it tells me which way your mood is swinging.

I try to sing along with the tune, but its quickly lost in the night.

You sing it back to me,
you join in my delight.

We dance quickly across the line we've tried to pretend doesn't exist.
We know what has happened cant be fixed.

Last nigh,
when I laid down to sleep,
I found a wind chimes hung on my heart.

I felt a warm breeze across my neck.

Was it you?
Jan 2012 · 681
Kyla Jan 2012
He spins words like thread,
using them to sew
lies, which he wears
as  his cover.But don't
worry,I wanted you to
spin your words into
lies, so I could use them as my cover.
Jan 2012 · 576
Since We Were Little
Kyla Jan 2012
Sharp like scissors you cut her with words.

Your anger strikes her, but softly,
But to  me they are far worse than the excuse.

Silence is your only excuse.

Please, remember her brown curls and baby face when you  put her in your place.
Friendship like this is hard to replace.

Your feet have walked far distances we can't see.
None of us are what we used to be.

Feel, and don't forget.
For sometimes, words unsaid are what we regret.
Jan 2012 · 675
Kyla Jan 2012
Come today, my love,
I long to linger in your laugh.
Come today, my love,
tell me the tale that cant be told.
Come today, my love,
handle my hollow hands with care.
Come today,my love,
Let me memorize the memories we make.
Come today, my love my patience is short, but you surely know that.
For you, my love,
Linger in the laugh of the tale of my hollow hands memorizing memories that will come with patience.
Jan 2012 · 1.1k
Rocking Chairs
Kyla Jan 2012
Reckless could no longer describe us.
Our movements become a pattern, a series of gives and takes.
We've taken comfort in the creak in the floor.
We look for stability in the reliability of each other.
We have forgotten that this is where we started,
but found its never to late to return.
So we may have become
and returned to each other.
Our lives have been worn by the break of each new day,
but we count few ways
to waste our days
better than
Jan 2012 · 605
Lost at Sea
Kyla Jan 2012
I love you* with the intensity of the sun behind dark, gloomy clouds.
He said, his words drip with the dark waters he's treading.
I love you with the intensity of the relentless struggle the ocean has, always returning to kiss the shore one more time.
She said, her lips covered in  crystal grains of sand.
I hate you so much the only reason must be love. They recite together, all meaning lost at sea.
Jan 2012 · 783
Settle for Sleep
Kyla Jan 2012
Tickle of throat.
Trickle of thought.
You leave me distraught.
Jan 2012 · 482
I Love You
Kyla Jan 2012
There are 3 words that seem hard to say,
but once they have escaped
they like to replay.
Jan 2012 · 663
Kyla Jan 2012
Forgiveness has fogged my fright.
how you must delight.
Jan 2012 · 728
Kyla Jan 2012
Espero que me esperes.
Quedo esperando para ti,
Mi esperaza.
Dec 2011 · 609
Kyla Dec 2011
Wondrous worry wisps through you wavy hair.

                                                                             Enter your thoughts?

                                                                                                                                  I do not dare.
Dec 2011 · 969
I'll Love You For Always
Kyla Dec 2011
Nights stretched as long as I could make them,
I'd flip the pages.
Words we could could read without seeing,
we memorized the many truths.
Crooked notes hung on soft voices,
you'd sing me to sleep.
Dec 2011 · 500
Kyla Dec 2011
Silent screams echo in the silence.
                                    Broken wings have forgotten how to fly.
                                                         I’ve lost myself somewhere between your blue eyes and the ocean,
                                                                                                                                                   are they not the same?
Dec 2011 · 973
Our Trinity
Kyla Dec 2011
Misunderstandings, assumptions and lies.
They are all the same unless you stop making assumptions that I understand your lies.
Dec 2011 · 1.2k
Dandelions in Heart Boxes
Kyla Dec 2011
One might say I loved you.

Sandboxes and puppy paw print tires
is what I remember of you.
Long hot summers spent splashing knee deep in plastic pools.
Cold winters spend building forts,
bundled up so tightly we could spend hours out there.

I used to sit at your fence and have conversations with your dog,
convinced he was the only one who understood me.

Of the backyard you were.
was your queen.
Dec 2011 · 656
You Let it Take
Kyla Dec 2011
Your insecurities are you securities,
the flaws that explain you.
They represent the marks of society,
sketched so many times they have left scars.

Fluent in the language of our media,
You model their myth.

You cover your scars with pain,
but it refuses to dry,
unwilling to tell your lies.

Layer over layer, you will surly suffocate
as it takes the very last trace of your real face.
You take comfort in the lies its made you.
Dec 2011 · 1.5k
Kyla Dec 2011
Definitions divide the divine of what we desire.
Do not delegate your dreams under definitions.
You do not decide what you desire.
Denounce you struggle and discard your plan.
Don't you remember the first day we danced down the dry river?
Droplets of rain drained from the sun. Drenched hearts and delicate hands are depicted.
Delicate hearts we possess.
Dreamy days will drag out.
We are far more deserving than we deem.
We delight in our debt.
We drowned in our doubt.
Dec 2011 · 1.5k
For my Dad
Kyla Dec 2011
The smell of tires and overheated air hits us like confetti pieces as if we've just won the Superbowl.

This is how I choose to remember you.

This was the beginning to our "adventures", hours lost aimlessly wandering down aisles. The list mom wrote, neatly tucked away in the bottom of one of our pockets, whoever she deemed more responsible that day.

Our bellied laughs would bellow clear over the bird feeders, past the flannel lined jeans, and beyond the orange slice candies.

We taught ourselves a new language. One when spoken, always accompanied with a flimsy tongue. One when spoken to anyone but you was just babble.

In this place, we found life without a limit. One where dancing among the Harley Davison vests was acceptable. One where testing the army surplus metal helmets only seemed logical.

We found a place where you didn't have to grow up, time stopped.

For us, we found a place that created equals of us.

These memories, like words stored in dictionaries, are stored in the pages of my mind. On lonely days I visit them, flipping pages, finding your voice, your smile and your silly dance. They echo off the walls of my memories.
                                 and when I open my mouth to echo back it sounds like this :

                                                             ­   Fli
                                                          ­                  Flove
                                                                ­                                Flou
Dec 2011 · 925
Finger Prints
Kyla Dec 2011
Your fingerprints are all around me, making it hard for me to see my own.
Like permanent scars they define us, written in words we don't understand.
I could follow your trail from my hips to my feet, caught around my ears, they drift across my nose.
My own can be traced to the place where confusion starts and stops.
Secrets lie in their curves.
Stronger than their definition is our desire.
Dec 2011 · 650
Apologies like Hymns
Kyla Dec 2011
Lingering touch, you know far too much to mean nothing.
Your words are fatal, ******* me into the middle, driving their implications into my thoughts.
Labeling movements, define our lies, making false truths.
I search for you in my anger, not looking far, knowing you are out of my reach.
Our apologies like hymns are recited everyday.
Like fire in brush, this all happens in a hush.
Dec 2011 · 533
Winter Night
Kyla Dec 2011
Winter night of delight, why do you deceive me.
As morning breaks, dawn takes my last regrets.
Setting sun, let things be done, let your words not forsake me.
Drifting dreams,rip at the seams.
Our lies drift from the skies.
Dec 2011 · 502
Kyla Dec 2011
There are small imperfections in the way you move.
You have bent elbows that will not straighten, always looking for something to wrap around.
Your fingers will trace, across every line, and every place, but they don’t leave any marks.
There are hiccups in your speech, they leave gaping holes where you thoughts echo for no one to hear.
You step cautiously , your feet not quite hardened. They never seem quite as strong as they need to be to take you where you thing you belong.
Your eyes blink more than mine, releasing images you want left behind.
But your feet will take you where you belong. when you get there you won’t need to blink, you’ll close your eyes. Your thoughts wont echo, they will spill. And when you trace you’ll find the empty space of your bent elbow where only a few inches up there is proof you can’t deny.
Dec 2011 · 1.8k
Kyla Dec 2011
Incomplete is my love for you,
always longing for more to hold onto.

Incomplete is the way I see the world
so many corners , doors and windows not explored.

Incomplete is the way you smile,
lies told dancing across your lips.

Incomplete is the cold wind,
stalling the snow stealing the leaves.

Incomplete are my hands,
gaping holes between my fingers.

Incomplete is the night,
sleep lost on its journey.

Incomplete is this poem,
for your eyes may see it, but your heart will never know it.
Dec 2011 · 507
Tangled Words
Kyla Dec 2011
Your words twist on the page
                     Tangling my thoughts

Your fingers tangled in mine
                     Twist the very definition of who we are

Define "us"
This may be the last word you have yet to master
                      Followed closely by love, living, and disaster
Dec 2011 · 597
The Path
Kyla Dec 2011
I waited for him that Fall. I stood right where he left me waiting for him to come back.
    The path pulled the leaves over it, preparing for the cold winter. I tried to remember what it looked like, your foot prints next to mine.
                               Spring came... you didn't.
     I waited as long as I could, wishing, hoping, praying that the words you whispered, that had long ago blown away in the wind had gotten caught in the trees. That the rain might bring them back to me.
     I held my breath every time a bird sung, not wanting to miss its song in case it was the one you sang to me.
     At nigh I laid under the stars watching them, the only witnesses . I wanted them to shine your name, point me in your direction, just replay me what they saw if that's all I could have .
     I touched the tree you first kissed me under, placing my hands, my fingers where yours were the last time you kissed me.
     I waited well into summer hoping that you just couldn't find the path, that new flowers and grass had grown over it , that the dry river we walked had filled...
             only to find the leaves changing again, the path covering, everything turning cold.

— The End —