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Oct 2014 · 411
Life Circles
Kyia B Oct 2014
They say life is a circle,
what goes around, comes around.
But if its a circle,
how come it just ends?
Circles go on forever.
If there is an afterlife,
what comes after that?
Does it last forever?
What's the point of life if it just ends?
Dec 2013 · 589
Lasting Moment
Kyia B Dec 2013
I stare into your eyes,
the color of the sky on a snowy Minnesotan morning,
I get lost in them.
I want to know you, all of you.
Its a strong feeling.
No more little girl giggles,
yet the same joy inside.
I never realized how broken I was,
until I saw the look in your beautiful eyes,
you wanted to hold me,
I didn't stop you.
I felt as if I was safe from everything when in your embrace,
I never wanted to leave.
Then I felt your lips against my neck,
slightly brushing, trying to test me,
I wasn't going anywhere.
I wanted that moment forever.
Kyia B Dec 2013
A slight chill runs through my veins like venom,
dread filled my body as I realize what I have to do.
I stutter as I try to find the right words,
I knew I would blindside you.
After three **** years of sitting quietly
I let it bottle all up,
it was time to stop the flood inside.
The words came out
like ***** after a drunken night.
the tears roll down but I feel a weight lift.
I will always love you,
but it's time to move on,
be free and live, for once in my life,
for myself.
Aug 2013 · 669
A World of Make Believe
Kyia B Aug 2013
I live in a world,
full of magic and creatures.
Where no one can find me,
hiding in it's features.
A place all of my own
Where I call it my home
It lives in the back of your mind,
so someday I'm sure you'll find,
the wealth and beauty that lives within us.
They call it imagination.
Well call it detestation
of the world we once knew.
Now its all falling,
because of their calling
my home a world of make believe.
Apr 2013 · 516
Kyia B Apr 2013
Your skin itches
as it winds through,
slithering up like a snake uncoiling from sleep
eyes heavy and laden
finding the best path.
Soon every part of you starts to itch,
feeling the need to move,
the need to run,
but there's no way to go.
you feel bound to your skin,
Every part of you starts to shake
not being able to abandon the feeling,
you sit and wait,
wait until the shaking stops.
And when it does,
there's no satisfaction,
just a shiver,
and the worry of never knowing
when it'll happen again.
Apr 2013 · 661
Weight of the World
Kyia B Apr 2013
Slumping down,
eyes cast to the ground,
disappointment surges through you
like adrenaline.
You take on more,
thinking you can handle it,
but now it all has fallen in.
A scream builds up,
you swallow it back,
bite your lip
but now the tears won't stop.
You want to be strong,
hold it all up,
keep it all together
but now you feel like you're gonna pop.
The weight of the world is all that you feel.
Try to smile to keep out the worries,
but they'll always be there,
because really nothing's fair.
Feb 2013 · 578
Masters in Disguising
Kyia B Feb 2013
Pain is written in every crevice
Of her once beautiful face,
When life seemed so easy
So careless they say
Are those who go about their days
Without a worry in the world
But not she
The girl who used to love
The girl who fought for herself
But now is lost in the crowed
Of never ending sorrow
And self doubt
Now she hides her pain
With a smile,
It is etched in her face
Though it's rarely ever real
It keeps away questions
And those who can not feel
But pretend to
This is an unknown world to her
But it gets easier
For the one who
Masters in disguising.
Feb 2013 · 420
Everybody's Nothing
Kyia B Feb 2013
Everything without me.
They don't even notice
I've been there many a times
But not enough to be considered one of them
So I ask myself,
How do I change to fit in?
Then I laugh,
Remembering the fact that I'm nothing to them
No reason to pay attention
Nothing special.
It's the internal struggle I hid,
Knowing I'm not worthy
And will always be everybody's nothing.
Kyia B Dec 2012
You sat there with me
looking deep into my eyes,
I thought you knew me,
That for once I wasn't alone.
But then she came
Blonde and bubbly.
Caught your attention
Then you started running
right after her,
leaving me there to think,
It all has to end sometime soon.
I guess I should have held on to those times,
That she stole from me.
I thought I was special,
but I was for only that moment.
Oct 2012 · 389
if just for tonight
Kyia B Oct 2012
At least pretend
if just for tonight
that you care enough
to make it all right.
At least pretend
if just for tonight
that you love me
and wish to hold me tight.
At least pretend
if just for tonight
that you want me
before I lose all sight
of what may be real in my life.
Please be here for me
like you were before
because honestly
I wouldn't ask for anything more.
Sep 2012 · 524
Fall Is My Season
Kyia B Sep 2012
Small chill in the air,
a smell you never forget,
red, orange, and yellow paint the tree-full horizon.
The leaves brush my face
as the fall gracefully down,
reminding me why I love September.
School buses fill the streets once again,
stopping at every corner.
Kids run to each of their houses
filled with stories of their day away.
Maybe it's these feelings
that make this all okay,
to love the way
the leaves fall,
i almost never write happy poems so they're not as emotional ..
Aug 2012 · 469
the Tree
Kyia B Aug 2012
I come
up here to escape
the world and all the
things I never wanted. Don't
even get me started. I dream and
dream but then reality kicks back in.
I wish and wish but it's no use. The
things I want in life just won't come
true. So I sit up here as the
world goes by
all be
just right.
that is my failed attempt at a tree ..
Aug 2012 · 694
Kyia B Aug 2012
Silence is painful.
Silence can ****.
Silence screams the truth
you don't want to hear.
It creeps up on you
before you know it
you're ****** in.
No way to get out.
You'd never say these out loud,
they're loud enough in your mind.
They're the things you want to forget,
but silence brings them back.
All the memories flood your mind.
You can try to push them back out,
but silence shoves it back.
Silence is my enemy.
Something i fear meeting.
Something i hate facing.
Silence is painful.
Silence can ****.
Silence screams the truth
you don't want to hear.
Aug 2012 · 522
masking myself
Kyia B Aug 2012
i once was brave
i used to fight
people looked up to me
but it was all a lie
i wake up each morning
a little past six
praying today be better than the last
i dust off my mask
that sits all alone
maybe someday i can go without it
without fear
without worries
that's a life i would like to live
instead i sit here
like a bird waiting to fly
but i'm too scared to spread my wings
that i keep glued to my side
maybe someday i'll get that courage
that i once had when i was little
Aug 2012 · 477
that spark
Kyia B Aug 2012
It started early
That unusual feeling
It kept me awake at night
Filled my mind.
We started soon
Making our own rules
Hoping that it would last.
Now we're together
Almost all of the time
Yet you feel so distant
Like i never really knew you at all
Never felt that feeling
Never felt that spark.
Don't push me away
Please tell me you'll stay.
Aug 2012 · 437
Kyia B Aug 2012
Breathe in deep.
Hearts still pounding.
Chest is rising and falling all too quickly.
Head starts spinning
from the lack of air
needed to fill my lungs.
All i can think
is to try and run
from some invisible force
that once again
tries to overcome me.
I can feel it now,
slithering up my spine,
winding through me,
like a snake trying to escape.
Blood's pumping faster.
Legs going numb.
Maybe this time I can fight through it.
Maybe I can try and overcome it.
But all I can think
Is to try and run.
Aug 2012 · 1.2k
Kyia B Aug 2012
Hold me back,
force me down.
Tie me up,
pull me around.

Push back the tears
that try to escape,
because of those fears
that you have made.

I am not wholly yours,
I am cutting the strings,
I am breaking out now,
See what the future brings.

— The End —