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Ky Philbilly May 2015
Freedom isn't free
There is a price to pay
To honor those who gave all
Is the purpose of Memorial Day

Since the Revolutionary War
Many Americans have paid that debt
May we remember their sacrifice
And may we never forget

America's sons and daughters
America's very best
Who laid down their lives
To ensure liberty for the rest

And still today
There are those laying down their life
Sons and daughters of grieving parents
Maybe someone's mom or dad, husband or wife

So as you go into this weekend
It is a time to reflect
On those who have paid the ultimate price
May the memory of their sacrifice, we never neglect

We owe them a debt
That can't be repaid
Keep that in mind my friends
As the ceremonial wreaths are laid.
Ky Philbilly May 2015
Blessed with another day
New adventures to reveal
But only if we live it
Not just as time we have to ****

Make the most of every second
On your face keep a smile
Make it all exciting
Live a life that is worthwhile

You say it's only Tuesday
Just another day of your work week
But anything can be made adventerous
If adventure you should seek

So live today in zeal
Live it for all it's worth
Because you never know my friend
It could be your last ever on this Earth.
Ky Philbilly May 2015
Spend a little time out in nature
And upon returning you'll find
Different thoughts and ideas
Coming to your mind

Just as an example
After spending a few nights sleeping under the sky
I came to see how nature is real
But much of our "civilization" a lie

Out where I was at
The air was fresh, the water pure
At home the air is filtered in
And the water, you can't really be sure

Eating from the forest
I knew exactly what I ate
But that stuff from our supermarkets?
What much of it really is, is up for debate.

The more I looked around
At this civilazation of man
The more I knew I had to get away from it all
As soon as I can

From the fake tans
To the artificial light
Against nature we struggle
And to our demise we fight

We change our bodies
And concrete the ground
As if nature is to be stamped out
Where ever it is found

I guess that will never stop
As mankind just can't get it's fill
Just know should I go missing
I've escaped civilization, for that which is real.
Ky Philbilly May 2015
Hate doesn't need a reason
Only an excuse
And is hard to reign in
Once it is loose

It hurts the hater
Much more than the hated
And will certainly destroy
If it is not abated

It starts out
As such a small seed
But grows very fast
And spreads like a ****

It is a cancer
Pure poison in the soul
Leaving you with only regret
For the joy it stole

It doesn't have to be fatal
There is certainly a cure
But it's deadly if untreated
Of that you can be sure.
Ky Philbilly May 2015
I'm not superman
And way too slow to be the flash
I'm definitely not batman
As I don't have Bruce Wayne's cash

Can't swim good enough
To be aquaman
And I'm too chubby by far
To wear the tights of Peter Pan

I can't be the hulk
I just don't look right in green
Ironman? forget it
That suits way too technical a machine

I'm not your typical superhero
You've never heard of me
But should we ever be attacked by bacon
My super power you would see

I can't leap over a tall building
In a single bound
But I can eat bacon non-stop
Pound after pound

You know it's only a matter of time
Bacon will attack sooner or later
But have no fear dear citizens
Ky Philbilly May 2015
I'm so thankful for my Mother
And the Mother of my sons too
As for our family
They are certainly the glue

They hold us together
Through both sunshine and rain
Through the calm seas and the storms
Through all the joys and the pain

I readily confess
I am blessed in many ways in my life
But no blessings so dear
As the blessing of my Mom and my Wife.

Happy Mother's Day!
Ky Philbilly May 2015
Of all the blessings
Showered from above
Can any compare
To a Mother's love?

From your birth
For all of her years
She shares your joy
As well as your tears

No matter what you do
Or even what you say
A Mother's love never lessens
In any way

With a love so gentle
That can also be tough
She guides and corrects
For when times get rough

"I spent the best years
Of my life
In the arms
Of another man's wife"

That is a quote
My Grand-pa once said
As he laid
In a hospital bed

He meant his Mom
And I have to agree
As a Mother's love is the greatest
Outside of God's you'll see

So happy Mother's Day ladies
Thank you for all that you do
You truly are a blessing from God
And we love and appreciate you!
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