Spend a little time out in nature
And upon returning you'll find
Different thoughts and ideas
Coming to your mind
Just as an example
After spending a few nights sleeping under the sky
I came to see how nature is real
But much of our "civilization" a lie
Out where I was at
The air was fresh, the water pure
At home the air is filtered in
And the water, you can't really be sure
Eating from the forest
I knew exactly what I ate
But that stuff from our supermarkets?
What much of it really is, is up for debate.
The more I looked around
At this civilazation of man
The more I knew I had to get away from it all
As soon as I can
From the fake tans
To the artificial light
Against nature we struggle
And to our demise we fight
We change our bodies
And concrete the ground
As if nature is to be stamped out
Where ever it is found
I guess that will never stop
As mankind just can't get it's fill
Just know should I go missing
I've escaped civilization, for that which is real.