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xjs May 2014
it isn't just writing poetry, it's banishing your demons with the ink of a pen
550 · May 2014
xjs May 2014
i know this is a selfish request
but please don't leave me
you're the only thing that i have left
and if you go, i might just snapped
i know that i'm a mess
but please just stay
and love me till i am me again
without you
i'll be
513 · Apr 2014
i love you
xjs Apr 2014
we're just friends
and i don't know if you
know about i feel for you
but if you do
and the feeling isn't mutual
please just pretend that you
don't know anything
463 · Apr 2014
my fears
xjs Apr 2014
let us not be this way
let us just be normal
can't you see that i'm only
pretending to be calm
on the outside but actually
i'm shaking like some
earthquake eruption
deep inside of me
my fears are always getting to me
and i really can't help it
there's nothing i could do
i want to scare my demons away
but instead they are the ones who
are winning the battle
i'm trying not to be in this state
i really am, please believe me
i don't want to scare you
but please promise me
you'll stay, even if you're lying
i just can't handle it
the thought of losing you
what would i be
without your
314 · Apr 2014
xjs Apr 2014
home could be you
wrapping your arms
around me on cold days
smothering me
and me
getting lost in your lovely

— The End —